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Ex-soldier's message to the military

Another ex-soldier thoughts on Veterans Day:

"Think about it. Who did I serve in my 20 years in the military? If you really think it was you then "you are welcome". Please forgive me if I don't see how I served you. Unless you are a capitalist and made big money I don't understand how I served you. I know how I served myself and my family trying to make a living and have a pension and medical benefits. I thought I was serving you when I did it. But I have come to realize that I really wasn't. I am not pissed if you don't thank me. I am pissed that Exxon-Mobil, BP the Koch Brothers, General Dynamics, Halliburton, United Technologies, Raytheon and Northrop Grumman haven't sent me a personal message. I really helped them."
The good old internet, where 'research' gets done.
You cannot get any better than the horses mouth, another soldier, which was the whole point of the thread. I know there are more soldiers like this online, but I can't remember the name(s)
panpete have you watched these videos you're posting all the way through? there's some very odd views in them
I have watched them. The truth is stranger than fiction and in this case I think this statement rings true. I think the masses are meant to view these views as odd.
If someone has a new view and it is seen as strange, or weird, this often puts the person off pursuing what is true for them, and just going along with the masess.
You cannot get any better than the horses mouth, another soldier, which was the whole point of the thread. I know there are more soldiers like this online, but I can't remember the name(s)

how do you know he was a soldier? as anyone who has stood at the bar of a pub for more than 20 seconds will know, if everyone who seemed overly attached to the word 'fuck' and who told you they were 'ex-military' actually was ex-military, the British Army would physically have covered the globe 5 times over.

he's a looper. i don't care if his 'military service' extended to walking past a recruiting office or if he failed - because he's a cock - phase one with the utterly shit RLC, he's still a deranged looper.
I thought I would post this, says it all, really

Before one judges the content of his 'message', you really need to know his military history. An awful lot of people posting 'anti-military' stuff, simply weren't able to hack it in the forces. Being kicked out tends to engender a sense of bitterness.
Before one judges the content of his 'message', you really need to know his military history. An awful lot of people posting 'anti-military' stuff, simply weren't able to hack it in the forces. Being kicked out tends to engender a sense of bitterness.
as does being kicked in.

bring kicked does that to people.
Do you think that lizards are masquerading as power people?
Well, I did say, as it came up in my other thread, that you will always get your tiny-minority whackos, but at the same time, I guess Tesla or Da Vinci got responses along the same vain as yours.
I just like to be conscious of what is going on, I don't have kids, but as a human in this generation, I feel that I do have some duty to future generations, to show them new things.
I would go insane if I tried to live a totally 100% conscious life, as I eat too many additives in food, and I do alot of other consuemer related things that are harmful to me in physical or mental ways. I also drink and take drugs, although I am still in the longest break from booze I have had in a year, 7 days, but I am veering off the point.
I like to keep an open mind, to be aware that there are forces around us, that do not have our interests at heart, and it is more than just, simply not caring, or it failing to cross their minds, and when I say their, I do not mean the vastest-vast majority of individuals, I mean those at the very top, the people driven to cause massive destruction to earth and humanity, I maintain, that it does cross their minds.
You might not be able to find this stuff on the internet, you will come across a lot of other batshit crazy stuff that doesn't make sense to you, fine.
It's easy to tip the baby out with the bathwater on this though, I did that, anything that didn't make sense to me and my familiar mainstream background that I was comfortably sat in, I dismissed and I ridiculed anything outside of that.
Some things started to make sense to me, and I chose to follow those that did, and drop those that didn't, or were no longer making sense.
What I read, what I watched, why's and the hows?

Whether certain things outside the norm, like kafka-esque motivatoins from those above , start to make sense to you or not, it doesn't care, because it will keep on doing it's evil stuff.
Many people like me are waking up.
You have a choice, whether to watch the video or not, and both are ok.

And, don't forget, I am not talking in the individual minds of people, because, yes, for the vastest-vast majority of well off people, in one context you are right, it wouldn't, cross their minds, but I am talking about those at the very top of this complicated but evil terror.

And by the way, the reptilian lizard side of things, never made sense to me, and still don't, but I haven't totally dismissed it out of hand, it is just that it doesn't make sense to me at the moment and i don't know if it ever will, but it's never say never.
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Panpete, this is a better thread. What that ex-soldier says is very plausible and I can understand why he is an angry man.

Here is another one for you.
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