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Electric scooters

Definitely heading for problems with electric scooters.Guess young workers are seeing them (erroneously it seems) as a heaven-sent and cool answer to sky-high car-insurance premiums.Problem is as has been noted its not practical to proceed on the road with tiny wheels so they are invariably scything along the pavements.We will probably end up with dedicated electric scooter lanes.
Definitely heading for problems with electric scooters.Guess young workers are seeing them (erroneously it seems) as a heaven-sent and cool answer to sky-high car-insurance premiums.Problem is as has been noted its not practical to proceed on the road with tiny wheels so they are invariably scything along the pavements.We will probably end up with dedicated electric scooter lanes.

Where are they going to go? We don't even have decent cycle lanes. I can see heavy enforcement after a few accidents making them rather less popular.
Just back from Poland and they are everywhere. Was in Warsaw and most the pavements are really wide with cycle lanes which is good to see. Most of them are 'Lime' rental bikes and there is lots of marketing for tourists to download the app.

However I hardly saw anyone wearing helmets or any protective gear. Also locals/tourists leaving pubs/bars and speeding off :facepalm: one of the medical people I work with over there said they have had a lot of horrific injuries :( hands/limbs amputated and serious head injuries.
However I hardly saw anyone wearing helmets or any protective gear. Also locals/tourists leaving pubs/bars and speeding off :facepalm: one of the medical people I work with over there said they have had a lot of horrific injuries :( hands/limbs amputated and serious head injuries.

yup-that's what is arriving in the Midlands by the looks.Can really see exponential growth if you can get them in Lidl and Aldi.
Unless I'm greatly mistaken, they're a mechanically propelled vehicle that can't be taxed or insured, therefore, they can't (legally) be ridden on any road or pavement.
How will they take off if they are essentially illegal?
Guess the drill is-in the unlikely event that you see a copper on an industrial estate-you hop off and tuck it under your arm.
Anything with a seat will draw the eye of the plod.

Anyway so far every e scooter I have had a look at seems flimsy shite close up. I want air filled fat tyres and suspension and disc brakes and 25 mph and 30 mile range. Will pay 400 quid if German build quality. Alibaba has some good ones but the prices are too high.
Saw loads of them in Brussels. They look quite fun and you could rent them via an app! More cycle lanes to use them in though.
A woman riding an electric scooter has died after being struck by a lorry in south-west London.

The crash happened at Queen’s Circus roundabout in Battersea shortly after 8.30am on Friday. The victim, in her 30s, was pronounced dead at the scene.

A Metropolitan police spokeswoman said her next of kin were yet to be informed. No arrests have been made.

A London ambulance service spokeswoman said: “We sent an advanced paramedic, two ambulance crews, an incident response officer and two medics in cars to the scene, with the first of our medics arriving in under four minutes. Sadly, despite the extensive efforts of medics, a woman died at the scene.”
Electric scooter rider dies after being struck by lorry in London
How bizarre, I was about to search for this thread! I just saw someone come a-cropperon Lombard Street. Not badly, but they did go arse over tit and rolled along the road a bit.
London knife crime: Teen dies and three hospitalised in 12 hours | Metro News
I recon they are a bit busy to worry about emo scooters or whatever they are called.

Whichever other shit might be going on, it has never prevented coppers on the prowl from stopping road users breaking the law if they spot them- and rightly so. If you jump a red light in a car you can be sure a cop car behind not on an emergency call will intervene unless there’s a bloody civil war going on.

If they have the time stop drivers and sometimes even cyclists for non-reckless infractions, they can certainly do so if they see someone on an electric scooter.

But clearly it doesn’t happen. Every day I see on average a couple on my commute each way. Most people on them are well dressed and look like commuters themselves, rather than, say, a kid having a laugh. I can’t believe for a second you could use one regularly without being seen by a police car within the week, in London at least.
As sad as it was, There are several issues with the Cambridge Circus death.
Electric scooters have no legal right to be on public roads.
There have been many complaints about the reconstruction of this junction, people complain it is confusing, amongst other things.
The scooter rider came off of the scooter when she hit a pot hole.
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