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Donald Trump, the road that might not lead to the White House!

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This must be one of the 72% of Republican voters who 'doubt Obama's birthplace'...

An official in Tennessee’s Shelby County resigned over comments he made about the Ku Klux Klan on Facebook, CBS affiliate WREG in Memphis reported on Tuesday.

The official, David Barber, had served as the deputy director of the Shelby County Corrections Center -- until his resignation was accepted over the posts.

“The KKK is more American than the illegal president!” Barber posted.

“I TRUMP wins and obummer cannot start martial law, he will run to his new mansion in thaArab world to hide,” he wrote in another post, according to News Channel 3. “Hopefully the Muslims will eliminate him and mooshelle as queers.”

Official in Tennessee resigns over KKK Facebook posts
Listening to Trump

Leaning into the mic, face flushed, speaking with unhurried and angry deliberation, Donald Trump told a cheering New Hampshire audience: “We’re gonna bring businesses back. We’re gonna have businesses that used to be in New Hampshire, that are now in Mexico, come back to New Hampshire. And,” pausing for applause, “you can tell them, to go fuck themselves! Because, they let you down, and they left!”

The crowd roared its approval.

It has become apparent that very few coastal lefties, progressives, or liberals actually watched any full-length Trump speeches. I have a different problem: I may have watched too many. During early spring I went down a multi-week long, late-night, Trump YouTube rabbit hole. I found myself watching hours of raw video feed of Trump campaign speeches. Insomnia got me there but I stayed for the mesmerizing dada quality of the Trump show, and for the mind-bending experience of watching a reality TV freak articulate surprisingly subversive political truths about the economy and America’s role in the world.

Contrary to how he was portrayed in the mainstream media Trump did not talk only of walls, immigration bans, and deportations. In fact he usually didn’t spend much time on those themes. Don’t get me wrong, Trump is a racist, misogynist, and confessed sexual predator who has legitimized dangerous street-level hate. Most of all, Trump is a fraud. And his administration will almost certainly be a terrible new low in the evolution of American authoritarianism. But the heart of his message was something different, an ersatz economic populism, which has been noted far and wide, but also a strong, usually overlooked, anti-war message. Both spoke to legitimate working class concerns.
not sure his description of the electoral college as a disaster the sole reason behind his victory
I think Russian intelligence, the MAGA hatted guys with guns hanging around polling stations, and the Supreme Court (which gutted the Voting Rights Act 3 years back) deserve a fair bit of credit, too. :(
Comments from a fake-news writer:

You mentioned Trump, and you’ve probably heard the argument, or the concern, that fake news somehow helped him get elected. What do you make of that?

My sites were picked up by Trump supporters all the time. I think Trump is in the White House because of me. His followers don’t fact-check anything — they’ll post everything, believe anything. His campaign manager posted my story about a protester getting paid $3,500 as fact. Like, I made that up. I posted a fake ad on Craigslist.

Why? I mean — why would you even write that?

Just ’cause his supporters were under the belief that people were getting paid to protest at their rallies, and that’s just insane. I’ve gone to Trump protests — trust me, no one needs to get paid to protest Trump. I just wanted to make fun of that insane belief, but it took off. They actually believed it.

I thought they’d fact-check it, and it’d make them look worse. I mean that’s how this always works: Someone posts something I write, then they find out it’s false, then they look like idiots. But Trump supporters — they just keep running with it! They never fact-check anything! Now he’s in the White House. Looking back, instead of hurting the campaign, I think I helped it. And that feels [bad].

You’ve been writing fake news for a while now — you’re kind of like the OG Facebook news hoaxer. Well, I’d call it hoaxing or fake news. You’d call it parody or satire. How is that scene different now than it was three or five years ago? Why did something like your story about Obama invalidating the election results (almost 250,000 Facebook shares, as of this writing) go so viral?

Honestly, people are definitely dumber. They just keep passing stuff around. Nobody fact-checks anything anymore — I mean, that’s how Trump got elected. He just said whatever he wanted, and people believed everything, and when the things he said turned out not to be true, people didn’t care because they’d already accepted it. It’s real scary. I’ve never seen anything like it.

Facebook fake-news writer: ‘I think Donald Trump is in the White House because of me’
In November, interest in the Ku Klux Klan is about twice as high as it was at its previous 12-year peak back in March of this year, when Donald Trump did not immediately renounce an endorsement from former Klan leader David Duke. Interest in the Klan also spiked in November 2008, after the election of the first black president.

Google's data doesn't indicate peoples' sentiment toward the Klan when they search for it — whether they view it positively or negatively. It does, however, illustrate how the Klan is now seen as part of current events, rather than a relic of the past.

