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Donald Trump got turned down!!!!!!!!!

Yup, right from the very beginning. :mad:

Well, Trump tells us that this scheme will make us the "golf capitol of Scotland" :rolleyes:

Dunno what St Andrews will have to say about that?

TBH, the only way this part of the scheme might work is if his "championship" course actually attracts a major championship or two but even then, most of the money involved is generated by TV rights & only a small part of that is accounted here. Anyway, the championship roster is set around 10-12 years ahead & the bodies involved won't even consider any course of Trump's until it is complete & playable - so that is @20 years before any championship might come here.

Even then, even if he lands the Open, there is no certainty of success - Both Carnoustie & Turnberry have an established reputation, history, infrastructure & a place on the Open roster. Yet both courses struggle - Carnoustie changed hands last year because its owners couldn't make it pay after renovations & Turnberry is currently up for sale. Again.
I certainly don't think it's a surefire recipe for success - to me it seems a ruse to build more executive-type box houses more than anything else. I'd be surprised if they stopped at 500.
Yup, the 500 houses is very much a phase one as there are two unspecified "golf expansion areas" adjacent to the development, as well as a principle in the planning application to expand the development up to 1200-1400 houses.

In addition, last night I found out that Pettens has just gone on the market - This the farm on the main road that juts into the scheme between the hotel/golf area & the housing part. About the last part of the land there (apart from Michael's) that Trump does not own. Offers of half a million & over.
No prizes for guessing who'll buy that then at some unfeasibly high price.
You don't need a crystal ball for this.
An interesting comment & link about golf course construction here:

First of all the main work in the making of a golf course is the chemical destruction of the soil underneath the golf course which covers the total area of the land that will be used.

Injection of methyl bromide - chloripicrin mixtures 8 to 10 inches deep and the soil immediately covered by a continuous polyethylene tarp.
This means that the chemical in the earth cannot evaporate or dissipate and is sealed in the soil, from fairway (1) all the way to fairway (18)....
If this information interests you please research the matter at your own pleasure.

This detroys any weeds or other grass types from taking root before the selected grass is laid!
And the chemicals are injected into the grass to make sure that nothing else can grow there.
Standard procedure is that all life in the earth underneath the golf course must be destroyed first!


Not exactly that respectful towards the rest of the surrounding ecosystem is it?

Looks like things will begin to get moving again at Hollyrood next week:

Trump Fiasco Councillor Loses Second Committee


08:50 - 28 January 2008

A councillor at the centre of the Donald Trump fiasco has accused his party of breaching procedures to get him kicked off an important planning committee.

Martin Ford, who was sacked as chairman of Aberdeenshire Council's infrastructure services committee (ISC) in December, has now been thrown off the Aberdeen City and Aberdeenshire joint strategic planning committee (JSPC).

But he has claimed the Liberal Democrats made the decision without adhering to proper procedures - therefore invalidating the change - and said he expected to attend the JSPC meeting as joint chairman today.

Mr Ford has suffered public criticism since he used his casting vote as chairman of the ISC to reject US tycoon Mr Trump's application for a £1billion golf resort near Balmedie.

He was sacked from his position as ISC chairman in December and last Thursdayhe was told he had alsobeen sacked from the JSPC after a meeting of the Lib Dem group on Tuesday, which he was unable to attend.

He has questioned the validity of the decision, however, and is now considering mounting a challenge.

He said: "I have queried aspects of the decision - the way the meeting was called, why there is no record of any decision in that respect in the draft minute of that meeting, and why nobody notified me after the meet-ing that a decision had been taken.

"I have been taken aback by the way it has been done.

"I'm sure my colleagues will be looking very hard at this if mistakes have been made."

Mr Ford's replacement on both committees, Peter Argyle, dismissed claims there was a campaign against the East Garioch councillor and said his removal from the JSPC was an inevitable consequence of losing his place on the ISC.

He said: "There is no witch-hunt. The position has traditionally always gone with the chairman of the ISC, and nothing has changed in that respect."

Mr Argyle refused to comment on any details of Tuesday's meeting but said he was confident the party could defend any challenges that may be raised.

He suggested Mr Ford could use the party's grievance system to deal with any complaints.

But Mr Ford's concerns were supported by Ellon councillor Debra Storr. She said there was no automatic connection between membership of ISC and JSPC, pointing to the example of councillor Rob Merson, who is only a member of the latter.

"They're two separate committees. There's nothing in the standing orders thatsuggests any linkage," she said.

The former Lib Dem convener at Aberdeenshire Council, Colin Millar, said "somebody's got it in for him", claiming Mr Ford had been "victimised unjustifiably" by the party.
Yes, there has been a concerted campaign directed against Ford. Orchestrated by one independant councilor in particular. Which of course draws all the attention away from the genuine concerns about the application. Very disturbing.

Some of the other people with their names in the public domain have also faced a worrying degree of low-middling level harrassment & annoyance as well. Not good!

