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Extinction Rebellion

every forum has one:rolleyes:

In a race, the quickest runner can never overtake the slowest, since the pursuer must first reach the point whence the pursued started, so that the slower must always hold a lead.:thumbs::thumbs:
in the marathon the quickest runner never needs to overtake the slowest as the faster runners start before the halt and lame
They seem very keen on the "not letting people move around on arbitrary grounds without stating what power is being used" thing at the moment.

St Johns is where the Red Rebel Brigade are staying incidentally - yesterday they were apparently allowed to continue - Red Rebels walking tall at St John’s

I'm sure this will all get legally challenged and some months down the line may even be ruled unlawful but I have a feeling it won't stop them.

St John's have said that the police didn't say this, mind you, and I saw the Red Rebels at Trafalgar Square this afternoon, so eh.


im still inclined towards the view that XR might be the beginning of something wonderful. Numbers of new people, prepared to risk a great deal, standing up for values far more human than anything that capital could ever offer, just is very stirring.

Becoming more and more attracted to them. There are so many local groups, the (inaccurate, it seems) tweet about the church came from XR Guildford, there is an XR Godalming, that's 4 miles away, there is also Haslemere and Farnham that I know of, seems they they are in every town, a very popular movement. Went for a bike ride with Godalming XR a few weeks ago and they were very friendly and committed, if a little naive. Really considering going along, every Wednesday night in local church. Not tonight though, got a nice tea lined up :)
im still inclined towards the view that XR might be the beginning of something wonderful. Numbers of new people, prepared to risk a great deal, standing up for values far more human than anything that capital could ever offer, just is very stirring.
Yeh well it's very sadly too little too late as anyone watching with trepidation the news on the arctic methane will agree. When a massive fart of submarine methane happens, as the arctic oceans warm, it'll be "game over"
Yeh well it's very sadly too little too late as anyone watching with trepidation the news on the arctic methane will agree. When a massive fart of submarine methane happens, as the arctic oceans warm, it'll be "game over"

If it is too late there is no proper case for political action, but a massive argument for simply saying fuck it, we are all dead, so lets get stoned and pissed and shag ourselves into oblivion. So many are probably into that despairing hopelessness already that you could be right. But i don't believe that you believe that anyway - you hold on to anarchism don't you? Why bother if its game over?
Photos from today






In photos: Extinction Rebellion activists defy protest ban and pack out Trafalgar Square, 16th Oct 2019

Great photos.

Really glad to see XR do this.

Its made the police look stupid.

After what I saw at Vauxhall Gardens yesterday it looked the the Met had managed to stop the protest.

What XR have shown is that if you have the numbers the police back off.

Be interesting to see what happens on Saturday.

I'm going on the anti Brexit March and looks like XR will be in central London at same time.

, in the face of the attempt by the Metropolitan Police to silence people, with a London wide ban on our peaceful assembly?”

So hopefully XR leaders won't be training new recruits to " Send love out to police" or teach them to tell people "That the police just have a job to do and feed their families like the rest of us"

Things I've seen and heard.
The XR planned protest on Saturday which coincides with Peoples Vote March is going to be interesting.

I've chatted to a lot of XR from other parts of country and I'd say they are all Remain. We did get into this in chats. Official XR position is the the Brexit issue doesn't matter. Climate Emergency is the issue. So XR does not officially have view on Brexit. Unlike Green Party which is Remain.

I had long chat with XR from Manchester. I said to them why don't XR just come out and say they want Green Socialism. Green New Deal is supported by Labour party. I said most XR I'd met came across as Green Lefties. So why not drop the "Beyond Politics" banners.

They replied that basically I was right. But they didn't want to do this as it may put some people off. That Labour party under Corbyn, despite his support and Labour party agreeing Green New Deal, was a "divisive" party.

So its this , in my mind, bizarre, seeking for the centre ground mythical person, who supports action against climate change.

Which in reality is not the substantial make up of XR supporters.

I also think the leaders like Hallam have some really dubious politics. As I've said before they are Green Nationalists with undemocratic side to it.

I do think if XR is to develop its going to have to openly have these issues out. Make some kind of democratic structure.

I'm afraid several of the XR people I chatted to were naively under the impression that "Peoples Assemblies" are democratic. They aren't.
Extinction Reb0ellion at the You Tube headquarters in Kings Cross today. Helicopters flying overhead all morning. More police than protestors. Are the regular police in control or is it MI5?.
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