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Donald Trump: hands off our NHS! petition hits 131,000 in a day



As part of his visit to the UK, Donald Trump has just said that the NHS must be on the table as part of any trade deal with the UK after Brexit. This is a serious and direct threat to the NHS that we all know and love - so I’m calling on our government to guarantee that our health service will never form part of trade deal with America.

As an NHS doctor I know how valuable our health service is. First and foremost I care about my patients, and I’m seriously concerned that this could be the beginning of the end for high quality healthcare for all in the UK.

Opening up the NHS to US corporations would mean that the profit motive invades our NHS, patient data is up for sale, access to healthcare is rationed and we would be staring at a system, as in the USA, where if you can’t pay you don’t get care.

Decent healthcare is a human right and should never be a commodity to be bought and sold. Let’s send a message to Donald Trump to keep his hands off our NHS and ask the UK government to explicitly guarantee that it will never form part of a trade deal with America.

Our NHS is there for all of us at the best and worst times of our lives, it’s part of our identity, and it is not for sale. Please sign my petition to help protect our NHS.
Sign the Petition
join. the. dots. a post-Brexit UK-US trade deal is not going to be the easiest trade deal in history. The multilateralism that the EU represents is the best way to counter the animality and bullying that are, in the current iteration of the international system, part and parcel of all bilateral trade negotiations. Slap the lexiteers in the face, they are cunts.
join. the. dots. a post-Brexit UK-US trade deal is not going to be the easiest trade deal in history. The multilateralism that the EU represents is the best way to counter the animality and bullying that are, in the current iteration of the international system, part and parcel of all bilateral trade negotiations. Slap the lexiteers in the face, they are cunts.

Nah, fuck Corbyn for having no integrity to actually follow up his on 40 years of anti-EU rhetoric. If Labour had got behind Brexit from the get go, they would be miles ahead in the polls, and the Brexit Party wouldn't even exist.
Its amazing how everybody else but the people who voted for this mess is to blame :facepalm::D get behind what exactly? Still brexit supporters don't actually know what brexit means....
Nah, fuck Corbyn for having no integrity to actually follow up his on 40 years of anti-EU rhetoric. If Labour had got behind Brexit from the get go, they would be miles ahead in the polls, and the Brexit Party wouldn't even exist.

Don’t think the Labour Party would either, given the overwhelming preferences of membership and voters.
Its amazing how everybody else but the people who voted for this mess is to blame :facepalm::D get behind what exactly? Still brexit supporters don't actually know what brexit means....

It means leaving an unaccountable neoliberal kleptocracy, single market and customs union included.

If Corbyn had any spine it would also have included reunifying Ireland, replacing the house of lords with an elected chamber, nationalising key industries, providing state aid to British Steel, giving tax incentives and loans to worker managed firms, and having a Keynesian stimulus plan to smooth over any transition problems while the economy adjusts to being outside the EU.

Periods of crisis are opportunities that can easily be lost. Corbyn and his fellow left-remainers fucked it up. For now at least. Get your act together, people.
Wouldn’t this be more effective if it was the government petition site? Change.org can simply be ignored, no requirement to respond or debate.

It would be, but signed anyway.

It's gone over the original target of 200k, so the target has been put up to 300k.
The brutal US President made the scathing remarks during a remarkable interview with Piers Morgan on Good Morning Britain which aired this morning.

The world leader said: "In London you have stabbings all over. "I read an article where everybody is being stabbed. "They said your hospital is a sea of blood, all over the floors."

But his comments come days after 13 people were killed when a crazed gunman went on a rampage in Virginia Beach in the latest mass shooting in the US.
Donald Trump brands NHS hospitals 'sea of blood' with 'everybody being stabbed'

Proving once again what a complete fucking idiot he is.
Having difficulty signing. Registered my email ad but part 2 wont complete? i don't have Facebook or twitter to share the petition and for some reason it wont connect to my gmail so i can share via email..
Sort of signed accidentally (got an email from them, clicked a link to check it out but it was actually "sign up with one click"), but:
Wouldn’t this be more effective if it was the government petition site? Change.org can simply be ignored, no requirement to respond or debate.
This, a bit.

I think there is a govt one going around too, somewhere. There's probably a few, as is the way with these things. Always wish there was a bit more coordination on these issues, with a single well-argued petition with clear demands being the one that everyone signs.

Generally not the case, though.
Proving once again what a complete fucking idiot he is.

"I heard there's a sea of blood in those hospitals ... blood everywhere, people being strapped to tables and cut open, limbs being sawn off and incinerated, parts of people's bodies being ripped out and put in other people's bodies ... and you people act like it's normal."
It's pretty meaningless because the mechanisms to undermine the NHS are already in place. The ever constant drive for competition between the hospital's and the breaking of national blocks in place of trusts. The results orientated funding and pimping of new treatments and replacement limbs to doctors as well.
I'm with the this is a total waste of time option. In fact worse than a waste of time, this kind of vapid 'politics' is partly destroying more meaningful engagement. Bollocks to stupid online petitions and the idea they're anything good.
I disagree. It'll never replace actual political campaigning/protesting, but that's not for everyone. Petitions can raise the profile and awareness of an issue, and help remind people that they're not alone in being against something - and that may later spur them on to turn up on an actual protest or get politically involved.
Interesting interview with a an ex- trade negotiator in R4 this morning . He said this is not about the services in the NHS being sold per se, but about big US Pharma being unhappy with the prices the NHS pays for drugs which overall is about 30% of the cost to the US health providers.

Also, the NHS prices are used as a "benchmark" for about 25% (from memory) of the worlds health providers for drug prices against which they are compared for value. So the impact across the globe and the potential extra profit for the Pharma firms is absolutely huge if they managed to get a "transparent" pricing structure for drugs written into any deal. The cost of drugs for NHS procurement go up and this is then reflected across the globe = massive extra profits > at our expense. :rolleyes:

Yes my understanding is it relates to the supply of medicines primarily, the NHS getting good prices at the moment. Hard to see how US firms getting into supply would push prices up though.
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