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Electric fly zapper tennis racquet thing

It's better where you're so cluttered that you can't properly swing something without knocking 5 items or greater over. With the zapper you can slowly creep up on them and zap as well as swatting the shit out of them.

Yes, corralling them between a slowly applied zapper and a window is not possible with a rolled up newspaper and I'd break the window.
I am surprised that farmerbarleymow hasn't turned up to moan about how cruel everyone is, because he thinks flies are lovely and need protection from nasty humans.

Because, he's weird like that.
I wish I had not just learned that a female housefly during it’s little shitty life can easily lay 900 eggs.
Unless you have a fruit fly infestation or lots of mozzies theres is NO EXCUSE in murdering harmless flies
Meanwhile UK insect population is decimated and decreases year on year
How are they not lovely and not deserving of life?
They shit constantly, like every time you see a fly standing still it is probably having a shit. In my kitchen. And the last thing they sat on before coming in here was probably some dogpoo idk. :(
oh yeah and they are brilliant at transmitting diseases.
They shit constantly, like every time you see a fly standing still it is probably having a shit. In my kitchen. And the last thing they sat on before coming in here was probably some dogpoo idk. :(
oh yeah and they are brilliant at transmitting diseases.
when have you ever been ill "because of a fly"? its not the middle ages.
Unless you have a fruit fly infestation or lots of mozzies theres is NO EXCUSE in murdering harmless flies
Meanwhile UK insect population is decimated and decreases year on year

The decreasing insect population is down to pesticides, fertilisers, habitat loss, and climate change, a few being killed in people's homes are not going to register in comparison.
Flys are amazing - LOOK AT IT

View attachment 331836
my parents always had these dangling from the ceiling. I lost count how many times I caught my hair in them. (not washing out the glue and dead flies came in handy when later, in my teenage years, I went for dreads)
I've use them, very effective but you are right about being careful where you hand them. Also got the electric racquets which after the novelty wears off they end up in a cupboard.One of Portugal's inexhaustible assetts are flies so I've also tried fly swatters which are good until they inevitably break, and when you keep forgetting to buy a replacement you don't miss them, electric fluorescent build zapper things which are a question of the formula right place right time. I've found rosemary plants quite good as a deterrent, fly spray but only if you are prepared to close the doors and windows and go to another room or go out, those little fly trap plants just don't have either the capacity or inclination to make a dent in numbers, that Australian thing when you put coins in a plastic bag full of water so the magnified coins look like a bigger fly and scares them off requires a suitable place and method to hang them which is virtually impossible to find. Fans distort fly's flight paths so they don't tend to go too near them. Whilst dogs will occasionally snap at the bigger flying things like bees or that rhino beetle thing its hard to train them to catch flies.
I've use them, very effective but you are right about being careful where you hand them. Also got the electric racquets which after the novelty wears off they end up in a cupboard.One of Portugal's inexhaustible assetts are flies so I've also tried fly swatters which are good until they inevitably break, and when you keep forgetting to buy a replacement you don't miss them, electric fluorescent build zapper things which are a question of the formula right place right time. I've found rosemary plants quite good as a deterrent, fly spray but only if you are prepared to close the doors and windows and go to another room or go out, those little fly trap plants just don't have either the capacity or inclination to make a dent in numbers, that Australian thing when you put coins in a plastic bag full of water so the magnified coins look like a bigger fly and scares them off requires a suitable place and method to hang them which is virtually impossible to find. Fans distort fly's flight paths so they don't tend to go too near them. Whilst dogs will occasionally snap at the bigger flying things like bees or that rhino beetle thing its hard to train them to catch flies.
Coins in a bag of water what? Sounds like people have been driven mad by flies even worse than me.
Unless you have a fruit fly infestation or lots of mozzies theres is NO EXCUSE in murdering harmless flies

One of the most satisfying murders I ever committed was on a mosquito in Cuba. It had been dining on me in my room for two nights. Every now and then it woke me up with it's buzzing near my ear. I lay in wait for it, on the bed with a sheet over me one morning. After about an hour she (all blood sucking mossies are female) landed on the ceiling. A huge, fat thing, about half the size of a fingernail. I hit her with a sandal and left a massive blodstain on the ceiling. My blood.
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Vague memory of reading there's been a massive breakthrough with malaria, can't remember what it said now
The only way i can catch them is by chasing them around for a while until they are exhausted first, so they slow down a bit. If I was doing this for food it would be a disaster.
Just used one in France... tried to swat my.mate with it but he resisted. They work well. You wont die. Bad bugs will.
Where the fucking fuck are they coming from though? Was down to 2 now there’s loads of them again.
I’ve removed all fruit, bin is empty, nothing smells, what is going on any ideas? Are they just coming from Outside?
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