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Entirely unashamed anti car propaganda, and the more the better.

The car lobby’s just crazy - too many cars is never the problem.


Children are fine to ride on the pavement until age 10, that being the age of criminal responsibility from which they can be prosecuted for the offence. Not sure what the best age to start properly riding on the road is though - I didn't learn to ride a bike until I was 13, at which point I then kept going out for 30 mile round trips into the countryside and managed ok, so probably less than 13 for riding to school.
Children aren’t just small adults with less experience. The very way they process and understand the world goes through developmental stages. A five year old is so early in that developmental process that, at least in western countries where Piaget’s model broadly holds, they’ll still be in what is called the “preoperational stage”. That means they struggle with the perspective of others and have a very literal, concrete understanding of the world, ie they struggle with symbolic meaning. These characteristics make them highly inappropriate users of the road in anything other than a heavily supervised capacity.
Some five year olds even need supervision crossing the road. They can’t judge speed and distance as well as older children and adults (many adults are shit at it too tbf, judging from my observations)
Exactly. We’re back to the “I have to drive my kid to school because all the cars make it dangerous otherwise” argument. It’s mental.

Then if you suggest that maybe speed limits should be lowered further, all pavement parking banned, LTN’s everywhere and segregated bike paths should be built on every road, you get told that’s not possible because… cars.
Exactly. We’re back to the “I have to drive my kid to school because all the cars make it dangerous otherwise” argument. It’s mental.

Then if you suggest that maybe speed limits should be lowered further, all pavement parking banned, LTN’s everywhere and segregated bike paths should be built on every road, you get told that’s not possible because… cars.
I don't see how the answer to that is sending five-year-olds into traffic. If parents want to save time organise walking buses. I have four primary schools within five-year-old walking distance . If you can't walk to school why are you going to that school?
5 is simply too young to be able to deal with the reality of what the UK's roads are like. If there's a segregated bike route to school, let the 5 year old cycle. If not, put them in a trailer. None of this is incompatible with calling for safer roads and better cycle infrastructure.
How many posts and no comment about the atrocious, dangerous & selfish driving. Just accepted.
Because that's not the stand out bad behaviour in that video, it's the cunt sending his own kid, who's barely higher than a car door handle, into UK traffic without so much as a flag to draw attention to him. Someone should send social services round.
Because that's not the stand out bad behaviour in that video, it's the cunt sending his own kid, who's barely higher than a car door handle, into UK traffic without so much as a flag to draw attention to him. Someone should send social services round.
Really? A driver driving straight at a kid isn’t the bad behaviour? As I said it’s just accepted. Depressing.
More like “the human being didn’t condemn the suicide bomber - we’ve just come to accept suicide bombers as always going to happen”

Erm, no. Demanding condemnation from everyone and judging them when the don't offer it doesn't say anything about anyone's views but your own.
More like “the human being didn’t condemn the suicide bomber - we’ve just come to accept suicide bombers as always going to happen”
It's more like 'Russia shouldn't have invaded Ukraine so let's send the kids unarmed to Kherson'.
Really? A driver driving straight at a kid isn’t the bad behaviour? As I said it’s just accepted. Depressing.

I'm not impressed by the driving but I see worse regularly (which is why my kids would never be in that situation). And any driver that does drive into that kid has the ready made excuse that he's exceptionally close to the ground with no flag.

Because life isn’t always that simple.
So you'd have been happy sending your kids out at that age on that bike on that road? Both parents agreed on that?
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Five year old children shouldn’t be cycling in the road even if there is precisely zero school traffic. It’s still a road with cars in it, even if those cars are infrequent. Plus even in a better word, that road would still have other users, like adult cyclists. Five year-olds are developmentally not equipped to handle that.
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There’s a difference between saying a 5yr old shouldn’t cycle on roads and a 5yr shouldn’t cycle to school.

I tend the agree with the first (depends on the road) but certainly not the second.
There’s a difference between saying a 5yr old shouldn’t cycle on roads and a 5yr shouldn’t cycle to school.

I tend the agree with the first (depends on the road) but certainly not the second.
Who is arguing that a five year old shouldn’t cycle to school?
So you'd have been happy sending your kids out at that age on that bike on that road? Both parents agreed on that?
I regularly ride on roads with my now 7 year old and have done since he was able to ride a bike. We ride 2 abreast, in primary position everywhere. That way I can either ride forward of, or drop back behind him as and when the situation requires.
I regularly ride on roads with my now 7 year old and have done since he was able to ride a bike. We ride 2 abreast, in primary position everywhere. That way I can either ride forward of, or drop back behind him as and when the situation requires.
Any visual aids on his bike? Would you have approached the above situation behind him or stayed on his right to block the car?
Any visual aids on his bike? Would you have approached the above situation behind him or stayed on his right to block the car?
What do you mean by visual aids? Really don’t think it’s a problem of the driver seeing the kid.
What do you mean by visual aids? Really don’t think it’s a problem of the driver seeing the kid.
A flag like a recumbent bike has. His head's about 1m20 off the ground and about the same height as the bottom of the passenger window.
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