Johnny Canuck3
Well-Known Member
. But more worryingly because it comes from liberals it gets a clean bill of moral health in the mainstream .
McCain and Lindsay Graham are in on the act now too .
Never heard McCain described as a liberal before.
MCCAIN: And they have hacked. They have -- in the case of a little country called Estonia, they basically tried to cut -- shut down their economy for a while.
They have intervened -- here is a fundamental fact that -- and we may get to this later on. Vladimir Putin is a thug and a murderer and a killer and a KGB agent. He had Boris Nemtsov murdered in the shadow of the Kremlin. He has dismembered the Ukraine. He has now precision strikes by Russian aircraft on hospitals in Aleppo.
Let’s call Vladimir Putin for what he is. Does that mean you don’t deal with him or talk to him? Of course you talk to him. But you do it the same way that Ronald Reagan did. And that’s from a position of strength.
Face the Nation Transcript December 11, 2016: McCain, Conway, Sanders