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Entirely unashamed anti car propaganda, and the more the better.

Soon, Ian found that paying the daily fee was "draining" his finances. "It was like a heavy weight on my mind every week," he said.

"I didn’t drive the van very much and when I did I would normally take it camping and park it for a few days," he said.

Man makes bad choices, lies to newspaper.
"But it wasn’t compliant with the Clean Air Zone, so every single time I left my house I was fined £9 - which I thought was a bit communist really”


platinumsage what is it with you pro car nutters obsession with communist regimes.

Very weird economics that it’s cheaper for him to move house, buy an additional car and drive each day into Bath rather than pay £9 once or twice a week. Almost like he’s talking bullshit. But yeah, we should just allow old polluting vehicles everywhere invade there’s an example someone might be slightly worse off.

Hope the communist council of Bath puts a stop to this free city centre parking he seems to enjoy.
Here's an illustration of how owning a car makes anyone an idiot.

On the one hand an self entitled Welsh resident who thinks they own the public street outside their home, and can stop other people parking there.

On the other hand a self entitled tourist (origin unstated) who wants to drive everywhere and park everywhere.

Both of them screaming at each other, throwing traffic cones around and so on. A small child could have got hurt, and no SUV crumple zone would have helped. Both of them should be banned from driving for life.

When you touristically jaunt about the country in a motorcar, depositing said car at the side of roads such as the A87, on land that you assume but are not certain forms part of the highway, you would presumably delight in provoking such a response from a local farmer. I’m not sure that you’re so very different from the persons in the video as you like to make out.
They could start by releasing all their detailed collision investigation reports to the public, instead of brushing them under the carpet.
I don't go there often but when I do, especially at rush hour, Epping station remains my go to example of hostile infrastructure.

Its busy as hell and no point does there appear to have been attempts to accommodate foot traffic. There's no actual crossing anywhere on the road, the traffic reaches from the station road down the road opposite and it's just very very nasty. There's a dog leg path up past the car park but the vast majority of pedestrians hike up and cross and walk direct to Epping because that path goes nowhere.

Bike rack chucked in for after thoughts but more than anything there's simply no room. Straight out and into a bus or into traffic
I don't go there often but when I do, especially at rush hour, Epping station remains my go to example of hostile infrastructure.

Its busy as hell and no point does there appear to have been attempts to accommodate foot traffic. There's no actual crossing anywhere on the road, the traffic reaches from the station road down the road opposite and it's just very very nasty. There's a dog leg path up past the car park but the vast majority of pedestrians hike up and cross and walk direct to Epping because that path goes nowhere.

Bike rack chucked in for after thoughts but more than anything there's simply no room. Straight out and into a bus or into traffic
God that is awful! Just bizarre how traffic planners give no thought to pedestrians. It seems to be changing some places but not enough.
Obviously it won’t happen.

Still, it’s nice to think that if it did all the drivers would obviously be happy for me to ride smack in the middle of the lane everywhere, and not let them pass, because we’re now being treated the same as other road users, yeah?

Careful what you wish for dickheads :thumbs:
Always wonder what age they want registration for tf to start at and will kids younger than that not be able to cycle.

Just bizarre that their enough people like platinumsage that politicians think this will win them votes.
I look forward to the government appointed inspectors visiting every shed in the country to make sure all the bikes are suitably tagged :facepalm:

The whole idea is so obviously flawed and unworkable, yet dickheads still call for it.
Nonsense, most bikes in my city are required to display a registration number. It's entirely uncontroversial:

"A member of the University in statu pupillari shall not keep, or cause to be kept for his or her use, a bicycle within the Precincts of the University, unless it bears a distinguishing mark in accordance with instructions to be issued from time to time by the Proctors."
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