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Entirely unashamed anti car propaganda, and the more the better.

For all you know the TT might save lives by the number of fatalities disuading prospective motorcyclists.

Which seems intuitively more likely than the notion that people are going to watch the TT, then go out and ride like a maniac.
I’m not going to bother getting into the ridiculous trolling about culture save to say that there is a mountain of evidence for the general idea that people normalise their behaviours through experiencing what their society praises and looks down on. Knock yourself out if you want to read up on it. There’s no reason to expect that the normalisation of driving behaviours would be any different, and that includes who is lionised for what in terms of driving.
I’m not going to bother getting into the ridiculous trolling about culture save to say that there is a mountain of evidence for the general idea that people normalise their behaviours through experiencing what their society praises and looks down on. Knock yourself out if you want to read up on it. There’s no reason to expect that the normalisation of driving behaviours would be any different, and that includes who is lionised for what in terms of driving.
Are TT riders lionised in our culture?

Also, I don't know anyone who follows the TT without already being a motorcyclist. They already know the thrill and the danger of speeding on the roads (both of which the TT underlines).

As such, I suspect the causation is miniscule. I've certainly seen no specific evidence of it - certainly not from maomao (though I'm sure Foucault subjectivication was on the top of his tongue).
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Which seems intuitively more likely than the notion that people are going to watch the TT, then go out and ride like a maniac.
An innovative new theory that human beings don't want to emulate the objects of their admiration. Do you]/I] have any evidence for it?
An innovative new theory that human beings don't want to emulate the objects of their admiration. Do you]/I] have any evidence for it?

As I said, intuitive regarding this rather than evidence based. I'm not putting it out as fact, as you are. But if you're correct and it causes people to want to emulate figures of admiration, isn't it more likely to encourage people to get into organised motorsport rather than illegal behaviour? Do you think many people go around knocking others out because they're fans of Anthony Joshua?
Do you think many people go around knocking others out because they're fans of Anthony Joshua?
I don't know who Anthony Joshua is but do I think that people who get in fights are influenced by combat sports or even claim to be using the same moves? Are you mad? Have you ever spoken to any boys or men ever?
I don't know who Anthony Joshua is but do I think that people who get in fights are influenced by combat sports or even claim to be using the same moves?

So do you think all combative sports should be banned?

What about fencing? Does that influence knife crime?
As I said, intuitive regarding this rather than evidence based. I'm not putting it out as fact, as you are. But if you're correct and it causes people to want to emulate figures of admiration, isn't it more likely to encourage people to get into organised motorsport rather than illegal behaviour? Do you think many people go around knocking others out because they're fans of Anthony Joshua?
You have heard of the idea of toxic masculinity, right?
Not necessarily. Unlike driving, sports can play a role in straightening out young lives. Given unlimited powers I'd be tempted to get rid of the worst MMA shit though.

Ok, we're getting somewhere. Now, is it all motorsports that you would ban, or just the TT?
I can’t be the only one who can see an excluded middle between “ban this” and “it’s all fine”. Or the only one who sees that there are paths to a better future that don’t start with banning the things that cause a problem.
I can’t be the only one who can see an excluded middle between “ban this” and “it’s all fine”. Or the only one who sees that there are paths to a better future that don’t start with banning the things that cause a problem.
You must be new to this thread...
I'd ban all motorsports for being fucking boring. It wouldn't affect anyone important, only dull thickos.

:D Finally some honesty from you!

It's nothing to do with your evidence free assertions that it contributes to bad driving or riding. You just don't like it or people who do.

You should have said that at the start.
A sport where people regularly die obvious has a problem. Shocking that no one seems to give a shit.
It's not that people don't give a shit; it's that they believe that adults who give informed consent to risky activities ought not to be denied the opportunity to do something they love.
I can’t be the only one who can see an excluded middle between “ban this” and “it’s all fine”. Or the only one who sees that there are paths to a better future that don’t start with banning the things that cause a problem.
Don't tell T & P this - it'll spoil his latest killer argument line of attack.
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