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'Did We Land on the Moon' - Channel 5, 8pm (spoilers)

The astronauts could have left a mark we can see from earth but I'm glad they didn't.

They could maybe tune a telescope to the frequency of some lasers and shine the lasers at those mirrors they left on the moon.

On a REALLY long exposure.
There's a small array of mirrors on the moon... and if you point a laser at it it bounces back. Assuming you have a huge, huge laser handy.
Anyway, even if you did get a laser or powerful LED to bounce back there's no proof it wouldn't be reflecting off a large piece of crystal left by aliens
Thanks for.

This looks like it here

one to watch later.

that's the one - bits of it are hilarious (apparently 'Room No.' can only be anagramatised as 'Moon Room' - the moron), and bits are really convincing. Which is a bit worrying....
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Kubrick's connection with this fake moon landing mumbo jumbo is this- When he was making his adaptation of Thackery's Barry Lyndon in pre-digital camera days, Kubrick wanted to shoot interior scenes without artificial light and rely on natural candle light that would have been used in the 18th century and give the scenes the look of a Gainsborough painting.

His camera men told him to forget it but Kubrick was curious as to how NASA managed to film the moon landings. As a consequence he borrowed their bespoke super fast lenses (the Zeiss lens) with the lowest aperture f-stop ever used on a feature film-

The results were stunning-

Also any photographer or cameraman, with a reasonable knowledge of their craft, can debunk all this shadows on the moon bullshit in about five mintutes.

I saw a documentary about The Shining once, with 3 parts where 3 different people gave their interpretations of it. Was interesting; one of them was convinced there were lots of coded references to the moon landings and this proved BEYOND DOUBT that the moon landings were faked.

The interesting part for me is that I've been psychotic, and I could immediately see that the connections this person was making were the sort of logical leaps a psychotic person makes. Seeing some tiny thing and concluding that this DEFINITELY MEANS xyz. I know that feeling....
that's the one - bits of it are hilarious (apparently 'Room No.' can only be anagramatised as 'Moon Room' - the moron), and bits are really convincing. Which is a bit worrying....

What about "O moron"? Clearly it's a coded message which describes those who don't uncover the rest of the coded messages, although I suppose that means they're unlikely to uncover that one either.

Wake up sheeple :mad:
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