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Donald Trump, the road that might not lead to the White House!

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I'm saying Americans in general are in good financial shape and the anger discussed so much during the election didn't stem mainly from economic conditions.
Aye, it was queer listening to seemingly educated middle class Americans repeating loonytunes assertions about how the Democrats were going to take their guns and their lifestyle and give it all to brown skinned immigrants?
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hahaha! I live in one of the most "progressive" states, and I actually really like where I live. I just can't deal with what's going on in this country. It's seriously affecting my mental health. Everything feels like a lost cause, and it's not just the strictly political stuff either.
Sometimes its important to switch off for a bit. Following the trump circus is enough to make anyone lose it. Don't burnout Miss C
Aye, it was queer listening to seemingly educated middle class Americans repeating loonytunes assertions about how the Democrats were going to take their guns and their lifestyle and give it all to brown skinned immigrants?
The most depressing stuff to me was the opposition to obamacare. Why should I pay more so some lazy goodfornothing doesn't die? I get that obamacare has big problems - an actual NHS would be miles better ;) - but the reasons to oppose it are depressing as they are kicking down, blaming those poorer than you, not those richer than you.
The most depressing stuff to me was the opposition to obamacare. Why should I pay more so some lazy goodfornothing doesn't die? I get that obamacare has big problems - an actual NHS would be miles better ;) - but the reasons to oppose it are depressing as they are kicking down, blaming those poorer than you, not those richer than you.

Aye, noticed that, the GOB went to town on that, but they had been doing it big time since it was introduced, buggerinhell how can anyone be opposed to universal health care?
The have very little were successfully manipulated into hating those who have nowt, as opposed to hating those who have it all, clever media manipulation if nowt else.
Aye, noticed that, the GOB went to town on that, but they had been doing it big time since it was introduced, buggerinhell how can anyone be opposed to universal health care?
The have very little were successfully manipulated into hating those who have nowt, as opposed to hating those who have it all, clever media manipulation if nowt else.
We see the same process here, mind, with the emphasis on benefits cheats, as if that were the real problem.
hahaha! I live in one of the most "progressive" states, and I actually really like where I live. I just can't deal with what's going on in this country. It's seriously affecting my mental health. Everything feels like a lost cause, and it's not just the strictly political stuff either.
Now I might be a bit naive, but in Australia the individual 'states' who oppose their federal Govt seem to be going their own merry way and showing the federal govt the two fingers, can't the progressive states in the US do the same?
Sometimes its important to switch off for a bit. Following the trump circus is enough to make anyone lose it. Don't burnout Miss C
The GOP spent the last 8 years fighting and filibustering everything decent that Obama proposed, even stuff that the GOP would normally have supported.
The Democrats now have the chance to return the favour, but without having to worry that any policies they oppose have even a kernel of decency.
The most depressing stuff to me was the opposition to obamacare. Why should I pay more so some lazy goodfornothing doesn't die? I get that obamacare has big problems - an actual NHS would be miles better ;) - but the reasons to oppose it are depressing as they are kicking down, blaming those poorer than you, not those richer than you.
The Repubs did the same thing when Bill Clinton attempted expansion of health insurance coverage. They went ape shit screaming Socialism! Government takeover of 1/7th of the economy! I happened to be in Seattle when Hillary kicked off the campaign for it. Right wing loons shouted her down and carried signs with hammer & sickles on them. The health ins. industry ran ad campaigns that scared the public & the plan died.
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Sometimes its important to switch off for a bit. Following the trump circus is enough to make anyone lose it. Don't burnout Miss C

yeah but it's like a train wreck you can't look away from :( and I want to be informed. trying to find solutions. I have also been thinking about solutions of how to make the internet better, because I honestly think it's part of the problem. not like my solutions would ever make their way into actual reality - but I hope other people with more influence are working on solutions too
The most depressing stuff to me was the opposition to obamacare. Why should I pay more so some lazy goodfornothing doesn't die? I get that obamacare has big problems - an actual NHS would be miles better ;) - but the reasons to oppose it are depressing as they are kicking down, blaming those poorer than you, not those richer than you.

even though it's a huge issue and incredibly depressing (and the fact that I too would lose my insurance - well, I would have to pay far more for it, and the frustrating things you can't explain to people like the fact that I've NEVER been offered health insurance through a workplace - not since the 90's anyway when I didn't need it) to me the most depressing things have been the sheer backwards-ness of everything and the fact that it's pointless to even argue with anyone if up is down and left is right and so on, and so many people believing any god-damn thing the right-wing media tells them, but then not caring if it turns out to be not true, and so on.

