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Do any men here wear high-waisted trousers


Apparently low-waisted trousers are very 90s and mean you don't keep up with the times. A bit like how elderly men used to wear beige. Are you becoming an elderly man or have you updated your waistedness?

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platinumsage, seen earlier today

old man in a suit with his trousers pulled up high towards his chest
I have got this pair of chinos I bought for work online that are quite high waisted. And I hate them, it feels really wrong and badly fitting. Luckily I can't abide tucking things in so no-one can actually see the waistline but they make me feel like a fat old man. I haven't spent the past 20 years successfully battling middle aged spread to embrace it now just because some style guru decides fat old men pants are cool.
I'm an elderly man with a paunch 🙁 and would prefer higher waisted trousers but they aren't easy to find. The lower waistlines need a belt to stay up comfortably.
I'd rather dress my age thanks. Ankle swingers are also in fashion but I could never wear a pair.
Prefer to make a feature out of my paunch than cover it up, so it’s a no from me. Could never get the hang of braces - they were very fashionable when I was in high school - Curiosity Killed The Cat/Dexy’s/Bros vibes
Wouldn't be caught dead wearing such legwear myself. As with shorts, there are certain garments which are an instant and unequivocal "no" from me.
I'm an elderly man with a paunch 🙁 and would prefer higher waisted trousers but they aren't easy to find. The lower waistlines need a belt to stay up comfortably.
apologies by the way if my post sounded like fat shaming - wasn't meant to and referred to my psychological issues about my appearance not a general view on elderly men with a paunch!
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