one of their supporters won a case here a few months back- he had hung a st.georges cross on the fence around the half built mosque on the oxford road and was then arrested by the OB for racial/religious hatred charges. the case was a farce, the Bill made a complete arse of themselves trying to prove that the english flag was a symbol of hatred (apparently the cross might have caused distress to muslims, one wonders what the coppers made of the numerous churches scattered along the road), the half dozen edl who
turned out in 'solidarity' managed to lurch around the magistrates court for 20 minutes befoire hitting the pub for the rest of the day and the would be martyr was found not guilty to a avalanche of indifference in the town.
the demo planned for this weekend is a direct result of this previous event. the edl are objecting to a attempt to renew a unused, so far, planning permission for a mosque in east Reading. They want to capitalise on some misgivings in the town over the progress(?) of the new mosque being built(?) on the oxford road, where not a brick has been laid since before christmas, and there are a number of questions about breaches of planning permission.
disappointingly for the edl there is neither a active swp branch nor a history of Islamism in the town; so little chance of shrieking uaf lollipop politics nor poppy burning shenanigans to create a enviroment that the edl can feed in.
turned out in 'solidarity' managed to lurch around the magistrates court for 20 minutes befoire hitting the pub for the rest of the day and the would be martyr was found not guilty to a avalanche of indifference in the town.
the demo planned for this weekend is a direct result of this previous event. the edl are objecting to a attempt to renew a unused, so far, planning permission for a mosque in east Reading. They want to capitalise on some misgivings in the town over the progress(?) of the new mosque being built(?) on the oxford road, where not a brick has been laid since before christmas, and there are a number of questions about breaches of planning permission.
disappointingly for the edl there is neither a active swp branch nor a history of Islamism in the town; so little chance of shrieking uaf lollipop politics nor poppy burning shenanigans to create a enviroment that the edl can feed in.