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Donald Trump, the road that might not lead to the White House!

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Racists can do all the looking they want; the trouble develops when they open their fucking racist mouths.

The Democrats won their primary in 2008, sort of like how this morning I won the battle with myself to make myself a mug of instant coffee.
Every single horror that follows from the Trump presidency is the fault of the failures of the Clinton campaign, and their successes, thanks to the Podesta e-mails we know that they wanted Trump and got him.

Bannon, Flynn, Sessions, Trump. When you read or hear these names think Clinton, because they couldn't have done it without her.
Excellent piece, loads of good stuff in there.

But these two bits struck me.
Whether in Europe or America, the elite consensus to destroy any left wingers crazy enough to decry the state of things, in even the mildest terms, exists to preserve what they have now.

Obama and Clinton and the entire GOP establishment isn’t helping matters, choosing to be gracious at precisely the moment it is important to give Trump the cold shoulder. This is entirely the wrong tack to take.

There was great opprobrium among liberals when Rush Limbaugh declared, at the start of Obama’s first term, that he hoped the new president would fail. But now, this is perfectly reasonable — and far less offensive than helping the American Mussolini get comfortable in his new seat out of some misguided notion of chivalry. Obama is Limbaugh’s political enemy; why would he want his enemy to be successful? And so it should be with us and Trump.

It just shows the shallowness of their morality and politics that five minutes after labelling people as deplorables they are making nice with him.
Excellent piece, loads of good stuff in there.

But these two bits struck me.

I couldn't agree more with what you have quoted. This fetish for American reactionary state institutions threatens the future not only of the American people but the future of the existence of human life on this planet.

WIth a Trump presidency, everything is going to kick off sooner or later. Charlotte, Ferguson, Baltimore saw major uprisings during an Obama presidency. I am not an accelerationist, but it isn't exactly unimaginable to think that the same is going to happen only moreso with Trump. Might as well start delegitimising now.
I have to say that I find the proclamations of Obama at the moment bizarre, but perhaps we should accept them at face value. Perhaps he does believe that the 'arc of history bends towards justice but zig zags etc'. Unfortunately the planet does not have that sort of time to fuck about.
Excellent piece, loads of good stuff in there.

But these two bits struck me.

It just shows the shallowness of their morality and politics that five minutes after labelling people as deplorables they are making nice with him.

From your article:

But now, this is perfectly reasonable — and far less offensive than helping the American Mussolini get comfortable in his new seat out of some misguided notion of chivalry.

It has nothing to do with 'misguided chivalry'; but is instead about an understanding of democratic principles, and about putting the good of the country ahead of partisan politics.

Just because Rush Limbaugh and other Republicans would work to subvert democracy and put the Republican Party ahead of the country, doesn't mean that those who oppose them must sink to their low level.
From your article:

It has nothing to do with 'misguided chivalry'; but is instead about an understanding of democratic principles, and about putting the good of the country ahead of partisan politics.

Just because Rush Limbaugh and other Republicans would work to subvert democracy and put the Republican Party ahead of the country, doesn't mean that those who oppose them must sink to their low level.
It might be hard to remember back to how things were in the US government more than eight years ago, when bipartisan agreement and action was possible, before the Republican party in effect declared war on President Obama, in an effort to stymie any initiative of Obama's that the Republicans could thwart.
From your article:

It has nothing to do with 'misguided chivalry'; but is instead about an understanding of democratic principles, and about putting the good of the country ahead of partisan politics.

Just because Rush Limbaugh and other Republicans would work to subvert democracy and put the Republican Party ahead of the country, doesn't mean that those who oppose them must sink to their low level.

"When they go low, we go high"

One month before the election.
It might be hard to remember back to how things were in the US government more than eight years ago, when bipartisan agreement and action was possible, before the Republican party in effect declared war on President Obama, in an effort to stymie any initiative of Obama's that the Republicans could thwart.
Was that when Dubya was on the throne?
It might be hard to remember back to how things were in the US government more than eight years ago, when bipartisan agreement and action was possible, before the Republican party in effect declared war on President Obama, in an effort to stymie any initiative of Obama's that the Republicans could thwart.

