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Bands / artists you own the most music by

Magma which I now refuse to listen to.

Sun Ra. Naturally.

The Fall and King Crimson are just about up there and I lump them together to annoy the ghost of Mark E Smith.

Can for sure


Weirdly large amount of Nurse With Wound

Henry Cow probably wins as I have absolutely everything including the box set of rubbish live recordings.
Another one for The Fall. I've been a fan for around 40 years. Obviously helps that they were so long-lived and prolific. I'm not a completist, so singles-wise it's probably only around 5-10, and there were a few albums in that 90s trough that I didn't bother with, plus the last couple where MES was obviously a mess. Still must have around 20-25 albums, though.

Stereolab would be next. All the studio albums, plus all the Switched On comps, and I've got a fair few singles, 10"ers and the like.

After that if you lump in all the associated bands (Silver Mt. Zion, Set Fire To Flames, Fly Pan Am, Hiss Tracts etc.) it would be Godspeed You! Black Emperor. I buy everything they do.
Hard to tell as I mostly stream now. I have virtually everything Underworld have ever officially released, plus a number of bootlegs and unofficial releases with is a sizable catalogue if you include Freur, and Underworld Mk I and MkII versions. I have the entire catalogues of The Orb and Pink Floyd too (or as or around 2013 when I did a massive download). I'm not really a completist with most of the bands I love. I don't know any band with a lengthy career who were consistently good from start to finish so having everything is bound to result in a lot of duff music along the way, or just numerous duplicates on best of's and singles and suchlike.
I knew The Fall would get a lot of mentions. I only have four of theirs, among normies that'd seem weird and obsessive I'm sure, but here it's positively neglectful.

I've just noticed and remembered a little cd box set of the Incredible String Band's first 5 albums on the shelf, and I'm currently reminding myself how amazing The Hangman's Beautiful Daughter is... ❤️

Tom Waits - most of his albums and several live recordings.
Super Furry Animals - all the albums, plus some singles and the remix album.

I have most of the Ghost Box records catalogue.
Dylan of course.

Stopped buying physical media 10+ years ago but doubt anyone's overtaken him. Maybe Shostakovich.
Orb and buy as Vinyl, sent many email to LX moaning should new album not reasled on Vinyl.

BadOrd stuff wasn't got was mp3 not the same.

@skyscraper I have most of the Thursday Time time shows from Groovetec I riped back then (Orb)
The Fall and King Crimson are just about up there and I lump them together to annoy the ghost of Mark E Smith.
The Fall and Van Der Graf Generator/Peter Hammill is a more valid comparison/ influence imo.
Limiting myself just to chassa-shop purchase CDs

Belle & Sebastian
Donald Fagen/SD
Tricky cos I slowly switched over from physical to digital quite some time ago, so as with many people my answers can only be a very dated snapshot of my tastes, but I reckon Rudimentary Peni must be up there. I think I might have every Fucked Up album on CD as well. The vast majority of the Fall stuff I "own" is just files and doesn't exist in physical form, but I suspect I have at least two Fall best-of comps with minimal crossover, perhaps a third.
Magma which I now refuse to listen to.

What’s the reason for this?

I tagged along with my brother to see them at the Barbican a few years ago and bought an album that I’ve never listened to.

Know very little about them other than that.
What’s the reason for this?

I tagged along with my brother to see them at the Barbican a few years ago and bought an album that I’ve never listened to.

Know very little about them other than that.

Leader/drummer/singer has a Hitler thing going on. It's not clear exactly what his position is and the whole thing is hushed up, but given the cryptic nature of the germanic style lyrics and the militaristic/spiritual nature of the music I decided I couldn't live with it. It's a great shame because they are utterly original, genius even.

See here for the details
Tricky cos I slowly switched over from physical to digital quite some time ago, so as with many people my answers can only be a very dated snapshot of my tastes, but I reckon Rudimentary Peni must be up there. I think I might have every Fucked Up album on CD as well. The vast majority of the Fall stuff I "own" is just files and doesn't exist in physical form, but I suspect I have at least two Fall best-of comps with minimal crossover, perhaps a third.
I thought you meant the artist 'Tricky' at first. Had to re-read what you'd put.
After that if you lump in all the associated bands (Silver Mt. Zion, Set Fire To Flames, Fly Pan Am, Hiss Tracts etc.) it would be Godspeed You! Black Emperor. I buy everything they do.
Me too. I’m a CST records completist. I have nearly everything the label has put out.
Leader/drummer/singer has a Hitler thing going on. It's not clear exactly what his position is and the whole thing is hushed up, but given the cryptic nature of the germanic style lyrics and the militaristic/spiritual nature of the music I decided I couldn't live with it. It's a great shame because they are utterly original, genius even.

See here for the details

Blimey. Thanks for the info.
Most of my music purchases have been electronic since by the time I had money to pay for it, most music I wanted was already digital. But I've got physical copies of every album by Aphex Twin, Board of Canada, FSOL (especially the extra artwork edition of Dead Cities - the first electronic record I ever bought much to the mockery of the "you're only allowed to like rock/metal" crowd that were my facsimile of friends back in '96), Pixies, PJ Harvey, Nick Cave and Radiohead.

Probably the largest collection I have is that of Cocteau Twins since I have a fair amount of their vinyl as well as the CDs, just for the looks. As well as being truly unique musically, Vaughan Oliver's artwork that adorned most of their covers is almost as ethereally beautiful as the songs. Similarly I have a lot of his other vinyl covers from 4AD stablemates.

So nothing terribly obscure or worthy or even recent since I largely don't have the time to devote to discovering music any more (and I got in to it very late in any case, wasn't even allowed a radio until I was 14), but what I have I love. Sadly this isn't stored in my dedicated music and artwork study... because living in a small flat I don't have one :( Some day, some day...
65daysofstatic. have all their albums/soundtracks on record and mostly on CD as well. one or two eps as well. not sure if theyve really done singles since the very early days so missing these. know this doesn't count the online stuff but have rips of loads of bootlegged shows and unreleased/unreleasable cds too from one of their old fan sites. think they're one of the only bands ive constantly followed. often fall out of love after record 3/4. or maybe their one of the only bands ive closely followed to make it this far!
I have a vast vinyl collection (3000+ easily and a long-standing bone of contention with Mrs SFM) but of those the most of any act would be

Frank Sinatra
Pink Floyd
Led Zep

With the exception of Sinatra (40+ official releases), the others’ official releases are seriously augmented (& dwarfed) by lots of bootlegs. In the case of Floyd there’s at least 50+ bootlegs supplementing the official releases.
I knew The Fall would get a lot of mentions. I only have four of theirs, among normies that'd seem weird and obsessive I'm sure, but here it's positively neglectful.

I've just noticed and remembered a little cd box set of the Incredible String Band's first 5 albums on the shelf, and I'm currently reminding myself how amazing The Hangman's Beautiful Daughter is... ❤️

Brilliant album. I always give it a spin in the weeks up to Xmas. Mrs SFM won’t let me play it if she’s in the house though. It’s grounds for divorce. (Just a blast of “I hear that the Emperor of China, once wore iron shoes with ease..” sends her into a fury…)
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