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Entirely unashamed anti car propaganda, and the more the better.

^^^ paging T & P
Look at this kid, the awful hypocrite, saying all that and then admitting he can't wait to be able to drive and that he will be driving! And his only excuse is that the urban design of his neighbourhood gives him no option!
But cynical - smacks of the ultimate NIMBYism to me.

Massively, be interesting to see in 3 years which scheme makes the most difference.

Less ambitious/higher coverage Vs more ambitious/lower coverage.

They must have an idea of what % of traffic is local vs not.

And they are already better than Ealings schemes they rolled back
Everything’s fine…

Pedestrian fatalities on US streets have surged in the past decade. In 2021, 7,485 pedestrians were killed by vehicles. That’s an increase of more than 65% since 2011 and the highest annual total in 40 years.

Massively, be interesting to see in 3 years which scheme makes the most difference.

Less ambitious/higher coverage Vs more ambitious/lower coverage.

They must have an idea of what % of traffic is local vs not.

And they are already better than Ealings schemes they rolled back
Well I guess they’re better than nothing but Hackney & Lambeth really leading the way.

When people are complaining about their 10min journeys being lengthened it just smacks of selfishness, arrogance & cluelessness. We’ve spent far too long indulging selfish drivers at the expense of everyone else and they have tantrums about the smallest inconvenience. Hammersmith smacks of pandering to these people yet again.

The chair is designed to give those who work in an office a feeling of what it's like to have a car from Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles as your workplace," said Volkswagen. "You can drive, honk and listen to music – even signal as you take a turn into a meeting room," the brand added.


Of course Manchester famously has very little public transport so what you going to do….
Weird people opposing less pollution. They could talk about better scrapage scheme rather than just opposing. Car culture is toxic.

tories gonna tory.

Though really are there any votes going to be lost taking this position ?
Yet originally brought in by Boris Johnson - reducing pollution shouldn’t be about politics but so many crazy Tories around at the mo.
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