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End the secrecy of the family court

average around 4,300 cases a week are heard in the family courts in England and Wales
– adding up to a total of 224,902 last year. It is estimated that 62% of cases involve allegations of domestic abuse.
Almost a quarter are disputes between separating or separated couples, usually over their children.
For the past three years, the number of applications for children to be taken into council care has been around 13,000; the number in care now stands at a record 80,000, up from 65,000 a decade ago.

How many cases are we aware of? How many kids have been taken from their parents with third party evidence that is not open to scrutiny. Why is this not an open process. if a mistake happens here it is a major fuck up and nothing can be done. This is on top of the six to twelve months it has taken to get to court in the first place.

average around 4,300 cases a week are heard in the family courts in England and Wales
– adding up to a total of 224,902 last year. It is estimated that 62% of cases involve allegations of domestic abuse.
Almost a quarter are disputes between separating or separated couples, usually over their children.
For the past three years, the number of applications for children to be taken into council care has been around 13,000; the number in care now stands at a record 80,000, up from 65,000 a decade ago.

How many cases are we aware of? How many kids have been taken from their parents with third party evidence that is not open to scrutiny. Why is this not an open process. if a mistake happens here it is a major fuck up and nothing can be done. This is on top of the six to twelve months it has taken to get to court in the first place.
Don't spout such tosh, you make out it's impossible to appeal a fc decision but that's not the case Appealing against a court decision in civil and family cases (EX340)
He can dictate that a child belongs to a couple who did not biologically create it whilst the real mother has medical, drug , or mental health problems. This is great power. Surely with such power should come scrutiny
So you would prefer the child go into care than be brought up by relatives or foster parents? :eek: :(
I won’t sign it, no. I don’t understand the issue, or how it works in this country enough to take a view and put my name to anything.
TBH, I could well see that the system is flawed and needs improvement. But I don't think the agent for change needs to be someone who appears to be here solely to push a single-issue agenda, and treats the boards as if they're simply another platform on which they can impose their views.

I'm guessing that the root of their complaint has been their own treatment by the courts, and I don't care to put my name to that kind of agenda without knowing a lot more about it, and probably them.
TBH, I could well see that the system is flawed and needs improvement. But I don't think the agent for change needs to be someone who appears to be here solely to push a single-issue agenda, and treats the boards as if they're simply another platform on which they can impose their views.

I'm guessing that the root of their complaint has been their own treatment by the courts, and I don't care to put my name to that kind of agenda without knowing a lot more about it, and probably them.
Yes, exactly.

While I sympathise with anyone who feels that any part of the legal system has treated them unfairly, and I wish them well in seeking redress, I don’t know enough about anything I’d need to know in order to sign up to a particular view.
stop trying to derail the thread by talking sense
You’re right. I’ve changed my mind. I shall man the barricades outside the family court, dressed as the Virgin Mary to symbolise all parents who have had a child taken by the judiciary (that was her wasn’t it? My biblical knowledge isn’t what it could be). Just tell me the address, the time, and the date, and I’ll be there in costume.
You’re right. I’ve changed my mind. I shall man the barricades outside the family court, dressed as the Virgin Mary to symbolise all parents who have had a child taken by the judiciary (that was her wasn’t it? My biblical knowledge isn’t what it could be). Just tell me the address, the time, and the date, and I’ll be there in costume.
Er no that wasn’t her. After narrowly avoiding custody from Herod District Social Services, her child began his career frequently absconding (hanging out with older guys in the Temple Night Club). He then developed grandiose ideas about his own importance, began hanging around with anti-Roman revolutionaries, but was then betrayed by an infiltrator and ended up dead: for a few days anyway….
Sounds like grooming. Those social services sound shit if they left the kid with her and she let him hang out at clubs, developing delusions leading to death.
Yes and he even claimed his real dad wasn’t Joe but another guy nobody ever saw, who he used to contact by mobile 2000 years before they were invented
ohh feck off. I'll give you 10-1 on that the OP is a nasty piece of entitled shit, just like the vast majority of those Fathers4Justice arsewanks.
I don't think you know what you are talking about tbf.

I speak as someone whos child was kept from them throughout COVID, but who has had her with me almost 100% of the time since last March (no courts were involved, mind). It can be devastating when your child is kept from you on a whim.
I know three men that ended up with sole custody of their children through the excellent work of Cafcass people including judges. Because they were in the right and able to make the case. So anecdotally I'm not aware of any bias against men in the system. In each of those cases the judges were women it should be said.
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