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'Did We Land on the Moon' - Channel 5, 8pm (spoilers)

I was wondering a) how you can stretch it out for an hour? (Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee sssssssssssssssssssssssssssss). And b) who would watch it?
I was wondering a) how you can stretch it out for an hour? (Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee sssssssssssssssssssssssssssss). And b) who would watch it?

Stretching shit to an hour is standard modern TV practice. Coming up in the second half of my post is all about dumbing down of TV

In this paragraphic we note the reduction of content in modern Tv and the repeating of everything. Stretching shit to an hour is standard modern TV practice

So there we have it dumb it down, repeat it and repeat it again and again ...... :facepalm:
I watched the programme and it does seem there is a questionmark over some of the photos. But it was a big propaganda coup for the Americans and so it's not unreasonable if some were touched-up (insertion of flags etc.).
Yeah we did. If it was ever in doubt, then the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera's pictures of the landing module and tire tracks are pretty conclusive evidence.

However it's also been suggested that Stanley Kubrick was involved with NASA and that he developed some staged footage for them in order to keep their advanced technology secret. A lot of the R&D was done while making 2001: A Space Odyssey. Allegedly there's also references to his involvement in The Shining and also Eyes Wide Shut :hmm:
Yeah we did. If it was ever in doubt, then the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera's pictures of the landing module and tire tracks are pretty conclusive evidence.

However it's also been suggested that Stanley Kubrick was involved with NASA and that he developed some staged footage for them in order to keep their advanced technology secret. A lot of the R&D was done while making 2001: A Space Odyssey. Allegedly there's also references to his involvement in The Shining and also Eyes Wide Shut :hmm:
intriguing post! can you post a link to those shots?
and what are the references?
intriguing post! can you post a link to those shots?
this is them


Buzz Aldrin, not Neil:

eta: beaten too it, bah!

Hahah never seen that bfore :D

Here's a little agit for the never-believer (Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
Here's a little ghost for the offering (Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
Here's a truck stop instead of Saint Peter's (Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
Mister Andy Kaufman's gone wrestling
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

Now Andy did you hear about this one
Tell me, are you locked in the punch
Hey Andy are you goofing on Elvis, hey baby, are we losing touch
If you believed they put a man on the moon, man on the moon
If you believe there's nothing up his sleeve, then nothing is cool
My theory is that yes, of course we / they went to the moon. However, some of the photos got fucked up by x-rays or something, so NASA did a bodge job in a studio - having gone to the moon they couldn't just come back and say "Oh, sorry people, the moon was super awesome, but the camera films are all screwed up, there's no pictures :("
My theory is that yes, of course we / they went to the moon. However, some of the photos got fucked up by x-rays or something, so NASA did a bodge job in a studio - having gone to the moon they couldn't just come back and say "Oh, sorry people, the moon was super awesome, but the camera films are all screwed up, there's no pictures :("

Any examples you have in mind?
Any examples you have in mind?

Yes, we did go to the moon. Some people think however, there's been a large number of retouched images released top the public.

Back on the Ick thread I got a little distracted, and ended up surfing all this moon conspiracy stuff ; so have a look at this , because its basically a conspiracists wet dream of madness,extrapolation and lunacy.



and this


Its Halfway Bugnuts out to Batshit land, but ....um.... very interesting. Not credible at all, however.
My theory is that yes, of course we / they went to the moon. However, some of the photos got fucked up by x-rays or something, so NASA did a bodge job in a studio - having gone to the moon they couldn't just come back and say "Oh, sorry people, the moon was super awesome, but the camera films are all screwed up, there's no pictures :("
It was truly amazing what you could do with Photoshop v000000.1 back in those days, eh?
Having watched the program I have no doubt the USA never landed on the moon.

<runs and hides>

,, 0;-)
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