Liverpool Anti-Fascists just published this;
"Liverpool: Fascists are planning to hold another demo tomorrow to continue fanning the racist backlash over the Woolwich killing. They are set to meet at St Luke's/the bombed-out church on Berry St at 10am and a counter-protest has been called. Be there and invite anyone you know: friends & family, workmates, students, trade unionists, community campaigners, LGBT groups etc.
On Friday around 30 fascists had the run of the streets, marching around the city chanting racist abuse, at one point bringing a Muslim woman to tears, all the while recruiting for their movement. We can't let it happen again tomorrow.
This isn't an optional extra: there have been over 150 reported attacks on Muslims since Wednesday, mosques have been attacked and petrol bombed, fascist street groups have been given a massive boost. Nick Griffin of the BNP described the situation as 'the Stephen Lawrence moment of the Right', after 18 months of decline the fascists hope to enter back onto the stage alongside the rise of UKIP and the drumbeat on immigration.
Its not just the immediate victims of racist abuse and violence who are at threat: if the fascists are left unchallenged on the streets it will make it increasingly difficult for those of us fighting the cuts and trying to build an alternative to organise. Our stalls will be attacked, meetings disrupted and marches harrassed. The far-right are gaining traction and starting to get involved in channeling the anger at the government and its attacks on the working class such as the bedroom tax. Let's roll them back."