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Donald Trump, the road that might not lead to the White House!

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Fine, although I'm struggling to cast Trump in the role of Roger Casement in this little drama. If these claims have any substance, as the smears in the Casement diaries probably did after all, I don't think this case could be simply reduced to a question of kink shaming: given the number of women who cast serious doubt on Trump's respect for the boundaries of consent, given how divisive it would be with his constituencies on the religious right, etc...
frankly i am struggling to see how sexual misconduct could be used to blackmail trump when there's been so many allegations made his tendency to treat women as meat. if he says something dubious, if he's giving away secrets - if it's a honeytrap - then maybe. but there must be something more to this imo as it wouldn't be sufficient to blackmail him. maybe if he's being pegged by these prostitutes... but even then...
Interfering in a foreign countries electoral process has really been a rather common job for intelligence services. I recall reading that Italian self-assessment of US covert intervention in their politics during the Cold War rendered the country far less than sovereign. The US has done this a lot more than the Russians have. The Israelis have just been caught with their fingers in UK politics and there's a Brit connection in the current Trump scandal.

A close look at Trump would really worry any Kremlin backer. He has a short attention span and a genuinely dangerous tendency towards rash action when his self image is challenged. It looks almost like needy pathological narcissism. Trump boastfully sells his notorious unpredictability as a virtue. It probably was in the real estate business. Near perfect material for an intelligence handler; actually typical of major US traitors.

In early intelligence briefings he reportedly seemed perplexed that the US would hesitate to use its nuclear arsenal. After dismissing N.Korea's nuclear capability as a joke he was briefed by State for the first time recently. The rumour is the whole meeting was derailed by Trump quizzing them on the effect of a nuke on NYC. This is an entirely unqualified man far out of his depth with a very worrying mindset.

What I'd doubt is a cautious tactician like Putin who plainly regards the US as a very dangerous adversary would really want such a jumpy, easily offended critter with his hands on the nuclear codes. Putin wheels out tactical nuclear blackmail at the least provocation and makes speeches about the glory of dying for mother Russia. You could play a game of brinksmanship with a dull neocon functionary like Clinton or Rubio but not with Trump. Offend him and face the rage of a very spoiled thwarted toddler in command of the greatest military machine on the planet. And tiny Putin being a thuggish, jumped up former KGB Colonel will want to poke Trump in his entitled big bully's chest just to see if he blubs. This is a highly volatile combination and they are both in charge of planet killing arsenals on hair triggers.

If you're going to talk about people who are out of their depth it's worth remembering Bill Clinton lost the nuclear codes for months . In fact they disappeared from his custody and were never seen again .

Bill Clinton 'lost vital White House nuclear codes'

The Hildebeest would probably have copied them onto her server and emailed them to Anthony Weiner . Only for the exposure of her being hacked shed be conducting Presidential business on her own computer to evade scrutiny .

Furthermore the Hildebeest was going straight into a game of nuclear chicken with Russia over Syria . She was going to start shooting Russian planes down and bombing Russian air defences . No doubt at all about that . That's why McCain and these other lunatics are on the warpath against Trump with these dodgy dossiers . And the Brits too .

For some bizarre reason all of the above is considered presidential behaviour, simply because it's the Clintons . We are supposed to know our betters .
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frankly i am struggling to see how sexual misconduct could be used to blackmail trump when there's been so many allegations made his tendency to treat women as meat. if he says something dubious, if he's giving away secrets - if it's a honeytrap - then maybe. but there must be something more to this imo as it wouldn't be sufficient to blackmail him. maybe if he's being pegged by these prostitutes... but even then...

He's being delegitimised . The path out the door is being prepared . It's a coup in motion .
frankly i am struggling to see how sexual misconduct could be used to blackmail trump when there's been so many allegations made his tendency to treat women as meat. if he says something dubious, if he's giving away secrets - if it's a honeytrap - then maybe. but there must be something more to this imo as it wouldn't be sufficient to blackmail him. maybe if he's being pegged by these prostitutes... but even then...

