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Did Jeffrey Epstein clone himself, or sell secrets to Mossad, and other questions

David Clapson

Well-Known Member
Some musician called Leland Nally wrote this 12,000 word feature for Mother Jones last year. In my opinion it didn't create the waves it should have: I called everyone in Jeffrey Epstein's little black book.

Maybe editors pooh-poohed it because Nally isn't a journalist? Maybe nobody read it to the end? Features are meant to have hooks which encourage the reader to keep going. Usually the big pay-off is trailed in a sub-heading or the opening sentence. But Nally structured it more like a novel, where you build suspense by holding back the good stuff. So he looks like an amateur, who may have made the whole thing up. It's impossible to confirm much of it. Anyway, here's a summary:

  • the rooms where the children/women were abused all had hidden video cameras
  • Epstein's contacts include many of the world's most powerful people
  • he wasn't clever enough to make his $600 million from investing. He swindled quite a lot, but how do you explain the rest? Blackmail? Fees from intelligence agencies? There have been stories connecting him to the CIA and Mossad. In '92 the MoS published a rumour that he was a corporate spy hired to go after embezzlers.
  • his plea deal when he was jailed for paedo crimes in 2008 was so absurdly generous as to be completely illegal. (Nobody's explained it. The prosecutor was fired.)
  • he claimed to have a laboratory in Mexico, for cloning humans

It's a great article...much better to read it all than go by my summary. If Ghislaine lives long enough to testify, maybe we'll get some more facts. I would be so happy if Prince Andrew is proven to be a liar and a kiddy fiddler.

In the meantime, the little black book is presumably still on 8Chan, so if you're bored you can call Melania, Andrew and sundry other members of the global elite.
Some musician called Leland Nally wrote this 12,000 word feature for Mother Jones last year. In my opinion it didn't create the waves it should have: I called everyone in Jeffrey Epstein's little black book.

Maybe editors pooh-poohed it because Nally isn't a journalist? Maybe nobody read it to the end? Features are meant to have hooks which encourage the reader to keep going. Usually the big pay-off is trailed in a sub-heading or the opening sentence. But Nally structured it more like a novel, where you build suspense by holding back the good stuff. So he looks like an amateur, who may have made the whole thing up. It's impossible to confirm much of it. Anyway, here's a summary:

  • the rooms where the children/women were abused all had hidden video cameras
  • Epstein's contacts include many of the world's most powerful people
  • he wasn't clever enough to make his $600 million from investing. He swindled quite a lot, but how do you explain the rest? Blackmail? Fees from intelligence agencies? There have been stories connecting him to the CIA and Mossad. In '92 the MoS published a rumour that he was a corporate spy hired to go after embezzlers.
  • his plea deal when he was jailed for paedo crimes in 2008 was so absurdly generous as to be completely illegal. (Nobody's explained it. The prosecutor was fired.)
  • he claimed to have a laboratory in Mexico, for cloning humans

It's a great article...much better to read it all than go by my summary. If Ghislaine lives long enough to testify, maybe we'll get some more facts. I would be so happy if Prince Andrew is proven to be a liar and a kiddy fiddler.

In the meantime, the little black book is presumably still on 8Chan, so if you're bored you can call Melania, Andrew and sundry other members of the global elite.
Do you have any actual evidence of editors pooh-poohing it?
The Netflix four part documentary "Jeffrey Epstein, Filthy Rich" is on Pirate Bay. Grim viewing, but responsibly done. Not prurient. It was first shown in May last year but I've only just made myself watch it. The legal side of it, the corruption and the manipulation are well worth viewing. I reckon it would even make good education for teenagers to help warn them about what some men are capable of.

Plus there's another Netflix three part documentary called "Who Killed Jeffrey Epstein", also on Pirate Bay. Not watched it yet.
Was Jes Staley in the little black book? According to the Graun he visited Epstein in Florida and went to the island. And he's stepped down today as Barclays Group Chief Exec because he's contesting the results of an investigation into 'the way he described his relationship with Epstein'. The inquiry made no findings as to whether he was aware of Epstein's crimes.

And before you feel too sorry for Mr Staley, according to the BBC he will receive a year's salary of £2.4 million as well as his pension allowance of £120,000 for the year, and any other benefits.

Corrupt bastard who was appointed to his role by a total idiot. I’m glad it ended in tears.
Ugh. According to the FT just now:
Jes Staley exchanged 1,200 emails with Jeffrey Epstein over a four-year period with content that included unexplained terms such as “snow white”, according to people familiar with the correspondence between the former Barclays chief executive and the convicted sex offender.
Resigns and still gets at least 2.5m quid. Tears, lol.
I was actually thinking of tears the company will be shedding. After their travails with bad PR in the post 2008 period, the one thing they wanted when they appointed Staley was no more bad headlines. To end up with half the public assuming they‘ve had a pedo perv at the helm is priceless and all that they deserve after allowing the barking mad chairman to select Staley based on advice from his Chinese feng shui advisor.

The same guy who replaced the entire fleet of executive Limos because their colour ”didn’t have the right energy” and had energy crystals embedded into the top side of the ceiling tiles above where he sat in his corner office. Barking mad, superstitious nitwit taking bad decisions which came back to cane the bank. Tears, yes, of laughter on my part. Idiots.

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