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Dullest Film Ever

No, more that the first tool use was for violence for very little reason, I find that premise more disturbing than a Western with cowboys shooting at one another.

I get that. It's a negative take on the start of the journey of humankind but to me, that journey ends with a kind of elightenment at the close of the film.
No, more that the first tool use was for violence for very little reason, I find that premise more disturbing than a Western with cowboys shooting at one another.
So you don't like the idea that human consciousness comes with the potential for violence ? It may be disturbing but it's not exactly wrong is it ?
So you don't like the premise that human consciousness comes with violence ? It may be disturbing but it's not exactly wrong is it ?

I think it is wrong, as an archaelogist I think it is wrong, I think a lot of what we think of as the past (especially if you are talking about very early hominids) is coloured by our perceptions of society today, and trying to make sense of what it must have been like, and projecting modern values back onto that era. Incorrectly. Most of the reason I disagree with the film is because I am an archaeologist.
I think it is wrong, as an archaelogist I think it is wrong, I think a lot of what we think of as the past (especially if you are talking about very early hominids) is coloured by our perceptions of society today, and trying to make sense of what it must have been like, and projecting modern values back onto that era. Incorrectly.

But violent behaviour isn't a modern value; it's in all animals & always has been, no?
If you think the stone age was all about bashing each other over the heads then you're very misguided.
The prologue wasn't supposed to be a naturalistic portrait of all the Stone Age encompasses, it was a parable about the downside of civilisation.
If you think the stone age was all about bashing each other over the heads then you're very misguided.

That's a bit disingenous :(. I'm saying that violent behaviour is inherent, not just in humankind and it's predecessors but in all animals. The film deals with two groups of hominids and outbreaks of violence. It's not constant but it is present; just like it is today. But the film goes far beyond the limitations and possibilities of violence towards a spectacular jump in evolution when humankind can leave all that behind. I think.
That's a bit disingenous :(. I'm saying that violent behaviour is inherent, not just in humankind and it's predecessors but in all animals. The film deals with two groups of hominids and outbreaks of violence. It's not constant but it is present; just like it is today. But the film goes far beyond the limitations and possibilities of violence towards a spectacular jump in evolution when humankind can leave all that behind. I think.

And I think you're an idiot if you think that. At least I have some educational background in archaeology and palaeontology backing up my views. I can't really be arsed to get into this with you, because it's not that important to me to spend time arguing about it. Sorry!
And I think you're an idiot if you think that. At least I have some educational background in archaeology and palaeontology backing up my views. I can't really be arsed to get into this with you, because it's not that important to me to spend time arguing about it. Sorry!
I'd say you are the idiot here for not understanding that films deal with themes in an allegorical way and are not necessarily supposed to be literal representation of historical facts as you personally understand them (which in any case are based on spurious claims by you)

Did you get out of the wrong side of the bed today ? :confused:
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I'd say you are the idiot here for not understanding that films deal with themes in an allegorical way and are not necessarily supposed to be literal representation of historical facts (which in any case are based on spurious claims by you, to say the least)

Did you just get out of the wrong side of the bed today ? Massive overact ion here.

Haha! All I started off saying was that I didn't like the premise of the film, it was others who wanted to argue with me about it. I haven't over-reacted, I've just stated my views and knowledge. Honestly, I have researched hominid skeletal remains, and they don't have the defensive injuries that would indicate large scale violence between different groups.

And I don't like the film, is it OK for me to not like the film? I mean we are allowed to have our own views and opinions about films, aren't we? Or is 2001 the point where we have to conform 'or else'?
Another vote for The Deer Hunter here. I'm sure they were trying to make some kind of point with that movie but I don't know or care what it was.
Haha! All I started off saying was that I didn't like the premise of the film, it was others who wanted to argue with me about it. I haven't over-reacted, I've just stated my views and knowledge. Honestly, I have researched hominid skeletal remains, and they don't have the defensive injuries that would indicate large scale violence between different groups.
There was no "large scale violence" in the film, there was a single violent act.

Apart from that it is besides the point of what the film is doing, you trying to tell us that no prehistoric man ever behaved violently against another is laughable and a quick google into the behaviour of prehistoric humans makes your claims void.
There was no "large scale violence" in the film, there was a single violent act.

