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Famous Bands Playing To Tiny Audiences

I went to see Slade at the shoulder of mutton pub in Hardstoft in their hayday, part of an audience of ~200.

The tour t-shirt was quite funny as the SoM pub was stuck in the middle of arena venues. :)
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My best one was Suede supported by PJ Harvey at Thames Poly in front of about 20 people. Very early on in both of their careers but they'd both generated a lot of hype already and I was surprised that no-one could be arsed to travel to Woolwich to see them. PJ Harvey was already fucking ace.
My best one was Suede supported by PJ Harvey at Thames Poly in front of about 20 people. Very early on in both of their careers but they'd both generated a lot of hype already and I was surprised that no-one could be arsed to travel to Woolwich to see them. PJ Harvey was already fucking ace.
I was at that! worked on the ents crew! mad one, lots of industry bods
PJ and Suede were great
Had guest list to see Surgeon (famous techno DJ) at The Concorde (that was a weird venue - fish and chip shop by day, nightclub at night) in Brighton back in 96. There was only about 10 people there.
Mainly, as I'm sure I've bored you with before, was a Verve fanboy in about 1992, before 'The Verve', before Ashcroft disappeared up his own backside, when they were AMAZING live...to me, my mate, and about 10 other people in various stupid places across the UK. Also Spiritualized once. Loop and Spacemen 3 in Northampton.

But...David Bowie to six people at Phoenix. Played drum and bass experimentally (secret gig) and was shite. But I can say I stood right in front of David Bowie.
Not a tiny audience, but a tiny venue…

I was on monitor world for UB40 when they played the Hare & Hounds (capacity 250) as the opening show of the “Signing Off” 30th anniversary tour. It was mental, we had to cram a full arena sized shows worth of gear onto a stage that was about a quarter of the absolute minimum size we needed. We couldn’t even have the monitor desk at the side of stage as usual, it was at the back of the room with the FOH console.

As for 250… I’d say probably another 50-100 more at least. You literally couldn’t move, if anything had gone wrong on stage there was zero chance any of us could have got up there to fix it.

Ace gig :cool:
I saw Nirvana, in support of Tad, at a pub in Leeds, shortly after Bleach came out
I wonder what Tad's up to these days? Good live. Saw him with Mudhoney once. I'm sort of scared to Google- he was a big old boy back then.

ETA: Still going. Sang for Soundgarden once. I never knew that.
I’m pretty sure that I was on the bar in the 100-capacity upstairs room of the Jug of Ale in 1994 when Oasis played, but I never really paid any attention to the bands. They were just there to distract the punters for enough time to collect and wash the glasses before the next flurry of demand.
I played a headline set with the levellers at the old queens head on stockwell road with hardly any (could have been none) attendance in the late 80s, me and the singer of my band strong armed a pint to share from the promoter at the end of the gig by which time they probably were back in brighton on the level
not no attendance but did live sound for an artist in a 75 cap venue a few weeks ago and he has 1.75 million monthly listenres on spotify???
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