Yes, I remember when Obama appointed Messina and Emmanuel to thwart single payer.
It has nothing to do with 'misguided chivalry'; but is instead about an understanding of democratic principles, and about putting the good of the country ahead of partisan politics.

Just because Rush Limbaugh and other Republicans would work to subvert democracy and put the Republican Party ahead of the country, doesn't mean that those who oppose them must sink to their low level.
What Idris said.
It might be hard to remember back to how things were in the US government more than eight years ago, when bipartisan agreement and action was possible, before the Republican party in effect declared war on President Obama, in an effort to stymie any initiative of Obama's that the Republicans could thwart.
See this is why it's simply not possible for anyone with class based politics to work with liberals. Leaving aside the rose-eyed nonsense vision of some bipartisan era, I don't want to go back eight years (or four, twelve, sixteen, whatever) to some shitty neo-liberal consensus killing communities, the very same love-in that has produced the populist hard-right, that murdered a million people in Iraq
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The book is definitely from his fascist period (which arguably carried on throughout the hippie stuff). He meant it.
Well ok. It was years ago that I read it, in my teens, early twenties (and I am aware since of his fascist leanings) but even so I couldn't take it seriously.

E2a also in which case the original film is a great pisstake and more how I took the book. :D
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March, and July

Why some Democrats shouted at a retired general at the Democratic National Convention

Retired Gen. John Allen delivered one of the most stirring, impactful speeches of the Democratic National Convention on Thursday night. It was a full-scale indictment of Donald Trump's foreign policy from the man who led the fight against the Islamic State.

But some Democratic delegates didn't want to hear it. They chanted "no more war" at the general as he made his case for Hillary Clinton and against Trump.

To be sure, this was a relatively small contingent, and it was easily eclipsed by supportive chants of "USA! USA!" for Allen. But it was the second time in two nights this scene had played out. There was even more discord when former Obama CIA director and defense secretary Leon Panetta took the stage on Wednesday. Protesters chanted similarly at Panetta and held up handmade signs saying "no more drones."

They were probably racists, sexists, whatever... communists?

Re: thought - optics tomorrow night - WikiLeaks

> Just a thought … in the Miami speech, the diverse crowd behind HRC holding > the little American flags was very cool – and at one point, a small U-S-A > chant broke out … Maybe something like this is already in works, but > wonder if tomorrow night, we should be more purposeful about generating the > U-S-A, U-S-A chants during her riff about the need for togetherness and > unity (assuming that’s still part of the speech), with people holding the > little American flags – since that’s what America is really about. Would be > a subtle, yet powerful, contrast to the angry white guy U-S-A chants at > Trump events when he spews un-American hate talk.
You know it's a bloody good that the Republican party, even Trumps' part of it, isn't fascist, otherwise the nonsense JC3 has come out with wouldn't just be stupid it would be actually fucking dangerous.

America was already get until [Russia]

Imagine being a person in 2016 who was concerned about the logistical specifics of a nuclear exchange between the US and Russia and thinking that it mattered. You would be doing that in between being a union-busting Democrat sacking unionised, almost exclusively black, teachers working in very difficult conditions in American comprehensive schools.

As Adolph Reed said in Class Notes

Cultural politics and identity politics are class politics. They are manifestations within the political economy of academic life and the left-liberal public sphere—journals and magazines, philanthropic foundations, the world of “public intellectuals”—of the petit bourgeois, brokerage politics of interest-group pluralism. Postmodernist and poststructuralist theorizing lays a radical-sounding patina over this all-too-familiar worldview and practice.

It is hard to imagine a situation in which that quote is vindicated more than the one we are currently living through.
You know it's a bloody good that the Republican party, even Trumps' part of it, isn't fascist, otherwise the nonsense JC3 has come out with wouldn't just be stupid it would be actually fucking dangerous.

I am far from convinced that Trump's faction, whatever that is I am sure that even Trump has no idea, isn't fascist. Bannon ran a Breitbart section called 'black crime', he said that he didn't want his kids to go to school with Jewish kids. Go and look through the archives on his website, I think that if we say that the sort of stuff he is promoting isn't fascism then nothing is fascism. I know the defence, he has Jewish people and black people who defend him. This is the logical conclusion of Clintonite identity politics, get a person from X group to legitimise whatever indefensible position and you are fine.
For reference.

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