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like buisnesses that can buy corprate membership to entertain guests, plus with the amount of people who work offshore in aberdeen that have a lot of free time on there hands to play golf, not mentioning the "international airport" that will attract the international guests . plus you only need to look at how quickly new houses sell in aberdeen to see that luxary houses will sell, aberdeen and the surrounding area needs new houses.
Carnoustie (like all the other courses alluded to) is a well established golf destination & Dundee itself has come a long way since the 80s. If Carnoustie can't make it with true championship status & a far better infrastructure, what chance does Menie have? Unless of course, the housing is the main thing.
None of this is reason in itself to dig-up the most sensitive areas, is it?
The rest is addresded in a managed & sensible manner throughout the area via the Aberdeenshire Structure plan, which this scheme totally ignores.