Monkeygrinder's Organ
Dodgy geezer swilling vapid lager
Which is more irrational though, to believe someone saying that climate change is a hoax, or has been over-stated or whatever, based on a deep suspcions of institutions generally. Or to be certain that climate change is a imminent and deadly threat to all human life on earth and then to vote for a politician, like Harris, that was unlikely to do anything meaningful about it. Both positions are deeply irrational. Isn't that the problem? That there is no rationality on either side. It may not be rational to support or believe Trump, but neither is it rational to believe that Harris, or Starmer, or the centre left generally has any solutions to the problems both the planet and individuals face.
And if you're a white, non-migrant, straight, cis man, just about surviving on a below average income in a precarious industry, then is voting for Trump irrational given he pledged to cut taxes and introduce tariffs to protect your industry? It may be short sighted, it's certainly self-centered, but is it anymore more irrational than voting for someone who you don't feel is offering you anything at all, just more of the same?
Yeah fully agree with this.
I think it's important as well to recognise that the bulk of the Trump support isn't necessarily the angry abandoned working class of places like Youngstown. To a very large degree it's the regular embedded Republican vote. Are people wrong to vote Republican? I mean I'd rather they didn't of course but I don't think casting a vote for a Romney or a McCain or whoever would get you characterised as an irrational, idiotic conspiracy theorist would it? I think the understandable revulsion of Trump as an individual can obscure that a bit tbh.