pretty obvious in'it , Hilary voters would deserve what they get which will just be more years like mrobama's regime . Heck , I was out and about living between wherever and my parents house at 15-16 . When I got a job at 16 the world was my oyster with all kinds of stuff and fun coming my way . Then at 18 or 19 I got a good job , a job to keep if I wanted to keep it . If I got sick of that job I could just head out and get another good paying job , no problem after filling out a paper application . There was no being forced to live in my parents basement and being on Daddies health insurance till 26 while using a skateboard , bicycle or bus for transportation . I had motorcycles , a car , 10 acres of land , a house , kids and a wife at about 20 - 21 . Plus I had a good paying job with excellent benefits and a lot of overtime pay. Thing is that the things I mention are now pretty much gone for millennials and women and other liberals who are the likely voters for a Hilary presidency Krtek !!