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Diane Abbott suspended as Labour MP.

Do people at her level have a secretary or office help, or does she just run that side of things herself?

I really would have thought the former who some of this stuff went by before being sent out.
Even her apology is fucking weird. 'I wish to disassociate myself from the remarks'.

You made them you idiot :D
Well I have to admit it the first for someone to disassociated themselves from something they wrote in the first place
The "white people cant experience racism" argument is a fairly common one in radical black race politics. It would be interesting to the thread to post a better case made for it than the one Diane makes. Perhaps some high profile figure will make it in response.

IIRC (may be wrong) at the heart of it is the separation of discrimination and racism as two very different things. Racism is created at a particular historical point as a biologised scientific rationalised excuse by 'Enlightenment' europeans for slavery and other colonial oppressions on top.

The argument goes that oppression of Jewish people far predates this moment, but not on racialised grounds. And so on... Its gives the word 'racism' a very precise and historic meaning. However, this argument is one that needs making very precisely and Diane's letter is an example of it being made messily.

Whatever the ins and outs she's a gonner of course, sitting duck for the Starmlinist purge
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I'm not a journalist but I'd want to check that what I was printing was an accurate reflection of someone's views especially if printing something obviously contentious.

She has lost the party whip so I can update this list of independent MPs, none of whom were elected as such.

Abbot, Diane (ex-Labour, following letter in Observer about racism.)
Benton Scott (ex-Conservative, caught in newspaper sting)
Bridgen, Andrew (ex-Conservative, misleading Covid propaganda)
Brown, Nick (ex-Labour, allegations of behaviour)
Corbyn, Jeremy (ex-Labour, response to anti-Semitism report)
Coyle, Neil (ex-Labour, allegations of inappropriate language)
Edwards, Jonathan (ex-Plaid, domestic abuse)
Ferrier, Margaret (ex-SNP, breaking Covid regulations)
Hancock, Matt (ex-Conservative, appeared on "I'm a Celebrity")
Knight, Julian (ex-Conservative, subject of complaint to police)
McGinn, Conor (ex-Labour, subject of complaint to party's independent procedure)
Pincher, Christopher (ex-Conservative, allegations of behaviour)
Rees, Christina (ex-Labour, allegations of bullying)
Roberts, Rob (ex-Conservative, inappropriate behaviour)
Warburton, David (ex-Conservative, allegations of behaviour)
Webbe, Claudia (ex-Labour, conviction for harassment)

I'm guessing we are not allowed to mention the name of the MP who arrested on suspicion of rape, sexual assault, abuse of a position of trust and misconduct in public office in May 2022, and who is currently banned from the parliamentary estate?
The "white people cant experience racism" argument is a fairly common one in radical black race politics. It would be interesting to the thread to post a better case made for it than the one Diane makes.
Yeah that's how I read it as well, stemming from a known strand of thought which seeks to be more precise about how anti-black prejudices manifest by differentiating that from forms of prejudice which are no less virulent, but stem from different factors and sometimes implement in different ways. But then mangled in the most car-crash way possible by someone way too embedded in the conversation to realise how normies would read it.
I'm guessing we are not allowed to mention the name of the MP who arrested on suspicion of rape, sexual assault, abuse of a position of trust and misconduct in public office in May 2022, and who is currently banned from the parliamentary estate?
For the sake of this forum's legal team, no. (And the MP hasn't lost the whip so doesn't sit as an independent, conveniently enough for them)
For the sake of this forum's legal team, no.


Fwiw I buy the first draft excuse. She's got form for fuck ups. Possibly cognitive issues connected with her diabetes, but what the hell do I or any of us know? I think what ska invita said above was what she was going for, and it might have been better expressed in the second/final draft.

I don't think it was a very good point to make even if it had been made well because it was always going to have an oppression olympics tang to it, and it rankles to see a published letter that seems to claim Jews and GRT folk can't experience racism.
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