In the meantime, Trump's men have flatly refused to go before Hollyrood to answer questions about their actions:


Once again, they seem intent on avoiding any form of serious discussion/examination of any aspect of the proposal, or their methods. :mad:
Oh dear! :D

American tycoon Donald Trump is being investigated over the use of a coat of arms to promote his planned £1bn Scottish golf resort.
An inquiry was launched by the official heraldic authority for Scotland in case he has breached ancient laws.

The Court of the Lord Lyon invoked a law dating from 1672 which means Mr Trump must register a coat of arms.

A spokeswoman for Mr Trump said they were working with the court to register the coat of arms.

The businessman has been using the banner on promotional material and official clothing while mounting his bid to create the resort at the Menie Estate in Aberdeenshire.


I'm kind of hoping this breach still carries some suitably appropriate archaic penalty.

Close confinement on the Bass Rock used to be a favourite for anyone offending Scottish Royal sensibilities! :D

In the meantime, things have been quiet whilst Hollyrood gets on with things & DC Thompson have finally killed-off the board where most of the local oppsition had concentrated.

Things are continuing on the Scotsman website FTM.
Pretty much anyone. Heraldic law is longstanding & the Lord Lyon has never been slow to act - Trump should be well-aware of that/suitably advised but most probably didn't bother.
Just been on the news that Donald Trump isn't getting to build his golf resort in the Balmedie area :D

Absolutely ace. It's been rejected on environmental grounds, 500 houses on a SSSI!!!! Do fuck off Mr Money can buy me anything :rolleyes:

I'm really chuffed :D

agreed. :cool:
Oh come on.. theres fuck all happening on the east coast of Scotland that defiance of planning permission to build and create jobs would leave the place in the exact situation that it is now.. where places that once were fishing communities have no income whatsoever .. So.. shall we stay the way it is.. where poverty and .. stubborness.. says that any new inovative investment should be blocked by twats on benefits and gubmnt that can't see further than the outskirts of the costly parliment buildings.. or conservationists trying to conserve an area that the human population are being reduced to living on dole money because there are NO jobs for them..

W hat the hell are the people from the east coast trying to stand up for.. You have fuck all except the flora and fauna.. Now that the fishing industry has taken 90% of the income away from you.. What the hell are you trying to protect.. A life on the giro..

Don't get me wrong.. I'm an east coaster.. Fae the Neuk.. I see investment in any way as crucial.. and given the situation of many places on the east coast of scotland.. take a chance or be stubborn.. Feed the birds or feed families..

If ya chose birds... or fauna and flora.. Don't breed as a human..

Move to areas where humans are important..

(where's that then.. Cities.. Burghs.. tsk.. )
I suppose it could be seen as.. Everyone in the East of Scotland is so secure and comfortable financially that they can gladly say to any investor to the region.. Fuck orf chappie.. we don't need your plans.. investment and jobs.. We're quaite financially well orf on this East coast to not need investment and jobs.. and the potential for any future wealthy twats who could possibly find an interest in making money here while making money for the country.. BECAUSE.. the birds.. and animals.. and sandbanks. and dunes.. and arseholes on councils.. thinks that us people come waaaaay down on the list of priorities .. cos they've been selling our assets off for a long time now (fishing..)and not providing us with fuck all as a replacement in any way except redundancy and a giro.. but.. they expect us to back them up when exposed to the truth that there is no investment but yours.. and we have to side with them to cover the embarrassment of the only investment the area is ever gonna get.. Can't have the people thinking their gonna mebbe get a job.. How would the Jobcentre staffed with lazy gits gonna deal with that.. oh. Agency Jobs.. That'll go right over the head of the local population.. and council..


I know what mean.. as a canny fifer..
If you think this has anything to do with jobs, or any sort of long term meaningful benifit to the area, you are sorely mistaken.

This scheme is an upmarket housing bubble, with a hotel development for the oil biz tacked-on the side - any potential benifit to the area is largely undemonstrated.

Look to your own area & the failure of not dissimilar schemes schemes likes Kingsbarns & St Andrews Bay - where more & more housing turns-out to be the only way to "support" such a "prestige" development.

Thing is, if Trump had chosen to work within the system, rather than try & railroad his untouchable "vision" through, he could have had it by now. If you leave the sustainability & wider buisness issues aside, the most sensitive part of the scheme is only a small bit of the total area. Its not a matter of the land elsewhere being unsuitable, his course architect has already built a "Scottish Links Course" on the plains of New Delhi.
I know where I'd like to place them! :D

(Out of idle curiosity, what's your project?)

I'm attempting to transcribe a manuscript, circa 1499, secretary hand combined with early Scots, with a dash of French. :hmm::)

And there's a few shields around the borders of the manuscript.

Do you want to see it?
Yeah, cool. Go on then. :)

And you're trying to find out what the shields are, are you? Why won't they help, did you forget to address him correctly, while wearing an inappropriate hat?
Yeah, cool. Go on then. :)

And you're trying to find out what the shields are, are you? Why won't they help, did you forget to address him correctly, while wearing an inappropriate hat?

The only way you can see this, google british library, ref: harley 6149 :(

eta: now I'll probably be banned from there as well. :hmm:
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