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Donald Trump, the road that might not lead to the White House!

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That's the beauty of the message, everyone gets to transpose their own meaning as to who it's being taken back from - the liberals, the immigrants, the PC police, the gays, the bankers, the establishment...

Same goes for making America great.

People are pissed off at the current state of affairs for a variety of reasons, and this allows them all to vent.

They already have the United in USA; maybe they want to equalise in the titles stakes and equal this country's lead & become Great America?
Lion Guard
MARCH 16, 2016 AT 12:42 AM -"Lions Guard does not support confrontation and brawling. There is no need to escalate into fights as long as the forces of order uphold the law against these marauders. Find these braggarts online, expose them to fellow Trump followers, and if you see them in a rally inform security. The Secret Service and Trump’s security is well paid to handle these threats once exposed."

My bold added. So there are circumstances where fighting will be acceptable. Its like Germany in the 30's. What next, Trump Youth?
I read "@lionsoftrump" as '@LionSoftRump" :D

Edit: apparently I'm not the only person to read it that way. In fact it seems nearly everyone has. So I'm not clever after all :(
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Trump kowtowing towards AIPAC tonight, funny to watch him kiss the ring like everyone else
The speech was absolutely grotesque in both its cravenness and its demonisation of the Palestinian people, down to its characterisation of Palestinian children as wanting to grow up to be terrorists. The thing is though, what are establishment Dems going to say? Clinton gave a very similar speech earlier today, their talking point seems to be that he is inconsistent and not truly pro-Israel. Grotesque. AIPAC loved it though, even more than Hillary's pandering.
I heard he said Israel should fund their own shit, and America should keep out of it.

That won't go down well.

He sort of implied that they would and then talked it back before going and giving a disgusting speech to AIPAC.

The AIPAC crowd cheered Trump when he said that it was Obama's last year. I don't think that you need to be particularly nationalistic, pro-Obama or even American to consider that vile, in my view it's actually just naked racism. I obviously do not consider criticism of the US President to be racist but when you have Israeli and Zionist American right-wingers criticising Obama, he has given more in aid to Israel than any other president, for being insufficiently pro-Israel the main explanation for that is that that they have bought into the racism that pervades right-wing discourse towards Obama.
Cruz sinks lower than Trump.
Today, in response to the tragic Brussels terrorist attacks, Ted Cruz called for the United States to “empower law enforcement to patrol and secure Muslim neighborhoods before they become radicalized.”

Leaving aside the blatant violations of civil and human rights, namely due process, what would that even look like? Try to imagine your local sheriff’s department picking and choosing streets to patrol based on the (perceived) religious identity of the residents. It’s not a pretty picture.

And although this comes only one day after Cruz defended his choice of an anti-Muslim conspiracy theorist and hate group leader Frank Gaffney as a national security advisor, this call for securing Muslim neighborhoods marks a new low in Cruz’s efforts to marginalize and ostracize Muslims in the United States.
Call To 'Patrol Muslim Neighborhoods' Marks New Low For Ted Cruz
Saw a snippet (all I could stomach) of the AIPAC speech this afternoon...pandering to a anti-palestinian/pro-isreali State audience/vote.....YUCK :(
So the GOP look set to have a race between a big shit and a big shit, good for them. The more I hear Trump the more I want him to win, America deserves him.

Go Trump Go Trump Go Trump!!!!
The GOP and the loons that want him to win may deserve him but the rest of America and the world? What did they ever do to you?
You think the GOP want him to win, what on earth make you think that? Are you American? You seem to think the rest of the world will somehow be effected by a clown in the whitehouse. If they elect him then they will get what they voted for and what they deserve, I don't have a vote. Most yanks I meet seem to think the world starts and ends in the USA, when you point out that they have over 4 million people living in tent cities, they have the highest child poverty rate, the highest murder rate and the highest number of minorities in jail of any country in the developed world, they just say "fuck me, you must be a god-dam socialist".

I personally am rather prejudiced against America having lived most of my life in south-America, where those cunts decided to overthrow elected governments and put in their place killing machines.
tbf we don't have a good way of telling which choice would be worse for the rest of the world, if the front-runners win the nominations. Trump or Clinton, who knows?

Of course we have a good way of telling. It's Donald fucking Trump for Christ's sake. I'm guilty of taking the whole "oh they're all the same" line with politicians myself, but in this case I think it's pretty clear that Trump winning would mean WW3.
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