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Donald Trump, the road that might not lead to the White House!

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today one of things you must do to be an astronaut is to be good enough in working russian. They in turn must be passable in english. Good enough to work at a technical level in that language. The soyuz module (russian) is still the escape pod for the ISS. Which, btw, would never have existed without Mir. So we have a diverse and wide crews, europeans, russkis, americans. I may be misremembering but I think some indian astronauts have also spent time up there in the tin can. Its not really about ass being kicked I'm afraid, its about spaceflight and rocketry and satellites for comms.
-------------------------- thankyou Dot but I dislike working together , I prefer independence and America first which has lately become one of the TRUMPS campaign slogan . America First has a nice ring to it ehh Dot ??
operation paperclip, the soviets did the same iirc. A lot viler nazis than braun became 'people we can work with' post VE
I remember one Farnborough, von Braun trying to get into the British Aerospace chalet without an invite, no amount of do you know who I am would convince the doorman
No, it isn't rthur. You're a parody - an actual American would be embarrassed by your rhetoric. You are anti-American with your xenephobic, isolationist views.

You've claimed on here and other sites that you are a Native American - why dally with disgusting terms like "cleansing" and speak of the gene pool?

I'm not your pal - I and others on the other sites stopped paying attention to your insane drivel - remember? Probably why you've decided to infect this board with your excrement.

Whereas your views are solid gold, eh?
don't mind working with my wife or other Americans , problem is working with foreigners and then sharing the credit and more importantly sharing the knowledge and experience Dot !!
It seems strange for an American to be anti-foreigner when so many Americans are themselves foreign or descended from foreigners. I wonder if this troll is working for Trump by wrecking the thread about Trump.
How do you feel about the first female president of the U.S.A, yooper? Must send a shiver of anticipation down your spine, especially coming so soon after the first black president.
How do you feel about the first female president of the U.S.A, yooper? Must send a shiver of anticipation down your spine, especially coming so soon after the first black president.
---------------------------- not at all . I think that you are talking Hilary and while I won't like her or respect her I'll live with her as the USA heads to hell . My perspective from my 66 year old view point is that whatever happens is not likely to affect ME . Anything that happens if a Hilary is elected will only really affect the younger generation and their kids . One example from mrobamas reign is the many young people from the millennial generation that can not get good paying employment . My generation though had good high paying blue collar jobs for their entire working lives . So , like I say , a president Hilary is not likely to affect ME GCitrone .
It seems strange for an American to be anti-foreigner when so many Americans are themselves foreign or descended from foreigners. I wonder if this troll is working for Trump by wrecking the thread about Trump.

In MASH (TV show) Charles Winchester says IIRC " My family has been having trouble with immigrants ever since we got there"
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