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Egypt anti-government protests grow

The Muslim Brotherhood has confirmed the death of the 17-year-old daughter of Mohamed el-Beltagy, one of the party's politicians. Beltagy has recently been participating in sit-ins.

Via the AlJazeera live blog at http://blogs.aljazeera.com/liveblog/topic/egypt-21121

Not sure I would 100% trust these reports yet but thats the MB leader who I quoted the other day as saying "Kill as much as you like. I won't move an inch… We will offer a million martyrs."
Ugh, just seen a picture of someone holding the entire brain of someone killed. And reading some tweets from a few hours ago by people who may now be dead. Minimum death toll via morgue body count by journalists now 124.
Ontv (private channel that has been on the side of the military etc and are apparently inciting the public to violently oppose the MB today) has a live feed of one particular location.


Footage isn't very clear but I saw the usual picture of police mingling with non-uniformed people throwing rocks and the very occasional molotov some minutes ago.
Reports that al-shaters daughter was not shot, but that a Sky UK cameraman was killed.

Sky news extended statement on death of camerman

This is a longer statement from Sky news which we have just received:

It is with the greatest regret that Sky News announces the death of Mick Deane, an experienced camera operator, while working on assignment in Cairo this morning.​
Mick was part of a Sky News team reporting on the disturbances in the city with Middle East Correspondent Sam Kiley when he was shot and wounded. Despite receiving medical treatment for his injuries, he died shortly afterwards.​
None of the other members of the Sky News team were injured in the incident.​
Mick, aged 61, was a hugely experienced broadcast journalist. He had worked with Sky News as a camera operator for 15 years, most recently across the Middle East and previously in the United States. He was married with two sons.​
John Ryley, Head of Sky News, commented:​
Everyone at Sky News is shocked and saddened by Mick’s death. He was a talented and experienced journalist who had worked with Sky News for many years. The loss of a much-loved colleague will be deeply felt across Sky News. Our thoughts and prayers are with his wife and family. We will give them our full support at this extremely difficult time.”​
I didnt see how they broke the news, but Sky's coverage of this is remarkably minimalist given whats happened.
Obama administration to "remind them (the coup government) that they made a promise to bring in democratic government".

Sounds like most people have been leaving the larger sit-in site after the storming of the medical centre and mosque.

Not sure about this tweet yet but given previous Tamarod statements that I've gone nuts about in the last month or so it would not really surprise me.
Nada Wassef@Nadawassef
Tamarod spox suggests that MB is to blame for all what happened on the 28th of January back in 2011& during the revo. Are you shitting me?
Most of the protestors won't be fanatics, it shouldn't be a crime to believe in something, however unpleasant its extremes can be.
I haven't been able to keep up with events except from radio news but it all seems to be going very wrong. I feel so sad for the people of Egypt because there was such optimism such a short time ago and it must have all gone now.
Been looking through the recent articles on Al Jazeera, and they illustrate the confusion here, I think. One commentator says that the overthrow of the MB was necessary, the next that opposition to the overthrow of the MB was necessary.

One comment struck me, which was the observation made some days ago that the MB had chosen for their sit-ins places from which people would not be able to retreat. Is this a case where the two sides - the military who instigated the coup and the Muslim Brotherhood - both wanted this bloody confrontation, which leaves democracy further away than ever?
Neither side appeared interested in compromise, and the MB rhetoric was certainly full of martyrdom references. However I do not really recognise the validity of the 'chose places from which people were not able to retreat' stuff, who made that observation?
In any case lots of people did retreat. Those killed were probably a mix of people fighting on the front lines, people such as MB & other cameramen who seem to have been a fairly consistent target for state snipers, people caught in the wrong place at the wrong time, etc. True estimates of crowd sizes at the sit-ins were hard to come by at the best of times but seems rather likely that majority left relatively unscathed, small proportion got arrested, smaller proportion got killed.
Protesters being set up?

Quite possible. Even if not in that video (e.g. if he had picked it up out of the box out of camera sight before dropping it back in), its long been part of their justification for squishing the MB to make repeated and incredible claims as to the extent to which the MB are armed. Very occasionally footage showing MB firing weapons does emerge, but they often look like distinctly home-made guns.

In any case the lack of fire-power, especially heavy weapons, on the MB side at the sit-ins was made obvious today by how quickly they were crushed.
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