Also, had a cop been present, she could have been issued with a £50 fixed penalty notice.
I'm surprised
Pickman's model so seldom finds himself put at risk by motorists who do stuff they are not supposed to, but face zero consequences because no cop was present. Because it happens to me all the time as a pedestrian. It happens every single time I step outside my front door and multiple cars go past at speeds way over the 20mph limit. Every time a motorist fails to slow down or stop to let me cross the opening of a side road on my way to the shops, which is most times I walk to the shops. These are actions that are in effect free of consequence for the driver, but literally put my life at risk.
I too am sometimes annoyed with cyclists on the pavement, and sometimes they put me at some risk, but only quite rarely at serious risk, and on a typical walk it's not something that happens at all whilst some kind of bad motorist behaviour is almost guaranteed.
Maybe car drivers and cyclists are somehow completely different on the Holloway Road compared to south London.