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Drivers who don't indicate at junctions


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I'm sick of them. I walk a lot in London. And this involves a lot of crossing streets, particularly at junctions where there's vehicles approaching and I need to know if they're turning left or right into my path. If there's no indicator blinking then there should be no turning. Period.

I'm absolutely sick to death of cars and vans, just turning without indicating while I'm about to cross. Is it really that hard to pull the little lever? These people should get instant fines and be made to re-sit the highway code theory test. And do hard labour.
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I'm sick of them. I walk a lot in London. And this involves a lot of crossing streets, particularly at junctions where there's vehicles approaching and I need to know if they're turning left or right into my path. If there's no indicator blinking then there should be no turning. Period.

I'm absolutely sick to death of cars and vans, just turning without indicating while I'm about to cross. Is it really that hard to pull the little lever? These people should get instant fines and be made to re-sit the highway code theory test. And do hard lard labour.
Yes this and also not indicating to other drivers.
I despise non-indicators. It's so dangerous. Loads of them round my way, cunts in white vans or giant twat wagons who seem to think they have some divine right to not give a fuck.

Particularly dangerous when walking, as you say, and especially when walking with kids - I've trained mine not to trust that a car without indicators is going straight on. But also deeply unpleasant when you're driving near one of these wankers. Have had several near misses over the last few years.
Turning without indicating should be a fixed penalty.

There's a school of thought among driving geeks, that you shouldn't indicate when there are no other vehicles around. The reasoning is that you should be completely aware of your surroundings and if there are no other vehicles there's no need to indicate. The people who expound this theory are unutterable fuckwits who should be publicly flogged every day. As pointed out in the OP, vehicles are not the only beneficiaries of timely indicating, and even if there's nobody at all to see it, nothing is lost by it.
Turning without indicating should be a fixed penalty.

There's a school of thought among driving geeks, that you shouldn't indicate when there are no other vehicles around. The reasoning is that you should be completely aware of your surroundings and if there are no other vehicles there's no need to indicate. The people who expound this theory are unutterable fuckwits who should be publicly flogged every day. As pointed out in the OP, vehicles are not the only beneficiaries of timely indicating, and even if there's nobody at all to see it, nothing is lost by it.
Not indicating might be OK as long as drivers regard pedestrians as road users, which they should, and if they are going to cross the road, they will be using the road. But then, as you say 'just indicate'.
When I was learning to drive, 40 odd years ago, I was explicitly told by my instructor not to indicate at junctions where the lanes had direction arrows on them, on signs or painted on the road. I pointed out that pedestrians would not necessarily see these signs, but he insisted he was right, so we had an argument every time this happened. I always indicate.
It's the only thing I regularly get pissed off about when cycling. It's extremely dangerous to cyclists not to be indicating. Of course, in order to be safe I have to cycle as though everyone is an arsehole wanting to kill me, but it's just a tad more relaxing if people actually indicate as a sign that they might not want to kill me.
Turning without indicating should be a fixed penalty.

There's a school of thought among driving geeks, that you shouldn't indicate when there are no other vehicles around. The reasoning is that you should be completely aware of your surroundings and if there are no other vehicles there's no need to indicate. The people who expound this theory are unutterable fuckwits who should be publicly flogged every day. As pointed out in the OP, vehicles are not the only beneficiaries of timely indicating, and even if there's nobody at all to see it, nothing is lost by it.
If nobody sees it are you even indicating?
Turning without indicating should be a fixed penalty.

There's a school of thought among driving geeks, that you shouldn't indicate when there are no other vehicles around. The reasoning is that you should be completely aware of your surroundings and if there are no other vehicles there's no need to indicate. The people who expound this theory are unutterable fuckwits who should be publicly flogged every day. As pointed out in the OP, vehicles are not the only beneficiaries of timely indicating, and even if there's nobody at all to see it, nothing is lost by it.

Not just driving geeks - I have had this used as an excuse to pull me over by police when I was on the bike.

"Why did you indicate? - There was no traffic in sight, you didn't need to!"

"Force of habit - and you were right behind me"

"We don't count - You should drive like we weren't here!"

Moves closer.

"Have you been drinking?"

"Ok, get-on with it." - The usual breath test, bike check and producer followed.
It's the only thing I regularly get pissed off about when cycling. It's extremely dangerous to cyclists not to be indicating. Of course, in order to be safe I have to cycle as though everyone is an arsehole wanting to kill me, but it's just a tad more relaxing if people actually indicate as a sign that they might not want to kill me.

Not just cyclists - the old motorcycling adage of "Don't pull out until you see their wheels turning," has stood me very well, many times at roundabouts/junctions over the years.
Not just driving geeks - I have had this used as an excuse to pull me over by police when I was on the bike.

"Why did you indicate? - There was no traffic in sight, you didn't need to!"

"Force of habit - and you were right behind me"

"We don't count - You should drive like we weren't here!"

Moves closer.

"Have you been drinking?"

"Ok, get-on with it." - The usual breath test, bike check and producer followed.
I remember many many years ago being in the car with my mum and he she got pulled over by the police for unnecessary indicating.
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