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Donald Trump, the road that might not lead to the White House!

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I know we all go on about hating politicians and all that, but it's so fucking weird and disconcerting to hear this guy who is just like a regular fucking ego troll with zero political nous, none of that typical political media training, none of the pr stuff, none of the slickness...

But it's not just that. He's the embodiment of a loud, obnoxious internet commenter. He's the slightly more articulate daily mail commenter, the person who will say anything at all to win an argument, even when it can be debunked in an instant, but that doesn't matter because he's right so there we go. He just doesn't care, in a far different way to what we usually see with your typical political lying. I can understand why his fans would like him, but god it's just scary really... an internet commenter running the world.

I have to say though, while I'd hate to have to make this decision, if I was absolutely forced to make a decision I'd rather it be Trump than Cruz. Cruz is very scary.
It appears the more drivel/hatred or whatever, the more certain people buy into it and lap it up.
I am waiting for the vote for me, else we come knocking on your door sort of thing.
I don’t like fighting with the pope, said Donald Trump. And we believe him | Marina Hyde

"I can only describe Trump’s latest manoeuvre as a “dead pope strategy”. One minute we were contemplating gospel teachings against walls; now we’ve got Francis trussed up in an orange jumpsuit. Yet again it feels as if Trump’s endlessly discombobulated rivals should simply unite under the campaign slogan: What Just Happened?

Answer, no one knows. No one dares to call it. Will it matter in the more Catholic midwest states or will it fade away when Trump chucks the next metaphorical dead thing on the table? Or the next literal dead thing – you’d be mad to rule it out. You cannot hear a single expert discuss any Trump move on the news who doesn’t self‑deprecatingly throw up their hands at the end of the interview and say that they wouldn’t dare to make anything approaching a prediction as far as the mogul is concerned."
In which Trump extols the virtue of torture and tells an entirely fabricated story about an execution to an audience featuring a t shirt slogan 'make racism great again. Yet we are meant to believe 'they' are the ones with crazed psychopathic ranting leaders and ignorant brainless followers? I can't make up my mind which is worse - the fact that someone as ignorant and vile as him can rise in the corporate world or the fact that someone as ignorant and vile as him can rise in the political world. Perhaps the fact that both corporate and political worlds are so fucked up that there is a place for a Trump in either.
Less than two days ago he was dissing the pope saying nobody has the right to question another's faith or religion, now he's dissing the President on the basis of a faith he's assigned him
Jeb in 5th


Jeb quit, or should I say 'suspended his campaign'. Carson's giant ego won't let him throw in the towel just yet though it seems, despite his shit results.
Come on Trump, there hasn't been this much entertainment in politiks for ages!

Yeah he's going to be fucking hilarious when he has the worlds largest army at his disposal.

At this junction it's getting worrying. It's Rubio or Cruz.
He's going to win, isn't he? :(
The latest bookies' odds show a rough chance of 20% of that happening. Clinton's is 50%, Rubio 20% & Sanders 10%. I haven't bothered showing the others for simplicity as they're less than 5% & I can't be arsed.

That also suggests 60% chance of Democrats/40% for Republicans winning. You can search under presidential odds, but remember, gambling is bad kids!
Trump will get the nomination, democrats will sully themselves with in-fighting, Trump romps in to the White House...interesting times.
Trump will get the nomination, democrats will sully themselves with in-fighting, Trump romps in to the White House...interesting times.

1. Trump has offended Hispanics and Blacks, and has zero chance of winning them back. If Clinton or Sanders loses the other will rally around the winner, because a Trump White house is unthinkable. I know plenty of Amercians abroad who will abstain unless Sanders gets the ticket, or if Trump is on the ticket. Simply put Trumps cannot win over soft democratic and the possibility of a Trump whitehouse will galvanise apathetic voters to vote against him.
The latest bookies' odds show a rough chance of 20% of that happening. Clinton's is 50%, Rubio 20% & Sanders 10%. I haven't bothered showing the others for simplicity as they're less than 5% & I can't be arsed.

That also suggests 60% chance of Democrats/40% for Republicans winning. You can search under presidential odds, but remember, gambling is bad kids!

There is just no way that Trump can win if he gets the nomination, it isn't possible demographically, he would need to get a higher share of the white vote than FDR and Reagan and that isn't going to happen.
If you want something to freakout about think about the fact that Trump is just the logical conclusion, with a few actually more reasonable policie thrown in, of policy positions held by every other single Republican candidate. Hillary Clinton is deeply unpopular and could easily lose to say Rubio or even Cruz who is undoubtedly much worse than Trump.
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