You just know he's up to no good in his basement
alpha male energy
you would believe he is Satire but just someone lost in their own self belief
he mommy told him he was handsome once to often
You just know he's up to no good in his basement
alpha male energy
you would believe he is Satire but just someone lost in their own self belief
he mommy told him he was handsome once to often
Tbf, plenty of alpha males who happen to be gay, it's not necessarily a straight thing. Although some hetero alphas would balk at the notion that gay men can be alphas...he is also australian who for some reason defended hooters as a main stain of american male culture
another gobshite willing to say anything for attention
but alpha energy... only like other men with the same energy
more that likely will get caught out paying for a male escort at sometime within the next year or so
he is also australian who for some reason defended hooters as a main stain of american male culture
He's definitely a super dicktbf my point was nick endless twitter feed trying to back up his hyper masculinity ...
they guy is australian after all but
look guys i'm super straight
A gold one?I'm sure that could be photoshopped for him sitting on the loo
King Midas' ThroneA gold one?
he is also australian who for some reason defended hooters as a main stain of american male culture
I feel bad for her. Its elder abuse to drag elderly people about to make them serve your agenda. She should have been replaced a couple of years ago. And, therein lies the problem with the Democratic Party. They aren't willing to give over the reins to a younger generation. You see a lack of people who really could walk in and take charge because they've not been taken under the wings of their elders and prepared to assume power.
I guess this was the only she was going to go before her term was up
Dianne Feinstein, California's longest-serving senator, dies at 90
The death of Dianne Feinstein leaves vacant her powerful Senate seat, requiring Gov. Gavin Newsom to appoint a temporary
We have a clue that could win a 1.5k bartab. Tree look like it was a sycamore
Who's this Nick Adams who describes himself as an "Alpha Male"?