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Donald Trump, the road that might not lead to the White House!

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and if in fact Hilary gets in then the young people and females that voted for her deserve what they get .

WTF does that mean? And stop liking posts that denigrate you, rthur. Makes you come across an even bigger imbecile than you are, you anti-American fuckwit.
You get off on this, don't you? It's almost like you're trying to undermine Trump supporters by painting yourself as a lunatic. But you're not that clever, are you rthur?

Care to explain why young people and females who vote for Clinton deserve what they get?
pretty obvious in'it , Hilary voters would deserve what they get which will just be more years like mrobama's regime . Heck , I was out and about living between wherever and my parents house at 15-16 . When I got a job at 16 the world was my oyster with all kinds of stuff and fun coming my way . Then at 18 or 19 I got a good job , a job to keep if I wanted to keep it . If I got sick of that job I could just head out and get another good paying job , no problem after filling out a paper application . There was no being forced to live in my parents basement and being on Daddies health insurance till 26 while using a skateboard , bicycle or bus for transportation . I had motorcycles , a car , 10 acres of land , a house , kids and a wife at about 20 - 21 . Plus I had a good paying job with excellent benefits and a lot of overtime pay. Thing is that the things I mention are now pretty much gone for millennials and women and other liberals who are the likely voters for a Hilary presidency Krtek !!
pretty obvious in'it , Hilary voters would deserve what they get which will just be more years like mrobama's regime . Heck , I was out and about living between wherever and my parents house at 15-16 . When I got a job at 16 the world was my oyster with all kinds of stuff and fun coming my way . Then at 18 or 19 I got a good job , a job to keep if I wanted to keep it . If I got sick of that job I could just head out and get another good paying job , no problem after filling out a paper application . There was no being forced to live in my parents basement and being on Daddies health insurance till 26 while using a skateboard , bicycle or bus for transportation . I had motorcycles , a car , 10 acres of land , a house , kids and a wife at about 20 - 21 . Plus I had a good paying job with excellent benefits and a lot of overtime pay. Thing is that the things I mention are now pretty much gone for millennials and women and other liberals who are the likely voters for a Hilary presidency Krtek !!

er - the Democrats have supplied the President for twenty of the last fifty years, including the last eight. Surely voting Republican is what has done that to you?
pretty obvious in'it , Hilary voters would deserve what they get which will just be more years like mrobama's regime . Heck , I was out and about living between wherever and my parents house at 15-16 . When I got a job at 16 the world was my oyster with all kinds of stuff and fun coming my way . Then at 18 or 19 I got a good job , a job to keep if I wanted to keep it . If I got sick of that job I could just head out and get another good paying job , no problem after filling out a paper application . There was no being forced to live in my parents basement and being on Daddies health insurance till 26 while using a skateboard , bicycle or bus for transportation . I had motorcycles , a car , 10 acres of land , a house , kids and a wife at about 20 - 21 . Plus I had a good paying job with excellent benefits and a lot of overtime pay. Thing is that the things I mention are now pretty much gone for millennials and women and other liberals who are the likely voters for a Hilary presidency Krtek !!

You are a fucking liar, rthur. You ran a hotel in California where Bush & Reagan stayed, did you not? Do you think that sort of job is attainable for everyone?
when I went to SERIOUS work in about 1969 -70 I just applied for a job . My point is that these millennial living in their parents basements because they are unemployed or employed at low pay is a pretty new phenomana mostly happening since mrobama . And the same is likely to happen under a Hilary Agricola. ------------- Yooper
I'm not frantic, rthur the liar.
------------------------ frantic and obsessed ehh ?? My point is that the people that vote for Hilary deserve wot they get ! And generally those that vote for Hilary will be millennials , women and other liberals , the same ones that voted for mrobama Krtec . --------------- Yooper
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------------------------ frantic and obsessed ehh ?? My point is that the people that vote for Hilary deserve wot they get ! And generally those that vote for Hilary will be millennials , women and other liberals Krtec .

You don't like women and young people, do you, rthur the liar? Something in common with Trump.

Now, tell us about the hotel you ran where Bush, Reagan and Farrakhan all stayed.
You don't like women and young people, do you, rthur the liar? Something in common with Trump.

