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Entirely unashamed anti car propaganda, and the more the better.

Whether some pople might foam at the mouth at the fact or not, there is such thing as safe speeding, just as there is such thing as safe red light jumping by cyclists. It's not too much to ask that we all accept this and refrain from absolutist standpoints.
Whether or not a particular instance of speeding can be relatively 'safe' has no bearing on what should happen to drivers who refuse to stay within the speed limit. Speeding kills loads of people and it shouldn't be for individual drivers to make those decision. Any
speeding should lead to an instant lifetime ban. Driving while banned or uninsured should be a mandatory five year custodial sentence.
Given the stats upthread, moderate speeding is extremely safe, because apparently most drivers speed most of the time. The number of fatalities where speed is a factor divided by the number of instances of speeding must therefore be absolutely miniscule.

Yes very funny, the man was driving with his 8-year old son in the car and the brakes failed.

I'm suspicious of that. At the end of the article: "In turn, the car was handed over to a disposal company for destruction without delay or as soon as it reached the tow truck." We'll never know if the brakes failed.

Driving into a field in the first place would be the entirely sensible option. Choosing to bounce off a train first is the work of a maniac.
The vast majority of deaths on train tracks are suicides. Additional safety features or restrictions would mostly be moving the problem elsewhere and money would probably be better spent on mental health services.

Arguing on the internet on your birthday! :facepalm:

Have a day off, Walt.

Eat some cake.
Yes very funny, the man was driving with his 8-year old son in the car and the brakes failed.

Not convinced tbh
Given how keen edcraw always is to accuse people in here to make light of road accident fatalities, I wonder if he/she even bothered to check the fate of the occupants of that car. Pretty fucking low either way.
Given how keen edcraw always is to accuse people in here to make light of road accident fatalities, I wonder if he/she even bothered to check the fate of the occupants of that car. Pretty fucking low either way.
Hope you haven’t run out of smelling salts - but as you know from the article you posted they both survived.

Whatever the cause not great that we have a system of transport that’s that fucking dangerous.
I read there was a mob attacking his daughter and he tried to fend them off in person but it didn't work so he then decided to use his car to scare them away. Seems to have done the trick.
Well, the person arrested was nineteen so how old could the daughter have been? You don't go away to get your car if your small child (maximum six, probably younger) is being 'attacked' by a mob. Other accounts say she got wet in a water fight which hardly deserves that.
Well, the person arrested was nineteen so how old could the daughter have been? You don't go away to get your car if your small child (maximum six, probably younger) is being 'attacked' by a mob. Other accounts say she got wet in a water fight which hardly deserves that.

Doesn't look 19 to me but who knows:

Your final sentence clearly implied that you believed this account and agreed with the driver's actions.

To you maybe.

Anyway I'm sure we can all rely on the Metropolitan Police to conduct a thorough and fair investigation into the matter, and they have stated that enquiries with respect to this are ongoing.
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