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Diss films that everyone likes

No Country For Old Men - Coen Brothers, if you spend a couple of hours setting up a big confrontation between your major characters it might be a really good idea if they have actually end up having one.
No Country For Old Men - Coen Brothers, if you spend a couple of hours setting up a big confrontation between your major characters it might be a really good idea if they have actually end up having one.

coen brothers just make any old shit and everyone says it's great cos it has boring characters and stories from local papers as opposed to stories that you might be interested in like in 'conventional' cinema
The Godfather, would it kill him to enunciate properly and speak up, the fat lazy bastard.
The Rocky Horror picture show, fuck off to your mates house who's parents are away, to drunkly explore your own burdening confusion about your sexuality in private.
David Cunting Lynch - yeah yeah yeah you know how to be 'weird'. I got the message. You should have done the Elephant Man and be done with it.

Anyone who thinks Donnie Darko is a poor man's Lynch film really quite frankly needs to be taken out the back and administered a good, hard beating.

Donnie Darko is a great teen film with real genuine 80s pastiche and real human characters.

i think by being sincere and earnest, you may have missed the entire point of the thread
Donnie darko-an even shitter david lynch style film for teenage emos who want smething to watch while drinking thier red wine and generally being cunts.

fast and the furious - it's just a film made for chavy, working-class teenagers to drool over cars they will never be able to afford
Closer – I'd rather eat my own shit than shag Natalie 'crap in everything she's ever appeared in' Portman.
Fight club - Brad Pitt tries to prove how hip and trendy he is, but fails so miserably he is made to look cool by Edward Norton. Now that's saying something.
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