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Entirely unashamed anti car propaganda, and the more the better.

Well that's put me in my place. What an absolutely marvellous use of your time, catching me out using the wrong abbreviation of a common male name. Your family must be proud.
What a curious thing to say. I don't suppose your family would be proud of your linking Spymaster to Dennis nilsen, fairly sure mine would be more puzzled than proud of things here, like most urbs I imagine. Do you share your posts with your family, to gauge their pride in your contributions here?
What a curious thing to say. I don't suppose your family would be proud of your linking Spymaster to Dennis nilsen, fairly sure mine would be more puzzled than proud of things here, like most urbs I imagine. Do you share your posts with your family, to gauge their pride in your contributions here?
More often than you'd think.
Nonsense. You can see how a piece of road looks and often it's blindingly obvious. This is why so many councils were forced to remove thousands of speed cameras in the great camera cull a few years ago. If there's no safety reason for them (or very low speed limits) to be in place, they needn't be there.
Not blindingly obvious to everyone though, with almost half of accidents down to excess speed.

I don't suppose your family would be proud of your linking Spymaster to Dennis nilsen ...

Well he's obviously just pulled it out of his arse in frantic desperation and a need to respond, but I quite like it.

I've always been fascinated with Dennis, probably because his patch (Muswell Hill/NW London) is more or less my neck of the woods. I saw an interview with him once where he was asked about dismembering a body in his kitchen and how he dealt with all the blood. His response was contemptuous; "BLOOD! what blood? He'd been dead for 2 weeks. All the blood had dried in his veins", and shook his head as if to say to the interviewer 'you fucking idiot, haven't you ever chopped-up a two-week-dead corpse in your house before?'
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Because all laws should be representative of the danger posed, and reflect the seriousness of the potential consequences of breaking them. You could reduce incidents of cyclists hitting pedestrians on pavements to practically zero by destroying the cycles of offenders on the spot and imprisoning them for 10 years for a first offence. Would that be reasonable?
As people know I am a neutral on here being both a London cyclist and driver of a decent car.

Your proposal for cycling on the pavement seems fair, if a little wishy washy liberal, to me.
Well he's obviously just pulled it out of his arse in frantic desperation and a need to respond, but I quite like it.

I've always been fascinated with Dennis, probably because his patch (Muswell Hill/NW London) is more or less my neck of the woods. I saw an interview with him once where he was asked about dismembering a body in his kitchen and how he dealt with all the blood. His response was contemptuous; "BLOOD! what blood? He'd been dead for 2 weeks. All the blood had dried in his veins", and shook his head as if to say to the interviewer 'you fucking idiot, haven't you ever chopped-up a corpse in your house before?'
I've actually seen the cooker and pans he used. It was chilling in it's mundanity.
Your proposal for cycling on the pavement seems fair, if a little wishy washy liberal, to me.

I have advocated corporal punishment before and the nailing of penises to saddles. This was seized upon by old Walter Mitty up there, as proof positive of a genuine proclivity for sexual mutilation :D
I have advocated corporal punishment before and the nailing of penises to saddles. This was seized upon by old Walter Mitty up there, as proof positive of a genuine proclivity for sexual mutilation :D
Jesus. I'm starting to think the Nilsen stuff is a bit too close to the truth to be amusing.
If anyone actually needs the State to tell them what the maximum safe speed should be at all times, on all stretches of road and in all circumstances, and feel are incapable of judging it by themselves, I’d genuinely urge them to take some advance driving lessons at once, because their driving skills are lacking to an alarming degree.
If anyone actually needs the State to tell them what the maximum safe speed should be at all times, on all stretches of road and in all circumstances, and feel are incapable of judging it by themselves, I’d genuinely urge them to take some advance driving lessons at once, because their driving skills are lacking to an alarming degree.
If anyone actually needs the State to tell them what the maximum safe speed should be at all times, on all stretches of road and in all circumstances, and feel are incapable of judging it by themselves, I’d genuinely urge them to take some advance driving lessons at once, because their driving skills are lacking to an alarming degree.
If anyone feels they are the correct judge of proper speed on a given road and that they should be making those decisions on a road by road basis then I genuinely feel they shouldn't be allowed a driving license. It's not up to you.
Unless you’re a cyclist of course, especially one who uses shared paths, because then you can take great delight in waxing lyrical about your great speed and the fact that speed limits don’t apply to you. I’m sure beesonthewhatnow’s average cycling speed is as large as his manhood.
Unless you’re a cyclist of course, especially one who uses shared paths, because then you can take great delight in waxing lyrical about your great speed and the fact that speed limits don’t apply to you. I’m sure beesonthewhatnow’s average cycling speed is as large as his manhood.
This is an anti car propaganda thread. Go and whine on Facebook or something.
Ime spy's more likely to go for a curry with someone than to make a curry from them. Kris would kick up a fuss if he tried to use her kitchen to dispose of a corpse
Nilsen was popular and well-liked, a great socialiser, well known in the pubs of NW London. And is it that big a step from pissing in the sink to dismembering corpses and hiding them under the floorboards? They're both the acts of unhinged minds.
If anyone feels they are the correct judge of proper speed on a given road and that they should be making those decisions on a road by road basis then I genuinely feel they shouldn't be allowed a driving license. It's not up to you.

And yet it absolutely is, Walt. You're talking pish again.

It is encumbent on all drivers to judge, and drive at, the correct speeds according to the prevailing conditions. Most of us don't need signs to tell us what those are.
Nilsen was popular and well-liked, a great socialiser, well known in the pubs of NW London. And is it that big a step from pissing in the sink to dismembering corpses and hiding them under the floorboards? They're both the acts of unhinged minds.
If I thought anyone here was a serial killer it'd be you or lletsa rd2003
Wow, pretty surprised maomao thinks people should be driving at the speed limit at all times, and needn’t ever decide to go slower.
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