Apart from that it is besides the point of what the film is doing, you trying to tell us that no prehistoric man ever behaved violently against another is laughable and a quick google into the behaviour of prehistoric humans makes your claims void.

The whole point of that single violent act though, was that in the film it was posited as the basis for all violent acts since, a starting point.

And you are trying to warp what I have said. I am not saying that no-one in the prehistoric era acted violently, but violent acts certainly seem to have been less prevalent then (judging by injury patterns on skeletons) than they are today. All I am saying, is don't try to use a past that you don't understand to explain the violence of the modern world - because you won't find an explanation there.
Nobody is misunderstanding the past. I simply reject you literal interpretation that a condensed allegory about civilisation has to conform to your ideas about historical accuracy. The prologue is like a biblical parable and then it could be argued that the film goes on to shift our preception of god. If the film would be banging away at that one message about violence I'd understand your objection more, but it doesn't.

Going in cicles now, so I will leave it here.
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Nobody is misunderstanding the past. I simply reject you literal interpretation that a condensed allegory about civilisation has to conform to your ideas about historical accuracy. The prologue is like a biblical parable and then it could be argued that the film goes on to shift our preception of god. If the film would be banging away at that one message about violence I'd understand your objection more, but it doesn't.

Going in cicles now, so I will leave it here.

Well maybe that's why I didn't 'get' the film, because I don't believe in any bible or god, so shifting my perception of something that I don't believe in is not going to happen.
I hope you do all know that HAL is 1 letter up from IBM though, I think everyone knows that by now tbh.
Well maybe that's why I didn't 'get' the film, because I don't believe in any bible or god, so shifting my perception of something that I don't believe in is not going to happen.
I don't believe in the bible or in a god either, that's not the point. 2001 proposes a non-religious, scientific explanation for a creator, an alien life form whose purpose for us is not known. Many believe that the end takes us back to the start of the film, another leap in evolution. You don't have to believe in that either, you just have to be willing to engage with the idea. That's what science fiction does, it proposes speculative ideas based in science, which for some of us are enjoyable to engage with on a theoretical level.
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I don't believe in the bible or in a god either, that's not the point. 2001 proposes a non-religious, scientific explanation for a creator, an alien life form whose purpose for us is not known. Many believe that the end takes us back to the start of the film, another leap in evolution. You don't have to believe in that either, you just have to be willing to engage with the idea. That's what science fiction does, it proposes speculative ideas based in science, which for some of us are enjoyable to engage with on a theoretical level.

Yeah, I'm not willing to engage with that idea tbh, I like sci-fi and am prepared for the occasional suspension of disbelief, but it's a shit idea (IMO). Is it really that big a deal to you that I don't like the film?
Yeah, I'm not willing to engage with that idea tbh, I like sci-fi and am prepared for the occasional suspension of disbelief, but it's a shit idea (IMO). Is it really that big a deal to you that I don't like the film?
I thought we are on a forum to discuss ideas but don't worry, this is the post where I definitely stopped caring as you have nothing more interesting to say than "it's a shit idea"
I thought we are on a forum to discuss ideas but don't worry, this is the post where I definitely stopped caring as you have nothing more interesting to say than "it's a shit idea"

Have you not been around the rest of the boards? :D You're hilarious :D

If you HAVE been around the rest of the boards, then you know this is also a place where people are able to say "nope, don't agree". Really sorry that I am unable to fall in line with your view of this film. Let's try to remember that it is just a film though ;) And we all are allowed to have different opinions!
The Good Shepherd.

It's got De Niro, Matt Damon, Spies, CIA shit, The Bay of Pigs ..... can't go wrong, right?

Except there's almost no spying in it.
You are more eloquent on the subject matter of cats, I give you that.
I'm eloquent on a lot of things, I find it very interesting that on a subject like films that is so open to personal interpretation, people feel the need to jump in and say "you're wrong". Obviously a lot of strong feelings here, I am very sorry that I did not enjoy or appreciate it. Live with that, it's not like anyone reads my favourite books!
If you HAVE been around the rest of the boards, then you know this is also a place where people are able to say "nope, don't agree". Really sorry that I am unable to fall in line with your view of this film. Let's try to remember that it is just a film though ;) And we all are allowed to have different opinions!
No, it's all about winning the arguement. Really, some people ! ;)
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