also the fear of violence / injustice towards minorities, women, LGBTQ, people with disabilities: basically anyone who isn't a white, aggressive male or their female partner (if she's lucky). the world feels very hostile. Like living in a sea of internet trolls gleefully intent on their own doom and the destruction of anything decent left in this country. I know it's not even the majority of the population by any stretch, but they've definitely become emboldened, and it was getting that way far before the election.
even though it's a huge issue and incredibly depressing (and the fact that I too would lose my insurance - well, I would have to pay far more for it, and the frustrating things you can't explain to people like the fact that I've NEVER been offered health insurance through a workplace - not since the 90's anyway when I didn't need it) to me the most depressing things have been the sheer backwards-ness of everything and the fact that it's pointless to even argue with anyone if up is down and left is right and so on, and so many people believing any god-damn thing the right-wing media tells them, but then not caring if it turns out to be not true, and so on.

also the fear of violence / injustice towards minorities, women, LGBTQ, people with disabilities: basically anyone who isn't a white, aggressive male or their female partner (if she's lucky). the world feels very hostile. Like living in a sea of internet trolls gleefully intent on their own doom and the destruction of anything decent left in this country. I know it's not even the majority of the population by any stretch, but they've definitely become emboldened, and it was getting that way far before the election.

From a friend on Facebook, talks about the collapse of the USA, Rawstory so not sure not the 'truth' behind it all.

His predictions are based on a model comparing the rise and fall of 10 historical empires, and decades ago Galtung developed a theory of decline based on “synchronizing and mutually reinforcing contradictions.”

For example, Galtung’s model identified five key structural contradictions in Soviet society that he predicted would lead to its fragmentation unless the U.S.S.R. completely transformed itself.

Galtung predicted the tensions between the repressed Soviet working class and the wealthier “bourgeoisie” with nothing to buy would lead to economic stagnation, and those economic forces combined with the push for more freedom of expression, autonomy and freedom of movement would — eventually did — pull down the Soviet Union.
Trump added:

So nothing to see here, just the president-elect of the United States publicly picking a fight on Twitter with a union - got to wonder how long it's going to be before this kind of shit is accepted as the new normal.

Perhaps this will get US uber Democrats to pretend to support unions. Not holding my breath though.


Well lots of jobs disappeared as agriculture mechanised and mammoth hunting really isn't what it once was. The labour market has always been changing.
On TNI Nuclear War Is No Longer "Unthinkable" for Russia
The fact that the strategy was being prepared in parallel with the U.S. presidential election is perhaps not accidental given two of its most noticeable features. The first is a slight but significant shift in assessing the possibility of the use of nuclear weapons from "unthinkable" to "unlikely." While the concept does not anticipate a high probability of a nuclear exchange occurring, it does warn that the risk of crises escalating between nuclear-armed states is increasing. The second is a very loud and clear restatement of classic Westphalian principles of how states should interact with each other in the international order: on the basis of absolute "non-interference in one another's internal affairs." Should a country not wish to operate from that principle in its relations with Russia, Moscow reserves the right to utilize harsh retaliatory measures to any perceived unfriendly actions.
Oh good.

"Say hello to my leetle friend!"

More here.
There is reason to believe that President Putin may view his recent upgrades to his strategic nuclear forces as an effective messaging tool which conveys Russia’s commitment to not only nuclear modernization but fighting and winning a nuclear conflict. Because the Russian tactical nuclear arsenal is superior in both size and delivery options to NATO’s nuclear arsenal, it is not unreasonable to believe Putin thinks he has the advantage and can force the United States to the negotiating table in the event of a conflict. Some of Russia’s modernization efforts are worth noting.

The Strategic Rocket Forces, which operate Russia’s ballistic missile force, fields a number of new intercontinental ballistic missiles as it seeks to replace Cold War era weapons. Russia is currently replacing its remaining SS-18 and SS-19 Mod 3 intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) – which were designed and deployed about the same time as American Minuteman III ICBMs – with SS-27 Topol-M and SS-29 Yars-M ICBMs, which were designed in the 1990s and 2000s. These ICBMs can be launched from silos and road or rail mobile transporter erector launchers (TEL). Locating and targeting mobile ICBMs is particularly difficult and gives the Russians an assured second strike. By 2020, the Russians will field the RS-28 Sarmat which is called the “country killer” because it can hold 15 thermonuclear reentry vehicles and is equipped with defensive countermeasures designed to defeat ballistic missile defenses.
My bold, well that's a little bluntly genocidal.

I'd anticipate Trump throwing tax payer pork at this; particularly on missile defence as Reagan did.
Trump picked 'a woman' for education, Betsy DeVos, for Education Secretary because she is an advocate of the conversion of public education into private education. A policy which sadly does not differ at all from that of Clinton, or even Obama. See, this is what I mean when you see politics exclusively through representation and nothing beyond it, it means that you end up seeing the world in these simplistic and wrong ways.

Then in that case you will have no problem in substantiating this very serious and for that matter specific accusation.

CRI any closer to a response on this?
I used to listen to The Eagle in Swiftcurrent and they'd have temps like that. I really got hooked hearing the weather report and the specials at the bowling alley. (yes, I'm easily entertained.):D

Something I miss from Prairie radio, is the Farm Report. I used to enjoy hearing the price of Durham Semolina, and about the prevalence of Ergoty. :)
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