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EDL watch

When you think these clowns can't do anything more stupid they always pull something out of the box.

They are also going to 'deal with the IRA', who are marching in Liverpool tomorrow.

Absolutely bloody hopeless the lot of them!

john x

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http://www. facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=284615188271817&id=238696516197018 (link broken up)

(EDL) English Defence League
In October 2010 Tommy, Kevin along with approximately 15 other EDL members attended a demonstration in Rotterdam and were met with hostility by Ajax supporters. The EDL’s minibus was stoned and EDL were attacked.

Ajax are coming to Manchester United on the 23rd February 2012, kick off 8pm, the EDL would like to extend the same courtesy that Ajax supporters showed to them in their country when they come to Manchester.

If you would like to greet the Ajax supporters, come along to the Manchester United ground and show your support for Manchester.....

Aye. But I don't think the EDL are going to outnumber the Ajax supporters somehow, do you?
Aye. But I don't think the EDL are going to outnumber the Ajax supporters somehow, do you?

They won't get any of their own supporters to turn up for this. Would you turn up, risk arrest and a beating, just to placate Tommy and Kevin's ego? It's incredibly stupid, and will drive a wedge between the leadership and the useful idiots in the EDL.

EDL members aren't interesting in picking fights with people who are capable of fighting back, as thousands of Ajax supporters will be. They're cowards who attack weak targets when they have more numbers. They have neither here, so I get the feeling a lot of EDL will just not turn up. Quite wise really.
http://www. facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=284615188271817&id=238696516197018 (link broken up)

(EDL) English Defence League
In October 2010 Tommy, Kevin along with approximately 15 other EDL members attended a demonstration in Rotterdam and were met with hostility by Ajax supporters. The EDL’s minibus was stoned and EDL were attacked.

Ajax are coming to Manchester United on the 23rd February 2012, kick off 8pm, the EDL would like to extend the same courtesy that Ajax supporters showed to them in their country when they come to Manchester.

If you would like to greet the Ajax supporters, come along to the Manchester United ground and show your support for Manchester.....
Its a definate goer, EDL have ideas of putting out a team of at least 50 to have a go, they are doing some reccying as we speak. On the back of last nights shenanigans in the Dam its possible that this may have frced the hand of some United but more likely to be ''up for it irregulars'' than firm.
no surrender! no liaison with plod! we march when we want blah blah oops"! )*( [thats a bottom hole]
'Liason meeting with GMP went really well today. EDL have applied for a march and due to the peaceful nature of our Leicester march it is unlikely to be refused.'
They won't get any of their own supporters to turn up for this. Would you turn up, risk arrest and a beating, just to placate Tommy and Kevin's ego? It's incredibly stupid, and will drive a wedge between the leadership and the useful idiots in the EDL.

EDL members aren't interesting in picking fights with people who are capable of fighting back, as thousands of Ajax supporters will be. They're cowards who attack weak targets when they have more numbers. They have neither here, so I get the feeling a lot of EDL will just not turn up. Quite wise really.

yep, they have fared pretty pretty badly in MCR in the past, if anyone turns up, and if plod arent all over them, and city fans or utd fans dont get at them, then they shd have a clear shot at the ajax fans. )*( - this is shorthand for arses.
Some would say they have now deliberately blown it to get out of turning up but I do have my ear to the ground and its gonna take a few twists and turns until the night but without talking it up too much their is a fair bit of anti racist resolve amongst Utd both shirts and lads at the moment on the back of the Suarez stuff and thats another dynamic the EDL need to understand. More traditional is for Dutch hooligans to pre-arrange a meet further a field as stadiums and their environs are so heavily policed. This is a likely scenario but with EDL their m/o is more akin to slapping scarfers. More likely as with Roma at Old T a few years back theyll be noisy around the ground but Ajax have a fierce reputation and game as fuck against bigger odds as theyve had to prove when rowing with the likes of Feyenoord, Den Haag and Utrecht etc
Tomorrow's action is in Liverpool. EDL/NWI/CxF/NEF/BNP/ETC vs some dothery old IRA fellas. I can see some 'patriots' getting lifted by plod and others taking a bit of a shoeing.
i dont care how many times i see mr tommy getting his flag snatched, it still amuses me. he looks so meek and then they all run away.
fash threats about liverpool over on shirtfront and also singing the praises of emma west. she is, apparently, a hero of nationalism, ie, a drunken, loudmouthed, negligent parent! ah, boudicca wd be proud! )*(
i dont care how many times i see mr tommy getting his flag snatched, it still amuses me. he looks so meek and then they all run away.
How femmy is his 'run' when he jumps off the coach at Leicester1 just before he gets pounced on by plod...has he got stillettos on..someone get the clip on here!
Duffy got nicked apparently, I presume NEI Paul Duffy who I think has recently come out of the nick for attacking a non-existant SWP meeting in Newcastle.
Update from Liverpool - "Just back from Liverpool Irish Patriots RFB Vol. Sean Phelan march in Kirkdale, Liverpool. A bad day for Republicanism and anti Fascism as the fascists and loyalists mobilised and were in big enough numbers and militant enough mood to stop the LIPRFB and 6 Scottish RFBs and followers getting anywhere near Liverpool City Centre. Stopped after a few hundred metres on Va...uxhall Road. While bands of fascists roamed across Liverpool where were the Liverpool anti fascists? Thanks to the 20 or so brave young men from Manchester who stood firm and came through to Liverpool as committed anti fascists -they are the future.

As far as today is concerned this is the first time fascists/loyalists have stopped Irish Republicans marching in Liverpool- they will be emboldened and confident of stopping all republican and socialist marches in future in this city."

the eejits reckon they smashed up coaches, and the 'IRA' have been run out of the pool. media silence at the moment. nowt on bbc, echo, wirral news rag as yet! in the meantime relax with these charmers!

Just got a phone call from friends leaving the scene. Buses for the flute bands were smashed up, and the march was halted. Estimates of around 200 fascists. The blokes from Manchester were a combination of the original MAFA crowd along with 32CSM members and others. Reports of running confrontations with the Fash most of the afternoon, along side streets close to the march.

I agree with Delroy. People need to get their fucking act together to start networking and organising properly. Turning up to events and marches, whilst assuming that "fascists no longer present a threat (because the BNP are in decline, or the EDL are morons)" is just complacency and hands the opposition an easy victory.

On that latter note, the Fash apparently didn't get it all their own way today. But they stopped the march and managed to knock a few people about, which will give them cause to stick their chests out.

I think Bignose will be on later with a possible further report.
I think that anti-fascism has taken a back-seat for a lot of people because of the priority that anti-cuts stuff is getting on the left. That, coupled with the fact the EDL and BNP are politically moribund, leads to the possibility that people will ignore the EDL. Just because they're dead politically doesn't mean they're incapable of getting a few hundred morons out on the streets whenever they need to, likewise the underlying racism in society at large still exists and must be countered.

If the left pulled it's finger out 200 oddballs in Liverpool should be absolutely no problem, but we're taking it too easy.
liverpool antifascists have had a long history of successes and they have been busy recently. hopefully someone from liverAF can offer some details. nothing energises the fash like ireland!
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