Johnny Canuck3
Well-Known Member
'When I take office, I will jail my political opponents!'
Shitforbrains asshole.
Trumps the sort of person I can see having people quietly removed once he's got the big chair and control of the security apparutus. He's an animalIf he did mean it - and I suspect he did - it means he doesn't care for the basic tenets of a democracy.
Donald Trump’s Threat to Jail Hillary Clinton Was the Only Debate Moment That Mattered
A Trump/Pence White House would rescind the Obama administration’s guidance protecting transgender students from discrimination.
Mike Pence confirmed the ticket’s position in an interview with Dr. James Dobson that will air next Wednesday. The Christian Post, an anti-LGBT publication, reported on the interview after obtaining an audio file in advance.
According to CP, Pence explains that both he and Donald Trump believe that concerns about which bathrooms transgender students should use can be “resolved” at the local level. He added that children’s “safety” and “privacy” should be priorities in these decisions — dogwhistle terms referring to the myth that trans students are somehow a threat to other students and should be kept out of restrooms that match their gender identity.
Pence is continuing to stand alongside trump. Maybe the donald has some dirt on him...
Thanks for clearing that upI think you completely misunderstand . I don't support this cunt . I oppose Clinton and every thing she represents and has committed ..along with her backers..with every fibre of my being. Genocide...I'll spell that out..GENOCIDE.. and the very least..should make one inherently unfit for office . I view the moral hysteria about Trumps record of shit talk etc with complete disdain. Compared to the death of millions and the deliberate destruction of a succession of nations , and the attempts to destroy more, Trumps bad fact he's a walking bad point..aren't even a blip. And I regard anyone up on their moral high horse over it as a total and utter hypocrite . Among other things, including latent racism .
So no, my choice wouldn't change in the slightest. In fact recent events in the middle east have reinforced that choice.
As has that latest debate .
A few more eggs in the basket of deplorables:
'Lynch the ni**ers!': This is how Trump supporters talk when they think no one is listening
See, this kind of thing pretty much kills everything else you say.... and even that rape victim..the child who'd been kidnapped beaten and raped that she took to the cleaners and cackled about on tape afterward ...
Pah, mere FACTS </CR>See, this kind of thing pretty much kills everything else you say.
HC was a court appointed defence attorney in this case. Basically, ordered by a judge to defend the accused.
On the tape she does no such thing as "cackle" about getting him off. She didn't get him off anyway as the prosecution eventually offered a plea bargain which the defence accepted.
The tape is from a 1980s discussion with a reporter about her life where he asks her about her career as a lawyer. She brings up this case and says that the defendant passed a polygraph test "which pretty much destroyed my faith in polygraphs, [haha]".
It's nothing like what Trump (and you) suggest.
The tape is here, btw.
I take the point that some have made about the polls and hidden Trumps (silent but deadlies?). Also after our general election and brexit, obvious problems with polls full stop. However there still seems to be a real shift away from Trump in the national polls - see this tracker:
RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton
As always, it's the statewide results that determine who wins, but the events of the last week do seem to be hitting him. May well have stopped the slide with his strutting in the 2nd debate, but isn't making any ground up, at least in the trackers.
Edit: actually, that doesn't seem to include polls after the 2nd debate.
Yep (see my edit). It's certainly possible that he will recover a bit after giving it the 'full Donald Trump' at the debate. Seems a bit odd saying that when his performance was all about aggressive body language, wild threats and displaying an ignorance of foreign affairs. Or perhaps it was the contrast to the first debate where he turned the dial down to just '60% Donald Trump'. But still, the trends in the polls are still not takes a few days to get proper polls done. It'll be wednesday before decent polls factoring the debate come in, and trump was sliding down hard BEFORE the debate.
Yep (see my edit). It's certainly possible that he will recover a bit after giving it the 'full Donald Trump' at the debate. Seems a bit odd saying that when his performance was all about aggressive body language, wild threats and displaying an ignorance of foreign affairs. Or perhaps it was the contrast to the first debate where he turned the dial down to just '60% Donald Trump'. But still, the trends in the polls are still not good.
I think the last few days will be interesting. There's always been a generalised assumption about elections where there's a high risk/radical/'out there' option - that the voters will shrink away from it at the last minute. The Scottish ref vote was as different to trump/Clinton as it's possible to be, much more reasoned and positive, particularly from the Out campaign. You did though see a bit of that going on there with the actual result more emphatic than a few of the polls. However brexit defied those assumptions, with remain in the lead over the last week but the result going Out.I think Trump can't past the 40% mark. Thats his core, and who he is pandering to. To actually win he's got to expand further than his base of white working class men, he's simply not doing that. And has alienated latinos, women, and african americans.
Wait we've been dealing with the RESTRAINED Trump for a year?