He hasn't previously been accused of anything he couldn't deny, and as long as he can deny it the public will make up their own minds, mainly in line with the political prejudices. But, if there's video, it's potentially undeniable (although I'm sure he would try - "Did you see what they did in that new Star Wars movie?"). Plus, the allegation isn't just about sexual conduct, it's about the President-to-be having been compromised by the Russians.
He hasn't previously been accused of anything he couldn't deny, and as long as he can deny it the public will make up their own minds, mainly in line with the political prejudices. But, if there's video, it's potentially undeniable (although I'm sure he would try - "Did you see what they did in that new Star Wars movie?"). Plus, the allegation isn't just about sexual conduct, it's about the President-to-be having been compromised by the Russians.
i look forward to the cheers at the inauguration - "four more weeks!"
If you're going to talk about people who are out of their depth it's worth remembering Bill Clinton lost the nuclear codes for months . In fact they disappeared from his custody and were never seen again .
He reportedly lost the gold codes on the biscuit, which are apparently regenerated daily. They are part of the protocol for identifying the CinC. The VP carries their own set. Several presidents have been separated from/lost them in the past (Carter, Reagan).

More interestingly Trump has apparently shown no sign of attempting to appoint anyone to be in charge of the National Nuclear Security Administration (who manage and maintain the nuclear stockpile and oversee the infrastructure it depends on), the current directors of which will automatically be out of a job in 8 days. All other incoming presidents have long since by this stage indicated that they will retain the services of previous post holders for reasons of continuity, stability.

The Americans implied that their Israeli colleagues should “be careful” as of January 20, Trump’s inauguration date, when transferring intelligence information to the White House and to the National Security Council (NSC), which is subject to the president. According to the Israelis who were present in the meeting, the Americans recommended that until it is made clear that Trump is not inappropriately connected to Russia and is not being extorted – Israel should avoid revealing sensitive sources to administration officials for fear the information would reach the Iranians.

If Israel’s secrets are indeed not kept confidential, this is a serious danger to the state’s national security: Since the early 2000s, the cooperation between the Israel and US intelligence communities has been intensified. It was led by the head of the Israeli Military Intelligence Directorate (AMAN) at the time, Aharon Ze’evi Farkash (who even received a citation from the NSA Chief General Michael Hayden), late Mossad chief Meir Dagan and his successor, Tamir Pardo, who served earlier as the commander of one of the secret operational units that cooperated with the Americans.
Is that the hasbara already nipping at Trump's low hanging old plumbs?

Trump's just as liable to give the Israelis US intel they sell on to the Chinese as is traditional.
He hasn't previously been accused of anything he couldn't deny, and as long as he can deny it the public will make up their own minds, mainly in line with the political prejudices. But, if there's video, it's potentially undeniable (although I'm sure he would try - "Did you see what they did in that new Star Wars movie?"). Plus, the allegation isn't just about sexual conduct, it's about the President-to-be having been compromised by the Russians.

Actually he'd been gone for the aggressive lying to cover it up more than anything.

Like Trump, Pompeo has been a fierce critic of efforts to rein in the CIA’s torture program and a champion of keeping Guantanamo Bay open. While in Congress, he was a frequent guest on the radio show of famously paranoid Frank Gaffney, a man disinvited from the right-wing Conservative Political Action Conference after claiming that the Muslim Brotherhood had infiltrated its parent organization, the American Conservative Union. (In the Trump era, Gaffney has been brought in from the cold: After the election, the New York Times reportedthat he was informally advising Trump’s inner circle on national security hires.) Gaffney once called Pompeo “one of the most intelligent men I know in public life,” and the two see the world similarly. In February 2015, they spoke about President Obama’s use of the term “violent extremism” instead of “radical Islam,” a linguistic choice that some on the right see as a secret message of solidarity with jihad. Gaffney suggested that Obama might be conveying “an affinity” for ISIS’s cause, if not all its tactics: “the raising up of the Muslim Ummah, a grand rebalancing of America’s role in the world.” Pompeo relied, “Frank, every place you stare at the president’s policies and statements, you see what you just described … every policy of this administration has treated America as if we are the problem and not the solution.”

Like Gaffney, Pompeo believes that radical networks have wormed their way into every corner of the country. “There are organizations and networks here in the United States tied to radical Islam in deep and fundamental ways,” he said on Gaffney’s show. “They’re not just in places like Libya and Syria and Iraq, but in places like Coldwater, Kansas, and small towns all throughout America.”