Now, tell us about the hotel you ran where Bush, Reagan and Farrakhan all stayed.
--------------------------------- women and young people are fine , problem is that some of them are not very smart as they voted for mrobama and will probably vote for Hilary Krtek !!
Oh and rthur

pretty obvious in'it , Hilary voters would deserve what they get which will just be more years like mrobama's regime . Heck , I was out and about living between wherever and my parents house at 15-16 . When I got a job at 16 the world was my oyster with all kinds of stuff and fun coming my way . Then at 18 or 19 I got a good job , a job to keep if I wanted to keep it . If I got sick of that job I could just head out and get another good paying job , no problem after filling out a paper application . There was no being forced to live in my parents basement and being on Daddies health insurance till 26 while using a skateboard , bicycle or bus for transportation . I had motorcycles , a car , 10 acres of land , a house , kids and a wife at about 20 - 21 . Plus I had a good paying job with excellent benefits and a lot of overtime pay. Thing is that the things I mention are now pretty much gone for millennials and women and other liberals who are the likely voters for a Hilary presidency Krtek !!

Can you explain how any of this is specifically a consequence of the last 8 years under Obama, rather than the result of 30 or more years of Neoliberal free-market ideology imposed by both Republican and Democrat?
---------------------- Geert Wilders , he is a good guy , he can give lots of good advice on how you guys can fix your problems . Course he may still be banned because of his Free Speech , I don't know . --------------- How did that banning petition on Mr. Trump go for you FREE SPEECH banners Stethoscope ??

Geert Wilders is an incoherent halfwit. Even when he has speeches written for him, he can't follow them, and goes off into odd rants. Free speech is all very well, but that doesn't mean people should be compelled to listen to the village idiot ranting while pissing his pants.
Can you explain how any of this is specifically a consequence of the last 8 years under Obama, rather than the result of 30 or more years of Neoliberal free-market ideology imposed by both Republican and Democrat?
-------------------------------- not interested in explaining or excuse making , only thing I know is that it happened under mrobama and that's where the buck stops . Plus hey there are many other reasons that I dislike mrobama like Americas open borders and my perception that mrobama is weakening the military and is also going after Americans guns . Hilary , she is just more of mrobama CEconomy !!
-------------------------- its better than being a weakling 'krtek' ------------- Yooper

So you're stupid enough to believe that guns make you strong?
No wonder your country is fucked.
It's not the guns that make you strong, it's using them appropriately.
Geert Wilders is an incoherent halfwit. Even when he has speeches written for him, he can't follow them, and goes off into odd rants. Free speech is all very well, but that doesn't mean people should be compelled to listen to the village idiot ranting while pissing his pants.
------------------------ so , you don't like Geert , well that's fair and is simply your freely formed opinion . I like Geert , I think he is a fine man . Main observation of mine is that you English banned him from entering your island as he was getting off his plane , wasn't it ?? I think that you turned him away at the airport . It was awhile ago I may have forgotten some detail . Anyway , I think that Geerts offense was that he was going to give a talk and show a film [fitna] to your parliament . Like I said , the details are a lttle foggy , please expand or correct me if I need it VPanda .
you can read an

------------------- no , I like Cruz . Also my views are very mainstream among Trump and Cruz supporters . Trump is my first choice right now though I might switch to Cruz depending on how things go .

Depending on how many of your buddies switch to Cruz.
Geert Wilders is an incoherent halfwit. Even when he has speeches written for him, he can't follow them, and goes off into odd rants. Free speech is all very well, but that doesn't mean people should be compelled to listen to the village idiot ranting while pissing his pants.
------------------------- yeah right , course I think that you banned him and it wasn't you that would be listening to him . Geert was supposed to give a speech or talk to parliament and show the film 'fitna' if I recall correctly . VPanda .
------------------------ so , you don't like Geert , well that's fair and is simply your freely formed opinion . I like Geert , I think he is a fine man . Main observation of mine is that you English banned him from entering your island as he was getting off his plane , wasn't it ?? I think that you turned him away at the airport . It was awhile ago I may have forgotten some detail . Anyway , I think that Geerts offense was that he was going to give a talk and show a film [fitna] to your parliament . Like I said , the details are a lttle foggy , please expand or correct me if I need it VPanda .

It's not about liking him or not. It's about whether he uses his position responsibly. He doesn't. He uses it for self-agrandisement, and to further minority politics. I'm not in favour of ANY minority politics being able to wield power over a democratic majority.
Depending on how many of your buddies switch to Cruz.
--------------------------- NO , it all depends on which one of the 2 gets the nomination . MY plan is to vote for Trump or Cruz depending on which of the 2 gets the nomination . Believe it or not but my choices are Trump or Cruz but if neither of those gets the nomination I will vote for Bernie or Hilary . I will not vote for any mainstream GOP establishment republican like GWB brother Jeb Bush or John Kasich , Marco Rubio , Paul Ryan as examples . And in closing , Trump is my guy but Cruz might also be ok although I have a few problems with Cruz VPanda .
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