People are Googling the Ku Klux Klan like never before
It's easier to dismiss fears of a racist revival under a populist, nationalist, xenophobic president, when one is viewing the situation from a position of white privilege.

Those who do not enjoy white privilege find it a little harder to be sanguine in the circumstances.
So at what point?

(White privilege from Scotland)
It's easier to dismiss fears of a racist revival under a populist, nationalist, xenophobic president, when one is viewing the situation from a position of white privilege.

Those who do not enjoy white privilege find it a little harder to be sanguine in the circumstances.
This is a disgusting serious answer. As has been every one of your C&Ps and switch from rejecting racial politics to pretending to embrace it.
News reports in Canada indicate a rise in racist incidents here, since the election - sort of a spill-over effect wherein Canadian racists feel vindicated and validated, and more free to publicly air their beliefs; just like their American counterparts.

The effects of the election therefore have the possibility of becoming very much a live issue for people of color and other minorities, here in Canada.
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There has been a lot of discussion about whether Bernie Sanders would have beaten Trump or not, with people generally concluding that he would have won or not depending on what they thought of Hillary Clinton before the election. These discussions are usually based on discussions of opinion polls and so on.

One thing that is being ignored but is very clear to me is that Bernie Sanders is just good at politics. Throughout his political career he has repeatedly done so much with so little, whereas over and over Hillary Clinton has squandered massive structural advantage and has achieved basically next to nothing with it. I cannot imagine Bernie Sanders spending 1 million on internet trolls, nor can I imagine his campaign not campaigning in Michigan in order to play 'mind games' with a very active Trump campaign. A Sanders campaign would have actually made active attempts to win the votes of black people in Florida and Hispanics across the country, we can see that from his primary campaign. Clinton failed to do all of this.

You can see all this in the post-election stuff. Since Trump won Bernie Sanders has continued to do what he has done for ages, and Clinton failed to do outside of a handful of occasions when she was forced to do it because Sanders has already done it. He has attended protests, picket lines, expressed solidarity with Muslims, Hispanics and other minorities now desperately at risk from the Trump presidency while stressing that this did not mean he was dismissing the problems which drove some people into the arms of Donald Trump.

What has Hillary Clinton been doing? Well, when she lost she couldn't even face the room of hand picked millionaire and billionaire donors. She sent Podesta to do it instead. Clinton will probably revert to type and re-establish her family's long running friendship with the Trump family.
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I do not understand why people who desperately wanted Clinton specifically as president are not more angry at her and the DNC. I think Clinton is awful, but I still wanted her to beat Trump and I am furious. Her campaign fucked up so many times in so many ways almost all of which at various points were completely avoidable, people have compared the campaign to Dukakis' failures but I think that's being massively unfair to Dukakis who had nothing like the structural and strategic advantages that Clinton had and threw away.
I think Russian intelligence, the MAGA hatted guys with guns hanging around polling stations, and the Supreme Court (which gutted the Voting Rights Act 3 years back) deserve a fair bit of credit, too. :(
News reports in Canada indicate a rise in racist incidents here, since the election - sort of a spill-over effect wherein Canadian racists feel vindicated and validated, and more free to publicly air their beliefs; just like their American counterparts.

The effects of the election therefore have the possibility of becoming very much a live issue for people of color and other minorities, here in Canada.

Yep, "Go Trump" has become the cry of the proud racist, even in Toronto.

Griffiths said she eventually lost her cool and called the man a "f--king racist." She said the man responded by saying he was proud of that, then said "Go Trump"
Man on video yells racist insults, threats on crowded Toronto streetcar
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I do not understand why people who desperately wanted Clinton specifically as president are not more angry at her and the DNC. I think Clinton is awful, but I still wanted her to beat Trump and I am furious. Her campaign fucked up so many times in so many ways almost all of which at various points were completely avoidable, people have compared the campaign to Dukakis' failures but I think that's being massively unfair to Dukakis who had nothing like the structural and strategic advantages that Clinton had and threw away.

Her failure among white working-class voters looks even worse in light of how much she was trying to persuade the same voters in 2008 that she was the candidate for them, not that elitist liberal Barack Obama.
Her failure among white working-class voters looks even worse in light of how much she was trying to persuade the same voters in 2008 that she was the candidate for them, not that elitist liberal Barack Obama.

Yeah I mentioned this earlier.actually Obama's response to it was very funny.

Her failure among white working-class voters looks even worse in light of how much she was trying to persuade the same voters in 2008 that she was the candidate for them, not that elitist liberal Barack Obama.
He's wishy washy on many things but there's nothing inconsistent in those positions.
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