Occasionally, Pompeo gestures at the idea that not all Muslims are the enemy but he’s often quick to assign collective guilt. In June 2013, he took to the House floor to falsely accuse Muslim leaders of failing to condemn terrorism in the wake of the Boston Marathon bombing. “When the most devastating terrorist attacks on America in the last 20 years come overwhelmingly from people of a single faith, and are performed in the name of that faith, a special obligation falls on those that are the leaders of that faith,” he said. Then he added: “The silence in the face of extremism coming from the best-funded Islamic advocacy organizations and many mosques across America is absolutely deafening. It casts doubt upon the commitment to peace by adherents of the Muslim faith.”
So encouraging, it would not surprise he if half the ME analysts in Langley were preparing to commit hari-kari with their favourite highlighter pens.
Grauniad seeking to shore up the intelligence report (adds nothing but emphasises the author's 'credibility'.... just can't stop my mind going back to 45 minute claims for some reason).
Intelligence sources vouch for credibility of Russia dossier author
Pissing aside, my pure guess is the report was broadly true. However without verification Trump gets a minor victory in all this. How things stand in 12 months is anyone's guess.

edit: beaten to it.
Listening to the radio now, they are using Russian words like they are dark encantations, reminds me a bit of how extreme Islamophobes use the term taqqiya.
if trump doesn't get shafted in the next week he will be president of the united states. and he strikes me as a man who holds grudges. while many people may want to see him depart the political scene before 20/01/2017, it seems to me less than clever to overegg this 'dodgy dossier' before its claims can be proven credible and not merely possible.
Must admit, I was wondering which way the conspiraloons might go on all this. Icke has been banging on Trump and Goldman Sachs:
Here’s How Goldman Sachs Became the Overlord of the Trump Administration | David Icke
... but must be itching to fall in line over his battles with the 'secret state'.
I'm disappointed no lizard people were involved. At a glance that appears to be largely factual.

Bloomberg ran this Goldman Is Back on Top in the Trump Administration.
Cohn and Mnuchin are poised to preside over a rollback of financial regulations that arguably threatened Goldman more than any other top bank in the years following the financial crisis. Most notably, Trump has said he’s considering a repeal of the 2010 Dodd-Frank Act that Congress passed to protect consumers and prevent a repeat of the financial crisis. Regulators appointed by Trump could also choose to give banks more leeway with certain rules, even if they remain in place.
Expectations for Goldman’s 2017 profit have soared since Trump’s win, rising by $543 million over the past month to $7.67 billion, according to the average estimate of nine analysts surveyed by Bloomberg. The firm’s surging stock price has been the largest driver behind the Dow Jones Industrial Average’s climb toward 20,000.
Goodbye Volcker Rule, kerching, kerching! You can almost hear the next global finance crash being pumped up.

Appointing a well known housing crash vulture Steven Mnuchin as Treasury Secretary was a pretty shocking affront to the Draining The Swamp line. Trump's finance team does look like a really stacked deck of predatory Wall St types but then what was one to expect? The guy plainly likes making a buck; preferably dishonestly.
The efforts to emphasise the authenticity are incredible. 'it mentions multiple places, I know people in the intelligence services and they do not take anything like this lightly'
The efforts to emphasise the authenticity are incredible. 'it mentions multiple places, I know people in the intelligence services and they do not take anything like this lightly'
yeh. well, if i was a 'loon i might say that all the intelligence types have something of an interest in shitting on trump at the moment.
Grauniad seeking to shore up the intelligence report (adds nothing but emphasises the author's 'credibility'.... just can't stop my mind going back to 45 minute claims for some reason).
Intelligence sources vouch for credibility of Russia dossier author
Pissing aside, my pure guess is the report was broadly true. However without verification Trump gets a minor victory in all this. How things stand in 12 months is anyone's guess.

edit: beaten to it.
Here's the Beeb's take on it:
Trump 'compromising' claims: How and why did we get here? - BBC News

Way short of the kind of threshold that will even trouble him, let alone topple him. Still, if anything does ultimately remove him from office 'Russian stuff' has moved marginally ahead of 'Rapey stuff'.
I have no faith whatsoever in the capabilities of the anti-Trump forces in the US. They are a wide ranging collection of hateable incompetents, then again how could they be anything else given the scenario we are in.
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