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England v Croatia 13.06.21 2pm ko

A couple of weeks ago, I agreed to a New Forest walk and pub lunch tomorrow.
Didn't even occur to me at the time to check the football fixtures. Idiot.

Yeah, one-nil England.
A couple of weeks ago, I agreed to a New Forest walk and pub lunch tomorrow.
Didn't even occur to me at the time to check the football fixtures. Idiot.

Yeah, one-nil England.
I've done exactly the same thing. Well not New Forest. :(

I'm going to take the optimistic viewpoint that whatever the result tomorrow, both teams will qualify.

(Not a fan of this format tbh, shaving 24 down to 16.)
There was a time when I'd be face painted*, current home shirt on, St. George's flag as a cape, and all other kinds of paraphernalia :oops:

Today, I might open a bag of Doritos. We'll see how I'm feeling.

*ok, so I did paint my face to watch England in the women's WC SF in 2019, but that was a special one-off :mad: :oops: :D
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