A cheap source of teeth for aquarium gravel
Cambridgeshire judge astonished by killer driver's earlier ban
Prosecutors are asked to explain why Liam Mansfield was not charged with a more serious offence.www.bbc.co.uk
Pissed on 5 pints, cannabis in his system, only got licence back 3 months earlier after a 12 month ban for a police chase doing up to 80mph in a built-up area. Kills one woman and comes within a hair's breath of killing her wife too. Six years porridge and 5 year driving ban (with three year extension, so 8 years )
At the bottom of the article reporting on this shitbag's behaviour is a link on the right...
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BBC not really got a leg to stand on here while they keep making shit like Top Gear that glorifies driving like a bellend.