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Entirely unashamed anti car propaganda, and the more the better.

More likely cyclists needlessly holding up huge queues of vehicles for miles, perhaps including ambulances responding to a terrorist outrage or whatever, great stuff.
I look forward to these court cases brought by red-faced drivers claiming that a cyclist was holding them up while they were pretending to be an ambulance responding to a terrorist outrage.
Bullshit. Most cyclists are jealous of car drivers, and would deliberately hold them up given any opportunity.

85% of adult cyclists also drive.

Like I said, it's exactly what jealous cyclists want.

I'd like to see what happened before the filming started. I'd love it if cyclists were picking on supercar twats but I seriously doubt they are in large numbers and I'm sure that's not the whole incident.

And he breaks the HC overtaking him. But drivers routinely break the HC anyway. They only get upset about cyclists jumping red lights because they're jealous.
I'd like to see what happened before the filming started. I'd love it if cyclists were picking on supercar twats but I seriously doubt they are in large numbers and I'm sure that's not the whole incident.

And he breaks the HC overtaking him. But drivers routinely break the HC anyway. They only get upset about cyclists jumping red lights because they're jealous.
Yup, the toy car driver is jealous that the cyclist can hold them up but they can't hold the cyclist up. You can see how angry they are when they drive off. Enjoyed watching that, even though I've seen it before.
85% of adult cyclists also drive.

No they don't. We've been here before. Cycling to the shops twice a year doesn't make you a cyclist, any more than putting air in the tyres of your car makes you a mechanic. Cyclists are a different species.
No they don't. We've been here before. Cycling to the shops twice a year doesn't make you a cyclist, any more than putting air in the tyres of your car makes you a mechanic. Cyclists are a different species.

I don't think you even drive do you.
No they don't. We've been here before. Cycling to the shops twice a year doesn't make you a cyclist, any more than putting air in the tyres of your car makes you a mechanic. Cyclists are a different species.
Any cyclist wearing lycra and riding two abreast definitely has a car. Us lifelong cyclists are safely on the pavement away from the psychopaths in cars.
The proposed changes to the highway code have caused a huge amount of weeping and wailing from perpetually angry drivers, most of whom have pretty clearly read neither the existing highway code nor the updated version.

Apparently all cyclists are always on the pavement, while also always being in the road holding up traffic. And they all want to die just as they all want to get rich by hurling themselves under a range rover and then suing the driver. And no motorist has ever driven on, obstructed or otherwise misused a pavement or cycle lane.

Thank god we here on our progressive forum with our educated and enlightened constituency aren't troubled by any whinging twats denying basic logic, the evidence of their senses and any pertinent research that doesn't suit their unpaid shilling for a car lobby that doesn't care if they live or die.
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My main problem with the Highway Code changes is that the code is meant to explain and clarify the laws and regulations. By introducing lots more "should"s, none of which are supported by changes in legislation, it just creates more ambiguity. This leads to greater differences between how individual road users act, leading to more surprises and more accidents.

Take giving way to pedestrians at side roads for example. It's proposed to "recommend" that drivers give way to pedestrians waiting to cross side roads. This means some drivers will stop if there's someone loitering on the pavement near a junction, or a jogger heading towards the junction, whereas others will not follow the recommendation and not give way to someone clearly waiting to cross. Meanwhile some pedestrians waiting to cross will expect drivers to stop, and may misinterpret a hand gesture or slowing down as a sign that the driver is giving them priority when in fact they aren't. There will be a lot more surprised drivers and pedestrians, sudden stops and accidents.

If the intention is that drivers give way to pedestrians at side roads, why not just make it law?
I don't recall bioboy being quite that much of a twat but then these types do tend to go downhill over time.
I won't go through the similarities but it very obviously is. I'm sure he's sorted out the banned returner status with the mods though after getting a bollocking for coming back as Mrs D.

Good to see Specialized getting stuck into some anti car propaganda.

It's worse than the car adverts that feature only empty country roads. Cyclists are always complaining about other traffic, usually involving near-death incidents, and the idea that it's easy to find somewhere to park such expensive bikes where they won't get nicked is ridiculous. Someone really should complain to the ASA but they're useless.
A regular hybrid style ebike is around £1500-2000, which is a lot but they do make for a viable alternative to cars, when its not raining. But there very much needs to be something sorted with parking the things, having seen videos of battery powered angle grinders cutting through the toughest of locks in seconds in broad daylight on crowded streets, as thieving toerags work out how much these things are worth they'll be flying off the cycle stands. I have locked my one up outside the swimming baths a couple of times, in full view of reception and with a thick chain and small D lock, but have not been able to enjoy the swim for worry. It's not even losing the thing, insurance may pay out, but getting a new one could easily take six months, or more for a specialist mtb, a long time to be without wheels.
Which is why motorcycles, in particular heavier ones with electronic parking brakes that immobilise the wheels and are next to impossible to nick without a crane to lift them off, are in fact the perfect vehicles for cities. Fast, immune to traffic jams, free parking almost everywhere, and can carry passengers, shopping, and take you to holiday destinations hundreds of miles away as well as to your place of work.

But nice try anyway, Specialized :)
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