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Diesel Idlers

If you run to Brighton every couple of weeks the car battery shoudl ghhet a good enough charge, and unless the batter's dud should hold a charge more than a couple of weeks, IMHO

you sure you've not got a current leak somewhere inyour car? Even somthing small and unseen like a boot or glove box light left on will drain it.
If you want to park round where I live they charge an extra £2 per hour for diesel cars, if I get back at 6:15 I’ll just drive around or idle until it’s 6:30 when I can park for free. Probably not the intent of the policy.
Why do people do this with their cars? There is one right outside my house now that's been at it for 45 minutes. It's so irritating.

I don't want to be one of those guys who puts on a dressing gown an goes out to ask at 11 at night, but it's noisy and smelly. What could the reason be??? I don't drive so I don't know if it's a car thing.
He's gone now and walked down the end and out of the street. Wtf. You don't need the engine on to listen to the radio or whatever do you? He's not even in his own street. So weird, well over an hour.
It would be very, very wrong to go out and shove a spud onto the end of the exhaust pipe. Especially as it would probably take long enough to have an effect that you could be back indoors before anyone noticed.
For cabs it seems particularly daft, as they're likely to be the ones doing it for the longest period, and just because you're motionless, if your engine's running you're using fuel. I can only presume that either they don't know this or that their employer pays for the fuel.

This is one advantage I can see to electric cars, which don't produce fuel fumes at the point of use.
Cabs and other private hire drivers keep their engines running for customers. Warm car to greet you in winter. Fresh a/c car in summer. It Is what we expect. Trucks often idle to keep the refrigeration on in summer.

Some people are just idiots mind.
Don't get me started on "thermo-king" trailers.
There's one on the quay at Whitehaven - it makes a humungous racket when the chiller's running.

One of the reasons older buses kept the engine on was the need to keep the 5h1t fuel warm enough, although idling was officially discouraged at bus stations. Some older dmu's have the same problem ...
Cabs and other private hire drivers keep their engines running for customers. Warm car to greet you in winter. Fresh a/c car in summer. It Is what we expect.

No air con in black cabs and they're never that warm in winter. And most I've been in have fucked suspension. Give me a Prius anyday.
No air con in black cabs and they're never that warm in winter. And most I've been in have fucked suspension. Give me a Prius anyday.

We have them some of them in Perth. They had to have air con retrofitted and works about as well you would imagine. They were the brainchild of former state transport minister Troy "Buzzer" Buswell who had to resign after repeatedly crashing his car while pissed, simulating sex with a notable local property developer at a party and conspicuously sniffing a female colleague's chair. He is considered to be, what is referred to in local parlance, "a fuckin legend".
No air con in black cabs and they're never that warm in winter. And most I've been in have fucked suspension. Give me a Prius anyday.

Few cabs are black cabs. London is an exception of course. I would guess many of them are anxiously concerned about their starter motor. Was common to see them bump started when I lived in London.
For use near schools:

It's great UK's taking seriously air pollution, well all pollutions really, and making an effort to control them, usually by making people pay.

But, and I am sure this has been said before, makes not one iota what happens here or Europe to control it, until places like Russia/India/China/USA/SE Asia do something, they probably pollute more in a day that Europe combines.

My 2c worth
Lambeth Council's noise reporting webpage specifically says that the council will not act on complaints about idling engine noise. So it's clearly a big problem but one they can do nothing about. Or can't be arsed to do anything about.
Saw a car idling in Asda car park just now. Just the children in the car, whilst presumably parent was shopping. The oldest child i saw was about 13 . What could possibly go wrong? :eek:
It's great UK's taking seriously air pollution, well all pollutions really, and making an effort to control them, usually by making people pay.

But, and I am sure this has been said before, makes not one iota what happens here or Europe to control it, until places like Russia/India/China/USA/SE Asia do something, they probably pollute more in a day that Europe combines.

My 2c worth

Depends on the type of pollution. Solid particles don't stay in the air indefinitely the way your CO2, sulphur dioxide etc do, so their effects on health will be greatest over a limited area close to where they're produced. This kind of pollution also fluctuates more rapidly: a bad traffic day combined with hot temperatures, little wind and low humidity can create a major peak in both pollution levels and the ill effects thereof.

One good example is the massive improvement in London's air quality observed when lots of streets are closed for the marathon. Someone with asthma or COPD will notice this difference.
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It's great UK's taking seriously air pollution, well all pollutions really, and making an effort to control them, usually by making people pay.

It's had a bit of media exposure recently, but policy-wise little has been done. Johnson prevented the western expansion of the congestion charge zone in London, and fuel duty has been frozen for eight years now. Road expansion continues throughout the country, thereby inducing greater mileage driven. Air Quality Management Areas are in place around the country. However, I'm not sure too much money has been allocated to local authorities to tackle them.
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Fines incoming. But can't see how this would even get policed to be honest.

Patience exhausted: UK drivers who sit with engines idling could face instant fines

its got no chance.

i was behind a cop car in slow moving (walking pace) traffic on a motorway for about 20 minutes yesterday. i'd say a full half of all the drivers within 50 yards of us were on their phones. nothing...

even if he'd just put the sirens on it would have stopped, but he could have trawlled himself 120 points with no effort whatsoever. nothing...
Does anyone have any authoritative data on the average fuel usage of a car idling? I've done as thorough a search as I can, and have found a varied range.

Similarly, the emission rates of CO2 and other pollutants when idling.
Does anyone have any authoritative data on the average fuel usage of a car idling? I've done as thorough a search as I can, and have found a varied range.

Similarly, the emission rates of CO2 and other pollutants when idling.

My mildly tuned (ECU remap, down pipe, intake, cat delete) Clio RS flows 1.2l/hour at 980rpm with no load. For comparison my GTR can flow 340l/hour when doing a "full send".
Thanks. This site (I'm just using the first I've come across) gives 2,303.5g of CO2 per litre. Is there any reason to doubt this for a stationary car?
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