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Diss films that everyone likes

Fargo - Basically a film to reassure middle class people that they are cleverer than working class people
Bicycle Thieves - A bloke walking round a trashed city with a kid for 2 hours. can't we watch transformers?
starship troopers - stop fooling yourself. it's not a satirical comment on fascism, it's just an action film with bugs
Once upon a time in the west - This is supposed to be a film is it? Really? Shouldn't things happen in films?
Withnail and I - Based on the idea that pissed up posh wankers are entertaining. Would rather be bummed by Uncle Monty than watch it again.
All of David Lynch's films except the Elephant Man - Pretentious twat impresses the easily impressed with a load of nonsensical shite that has about as much hidden meaning as a low budget porn film.
pulp fiction - everyone in the film is a poser and talks like a cunt. it's not a wonder so many cunts like it
la dolce vita - it's basically a film about the scenes from a porn film before they start shagging but you don't get any porn
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