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Egypt anti-government protests grow

Apparently military jets have drawn a heart in the sky, pass me a bucket.

Rumours today include the possibility that Sabahi has managed to convince al-Nour to put up with ElBaradei as PM.

The bureau chief of the Al Jazeera station that got in trouble with the military has been released on bail after being charged with transmitting news that could harm Egypts national security, and running an unlicensed station (had license a but its claimed they broke its terms).
The latest leadership rumours:

Ziad Bahaa El-Din, founding member of the Egyptian Social Democratic Party, has been offered to become Egypt's new Prime Minister, sources told Ahram Online on Sunday.

When contacted by Ahram Online, El-Din, who was also the head of Egypt's General Authority for Investment, said "a decision is neither final nor official".

Liberal politician Mohamed ElBaradei, who was a vocal critic of the Muslim Brotherhood rule, is set to be appointed as vice-president, Ahram Online has learned.

He really is an odious cunt. Talking about street protests respectfully and that shit about Brazil and Turkey. Then there is this nugget
As for Iran, maybe the new president wishes to try to bring his country to agreement with the world on Iran's nuclear weapons ambition. Maybe he doesn't. And in any event the power is still with the ayatollah. We can't afford a nuclear-armed Iran.
Off topic I know but this has been mentioned more and more in the last few weeks. Obviously it is true but odd how this is suddenly remembered now that no one can play the mad president with his finger on the button card. Then there's all his talk of 'stability' and what 'we' can afford. Cunt.
@Nadiaglory: #muslimbrotherhood @fjp website : 53 killed including 5 children when army & police broke up pro #Morsi sit in at Pres.guard at dawn #Egypt

note there are a lot of conflicting reports floating around one says no kids killed.

@TheMiinz: No CHILDREN are among the dead in front of Rep Guards contrary to what Ikhwan members are spreading. We are a 100% sure. #Egypt

@SherineT: Cannot watch a single local TV channel to get information, everything is slanted and bias. Disgrace to #journalism #egypt
Military animals. They want to hide their crimes in the Mubarak era with new ones. Bastards.
Or trying to create an unbridgeable polarisation.
Quick view: army wants to provoke hot headed elements of MB into making the country 'ungovernable', they then ally with opposition to isolate, jail, exile and kill the prominent MB leadrship in the name of re-establising order. Then do the same with those in the opposition who don't agree to act as a democratic figurehead/figleaf. This will not sort anything out. No chance. It could even unite anti-military opposition and bring opposition into the lower ranks of the army.
Brotherhood response:

The Freedom and Justice Party, the religious group's political arm, demanded "an uprising by the great people of Egypt against those trying to steal their revolution with tanks”.

It urged "the international community and international groups and all the free people of the world to intervene to stop further massacres [...] and prevent a new Syria in the Arab world."

Note how the rhetoric has changed now - 60 years of military tyranny ie it all went wrong in 1952 -
no religious or landowner tyranny in Egypt - only part-foreign Muslim in name only anti-Islam military tyranny.

“First is that we leave streets and forego the objective of bringing democracy in Egypt after 60 sixty years of military tyranny or they think that our blood is cheaper than any other’s blood in Egypt and no one would care,” he said.

“We are sticking to our ground, we will not be brought into a cycle of violence, we know how deadly that would be. Even if that means we will have to become the punching bag of the rest of society and our blood will flow for the rest of Egyptians to wake up and the rest of the world to understand that we are adamants of bringing democracy to our country.”
Here is the former editor of the Brotherhood's web publication, resigned in protest at the power thrust, still an Islamist mind but some observations.


Doch nach der Revolution machten die Führer der Muslimbrüder alles, was das Mubarak-Regime auch gemacht hat, und benutzten den Islam als Legitimation.

After the revolution the MB did everything that the Mubarak Regime had done, and employed Islam as its legitimation.
The military seem to be picking out its judicial and and media restriction moves on the most hated vile figures:

Wow. State TV news anchor just referred to Safwat Hegazi as "the terrorist". This is big. #Egypt

Egyptian military referring to MB protesters as terrorists, that's new isn't it?

It's a reference to the events this morning where *apparently* 2 military police and 42 Brotherhood protestors were killed.

It's similar to how the Brotherhood viewed events in southern Kurdistan/northern Iraq when it gave support to Iraq in its Anfal programme, with Kurdish protestors backed by militants taking on Saddam, instead of fighting against Shiite Iran.
Journalists Chanting "Al-Jazeera out" #military #police press conference on #RepGuard

I think they're fed up with their earlier support of Morsi during his targetting of journalists and speakers - now Al Jazeera has tried to swing back to some 'normalcy' and 'balance' -but seen as enemy against Egyptian secularism - propped up by Qatar's weird Morocco like monarchist but Muslim democracy.
And journalists applauded at the end of the MOI/army press conference.

Latest supposed death toll from this mornings massacre is 51 MB dead and 3 army/police.
I haven't seen any terrible clear footage yet but this is probably the most detailed I've found so far:

split developing within the MB,the Free Brotherhood Front are making a move upon the rank and file membership, holding Safwat Hegazy and Mohamed Badie accountable for their inflametory speaches over the weekend.


The group also accused Hegazy of inciting the youth to protest, despite his absence.
“We hold you responsible for the blood of our brothers,” the statement read. The group called on all of the Brotherhood youth to join them.
The group emphasised that it separated itself from the Brotherhood leadership, but not from the entire organisation.
Sorry link leads to "Egypt interim leader decrees election timetable: state media" no mention of al-Nour?

I thought the Salafist al-Nour party were proxies for Saudia Arabia and UAE?

I don't know what's happened to it. Yes Nour is very Saudi Arabia Wahhabi in its Islam it doesn't do jemaat in the same way as the Brotherhood.

It's full of middle-class disgruntled Islamists shut out of Brotherhood business connections, and also has a virulently Islamic social policies base.
Apparently, tonight, a group of balaclaved motorcycle riders opening fire straight into the congregation at St. Mina church, Port Said, and also spraying bullets into a Copt duty pharmacy and other Copt-owned shops and then speeding off.
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