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Do you skip the slow songs?


This week the score draws are plentiful
Just listening to Searching For The Young Soul Rebels for the squillienth time and realising that The Teams That Meet in Caffs is as slow as I'll tolerate. Keep it moving FFS the clue is the band's name.

Different kettle of fish if you're GY!BE or someone, but if you're dealing in three or four minute tunes, keep it frisky I say.

To be fair, I'm probably undiagnosed ADHD.
Just listening to Searching For The Young Soul Rebels for the squillienth time and realising that The Teams That Meet in Caffs is as slow as I'll tolerate. Keep it moving FFS the clue is the band's name.

Different kettle of fish if you're GY!BE or someone, but if you're dealing in three or four minute tunes, keep it frisky I say.

To be fair, I'm probably undiagnosed ADHD.
Unless it's jazz or a small selection of folky shit, I pretty much only listen to stuff over 140bpm.

So yeah, I skip the slow ones and the quite a bit of the upbeat ones as well.
Just listening to Searching For The Young Soul Rebels for the squillienth time and realising that The Teams That Meet in Caffs is as slow as I'll tolerate. Keep it moving FFS the clue is the band's name.

Different kettle of fish if you're GY!BE or someone, but if you're dealing in three or four minute tunes, keep it frisky I say.

To be fair, I'm probably undiagnosed ADHD.

The Teams That Meet in Caffs is one of my favourite songs on the album. I love 'I'm Just Looking' as well though, it's slow but it goes somewhere. Builds up from a whisper to one of Rowland's best belted vocals.
If an album is put together properly - and they used to be shakes fist at modernity - the slow ones can be essential in changing the mood or colour of an album. But not two in a row. I know it's over followed by Never had no-one ever always grated on me. Likewise Sleeping pills and Breakdown off Suede's debut.
If an album is put together properly - and they used to be shakes fist at modernity - the slow ones can be essential in changing the mood or colour of an album. But not two in a row. I know it's over followed by Never had no-one ever always grated on me. Likewise Sleeping pills and Breakdown off Suede's debut.
I like slow. Was listening to Earth this afternoon. The Bees Made Honey In The Lion’s Skull. Try it and see if it converts you to slow.

I like slow too if it's supposed to be slow. It's when it's like more standard rock and pop and they feel obliged to do some 'slowies' like it's still the 1960s and they need some smoochy numbers for the couples or summin. They're always crap.
Music that is too slow makes me feel like I'm dying
I'm with you on this...I dont mind slow, its the message and energy of the track thats important, slow can be slow and powerful, slow and sensual, but slow and mopey - literally makes me lose the will to live. i've zero tolerance for it
Didn't The Cure get a load of stick for opening their Glastonbury set with a slow one. Brilliant.
Dunno, but it was Plainsong which kicked off all the Disintegration ("Prayer") tour setlists.

Speaking of Disintegration, Prayers for rain and The same deep water as you are next to each other but they're very different so it works fine
Actually I think the mid-paced songs are the worst. Fast is exciting, invigorating, bouncy and energizing. Slow is lingering, reflective, atmospheric and mournful. Mid-paced is just .. mid. Middle. Medium. Mediocre.

And yes, I had a dictionary for breakfast. With coffee and maple syrup.
I think the end point on this thread is that there are crap songs and there are good songs. Speed is but one component. You can have a slow song with shit loads going on, loads of energy and emotion.

Brompton Oratory...Into My Arms.. but two examples.
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