Well-Known Member
18mm OSB and Evo-stik Gripfill with a few this why my soundscape sounds like it is made up of lots of compressed fragments? The mid-bass sounds flaky and the upper treble somewhat gluey. I also feel that the grain of the imaging is randomy orientated. I wish I had had your advice earlier
I'm a little concerned that the wires from the cones to the terminals are in blue and brown, because I pulled them from some mains flex. All other speakers I've seen have red and black instead; can you advise on whether this may have a detrimental effect?
Yeah, glue definitely distorts treble, which gets stuck in it in someway and I've definitely heard speakers sound gluey to find they've glued em together. If the grain of the imaging is sounding randomly oriented then I'm guessing you didn't make sure the grain on the wood was all aligned the right way when you put it together?
All of these little things add up, I'm sure your speakers will sound great and no doubt better than comparatively priced speakers you could go out and buy, cos they've been built exactly for you and your room, but they could be just that little bit better.
I offer audiophile speaker building courses at the low, low rate of £100k for a weeks residential or £50k for distance learning package. Residential package includes everything you need to build a speaker the BigTom way, tailored to your needs of course. Perhaps once you've decided you want to upgrade these speakers you could consider coming on a course.
As to the wires, my esteemed fellows have already answered the question I feel. I would add that I know people who swap around their wires depending on the music they are playing and whether they are looking for a warmer/cooler sound or something more specific, so the green cables are great when you are playing hippy music like Enya and whale noises cos it's more connected to mother earth, red for warm, blue for cool as stated. Black is for anything that needs real depth to it, white is like your middle of the road all round performer and what you should have if you don't want to swap cables around and don't have a strong preference for a particular type of soundscape.