try explaining this to an "alpha" maleAnyone who has to designate themselves "Alpha Male" isn't. This is based on faulty reporting of a scientific study anyway. There really isn't such a thing as an "alpha" wolf. There's mostly just "mom" and "dad."
On the few occasions where I've encountered someone doing that whole alpha male thing, I proudly and confidently declare myself a Beta Male, and happy as such. It does tend to cause a bit of a furrowed brow in the Alpha, who detects that I am not demonstrating the subservice due to him from a Beta, and (hopefully) gets suspicious that I might be a stealth Alpha Male or some other kind of threat to his alpha masculinity.try explaining this to an "alpha" male
e2a: actually don'r, you will get more enjoyement and results headbutting a wall
On the few occasions where I've encountered someone doing that whole alpha male thing, I proudly and confidently declare myself a Beta Male, and happy as such. It does tend to cause a bit of a furrowed brow in the Alpha, who detects that I am not demonstrating the subservice due to him from a Beta, and (hopefully) gets suspicious that I might be a stealth Alpha Male or some other kind of threat to his alpha masculinity.
Is "throwing his anchors under the table" an expression anyone, anywhere has ever used before?
It's a bit niche, it's clear he's referring to Fox News anchors, but it's odd to say he's throwing them under the table, rather than over the side.
An understandable mistake from someone who is the archetype of the "buses are for other people" tendency. Has Trump ever travelled on a bus in his life?news anchors, of course, I thought he'd garbled some nautical metaphor
by "table" I guess he meant "bus"
An understandable mistake from someone who is the archetype of the "buses are for other people" tendency. Has Trump ever travelled on a bus in his life?news anchors, of course, I thought he'd garbled some nautical metaphor
by "table" I guess he meant "bus"
Is "throwing his anchors under the table" an expression anyone, anywhere has ever used before?
Grifter has his own thread:So beard and beanie combos like that are woke?
So beard and beanie combos like that are woke?
is he every upset about anything or just acting outrage contrary for view ship
he shooting into a barrel of the lowest common denominator of trump evangalist fuck wits
was it not a last controversial view point sexy green M&Ms before he launched on Canada
withstanding that was the whole plot of Canadian Bacon not a right wing arm of the US government not trying to distract Gobshites
First the transgender, now the bloggers. Typical bloke loves lists.